What Kind of Animal?

Question: What kind of fish is not referred to as scrod?
Answer: Scrod is a culinary term for whitefish, usually species such as cod, haddock, and pollock. Kathy Najimy’s character in Hocus Pocus suggests some delicious recipes, if you’re into seafood.
Question: What kind of animal is a spring peeper?
Answer: The spring peeper is a small woodland frog native to North America.
Question: What kind of animal is a gribble?
Answer: It is a wood-boring marine crustacean.
Question: What kind of animal is a thickknee?
Answer: Thickknees are a type of shorebird.
Question: What kind of animal is a hellbender?
Answer: The hellbender is a large salamander native to North America.
Question: What kind of animal is a white-eye?
Answer: The white-eyes are small songbirds.
Question: What kind of animal is a matamata?
Answer: The matamata is a South American turtle.
Question: What kind of animal is a kite?
Answer: A kite is a type of bird.
Question: What kind of animal is a racer?
Answer: Racers are nonvenomous snakes native to North and South America.
Question: What kind of animal is a kodkod?
Answer: The kodkod is a small South American cat.
Question: What kind of animal is a gourami?
Answer: Gouramis are any of several species of fish native to Asia. They breathe air as well as water using a special organ and are related to Siamese fighting fish.
Question: What kind of animal is a bongo?
Answer: The bongo is an African forest antelope.
Question: What kind of animal is a silverside?
Answer: Silversides are small schooling fish.
Question: What kind of animal is a grunt?
Answer: Grunts are any of about 150 species of marine fish in the family Haemulidae.
Bongo antelopes, Striped antelope called bongos live in the thick rain forests in the southern part of the Central African Republic.

What Kind of Animal?

14 Questions