Question: Who was the only person to go to the Moon twice?
Answer: James Lovell went to the Moon twice, on Apollo 8 in 1968 and Apollo 13 in 1970. However, he never set foot on the Moon. Apollo 8 went around the Moon, and he was supposed to land in Apollo 13, but an explosion in the spacecraft’s oxygen tank aborted the landing, so he flew around again.
Question: Mark Zuckerberg was the first repeat space tourist.
Answer: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg never went into space. However, former Microsoft executive Charles Simonyi paid for two trips into space and was the only one to do so.
Question: The 1997 space shuttle flights STS-83 and STS-94 had the exact same crew.
Answer: After STS-83 was cut short because of a fuel cell problem almost 4 days into a planned 16-day mission, NASA re-flew the mission with the exact same crew and payload three months later.
Question: What claim to fame did Alan Shepard achieve on Apollo 14?
Answer: Alan Shepard was the first to play golf on another world. Using a makeshift club that he had smuggled on board, on February 6, 1971, he hit a golf ball with a one-handed swing. “Miles and miles and miles,” he said. (He later estimated the ball went about 200 yards.)
Question: How long was the longest spaceflight any astronaut or cosmonaut has ever done?
Answer: Russian cosmonaut and doctor Valery Polyakov spent 438 days in space from January 8, 1994, to March 22, 1995, on board the Mir space station.
Question: The longest space walk was about…
Answer: The longest space walk was 8 hours and 56 minutes, done by American astronauts Susan Helms and James Voss on March 11, 2001, when they made room for a temporary storage room on the International Space Station.
Question: As of 2016, only one astronaut has made eight flights into space.
Answer: No one has made eight flights into space. Two American astronauts, Jerry Ross and Franklin Chiang-Díaz, flew into space seven times.
Question: Who was the first woman in space?
Answer: Valentina Tereshkova went into orbit on Vostok 6 on June 16, 1963.
Question: An Italian astronaut holds the record for longest spaceflight by a woman.
Answer: Samantha Cristoforetti of the European Space Agency spent almost 200 days on the International Space Station from November 2014 to June 2015.
Question: What unusual event happened to Soviet cosmonauts Sergei Krikalev and Aleksandr Volkov when they stayed aboard the space station Mir in 1991?
Answer: Krikalev and Volkov were in space when the Soviet Union dissolved on December 26, 1991. They returned as Russian citizens and have been dubbed “the last citizens of the U.S.S.R.”