Yemen Quiz

Question: Which country was the primary supporter of the Yemen Arab Republic, established by a military coup in 1962?
Answer: In the North Yemen Civil War of 1962 to 1970 Egypt supported the republican forces in against the royalist forces suported by Saudi Arabia.
Question: What is khat?
Answer: Khat chewing is an important part of social life in many areas of Yemen. The World Health Organization describes khat as mildly addictive.
Question: Approximately what percentage of Yemen’s population are Shiites?
Answer: Most of Yemen’s Shiites belong to the Zaydi sect.
Question: What is the capital of Yemen?
Answer: In 1990 Sanaa became the captial of a unified Yemen when North and South Yemen merged.
Question: In the early 20th century, North Yemen was ruled by Imams belonging to which branch of Shia’ Islam?
Answer: The Zaydiyyah have been predominant in North Yemen since the 10th century CE.
Question: Which of the following ancient kingdoms was not in Yemen?
Answer: Aksum was an East African Kingdom, in what is now Ethiopia.
Question: In what year did Yemen sign a final agreement defining the previously undemarcated section of the northern border with Saudi Arabia?
Answer: The Treaty of Jeddah finalized a section of the border that had been undemarcated since 1934.
Question: Which beverage takes its name from a city in Yemen?
Answer: Mocha is named after the city of Al-Mukha, a port city on the Red Sea that was the main center for exporting coffee from the Arabian Peninsula.
Sanaa. Yemen. Yemen's capital city Sana'a on November 22, 2005. The old city of a Sanaa is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Lifestyles & Social Issues

Yemen Quiz

8 Questions