Question: Which kind of champagne is the sweetest?
Answer: Champagne to which little or no sugar is added is labeled brut, or extra dry; somewhat sweeter is sec, and wine with larger quantities is demi-sec, making demi-sec champagne the sweetest. All of these are sweeter than the words indicate.
Question: Which kind of grape is not used to make champagne?
Answer: Champagne is typically made from only three grapes: pinot and meunier, both black, and chardonnay, white.
Question: Which is the largest sized champagne bottle?
Answer: The largest sized champagne bottle is the sovereign, equal to more than 33 0.75 litre bottles. Bottles equal to 16 or more 0.75 litre bottles, originally handblown, proved to be so dangerous that they were discontinued until 1986, when a safer method of production was introduced.
Question: What is the process of shaking and turning bottles of champagne until the impurities (sediment) have settled onto the bottom of the cork called?
Answer: The process of shaking and turning bottles of champagne until the impurities (sediment) have settled onto the bottom of the cork is called remuage. It has been largely mechanized since the 1970s.
Question: Champagne is named for the site of its origin in what country?
Answer: Champagne is a classic sparkling wine named for the site of its origin and exclusive production, the traditional region of Champagne in northeastern France.
Question: What is the process of removing sediment deposits from champagne called?
Answer: Dégorgement is the process in which sediment deposits are removed from champagne. It takes place when the wine is mature and ready for market.