Synonyms vs. Antonyms

Question: Which of these is a synonym for "timid"?
Answer: Meek is an adjective that means "quiet," but with the suggestion of obedience. Someone meek can also be described as timid.
Question: What is an antonym for "abundant"?
Answer: Something that is meager is barely sufficient or scarce. In the Sahara, for example, water is a meager resource.
Question: A synonym for "salutation" is:
Answer: A salutation is a greeting or an expression of goodwill. It is, in particular, the name of the greeting (such as "Dear Sir") used to open a formal letter.
Question: What is a synonym for "late"?
Answer: To be tardy is to arrive late.
Question: A synonym for "commence" is:
Answer: Begin is a synonym for "commence." (Somewhat confusingly, the word "commencement" is often used to describe a school graduation, which is as much of an end as it is a beginning!)
Question: What is a synonym for relaxation?
Answer: A synonym is a word that means nearly the same thing as another. Leisure is a period of time devoted to enjoyment, rest, and relaxation.
Question: What is a synonym for philanthropy?
Answer: Philanthropy refers to the generous act of donating money and services to those in need.
Question: Which of these is an antonym for "inattentive"?
Answer: Someone who is inattentive is not paying attention. Someone who is mindful is paying attention.
Question: Which of these is not a synonym for fast?
Answer: Something deliberate moves at a careful pace. The other words indicate hurry.
M-W Article: alphabet; Art description: 26 capital letters of the English alphabet

Synonyms vs. Antonyms

9 Questions