Quantum Mechanics

Question: Which of these is not one of the four basic forces?
Answer: The four basic forces are gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force.
Question: What was the first antiparticle to be discovered?
Answer: The positron (an electron but with a positive charge) was found in 1932.
Question: In the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which two measurable properties of a particle cannot be observed precisely at the same time?
Answer: When a particle’s position is known precisely, its momentum is not, and vice versa.
Question: The square of a particle’s wave function describes the probability of what about the particle?
Answer: Max Born proposed this accepted interpretation of the wave function.
Question: Max Planck’s great discovery was that radiation energy is emitted in packets that he called what?
Answer: Quanta is derived from the same Latin word that gives us quantity.
Question: The Dirac equation shows that every particle has what?
Answer: The antiparticle is the same as the particle, only with an opposite charge.
Question: When two particles are entangled and it is observed that one has its spin up, how long does it take for the other’s spin to be down?
Answer: Yes, even faster than it would take for light to travel between them. Albert Einstein called this “spooky action at a distance.”
Question: That radiation and matter have properties both of particles and of waves is called what?
Answer: Louis de Broglie suggested in 1924 that matter, like radiation, had both particle and wave characteristics.
Question: Niels Bohr used quantum mechanics to describe which element?
Answer: Niels Bohr was able to accurately describe the spectra of the hydrogen atom in 1913.
Question: In quantum mechanics, the angular momentum of a particle is called what?
Answer: Particles with integer spin are called bosons, and those with half spins are called fermions.
Elementary Particles series. Interplay of abstract fractal forms on the subject of nuclear physics, science and graphic design. Quantum wave, quantum mechanics

Quantum Mechanics

10 Questions