Religion Across the Globe
- Question: Who is the leader of Tibetan Buddhism?
- Answer: The Dalai Lama is the chief religious leader of Tibetan Buddhism.
- Question: What is Turkey’s official religion?
- Answer: Turkey is a secular state, meaning that it has no official religion. The Ottoman Empire, which preceded it, was officially Islamic.
- Question: Where is the holiest city in Islam located?
- Answer: Mecca is the holiest Muslim city. Muhammad received the first message in the Qur’an while he was in Mecca, in what is now Saudi Arabia, in 610 CE.
- Question: In Jewish and Christian belief, who led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt?
- Answer: A central figure in Judaism is Moses, who led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt. Moses is also important to other religions because of his role in communicating God’s laws, known as the Ten Commandments.
- Question: What religion is predominant in Argentina?
- Answer: The vast majority of Argentineans are Roman Catholics. Protestants and Jews make up the rest of the population.
- Question: Which of these is not a cathedral?
- Answer: The cathedral first arose in western Europe during the Middle Ages. Among Europe’s famous cathedrals are Notre Dame in Paris, France; St. John Lateran in Rome, Italy; and Canterbury in England.
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