Burnside problem
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- group theory
- problem
Burnside problem, in group theory (a branch of modern algebra), problem of determining if a finitely generated periodic group with each element of finite order must necessarily be a finite group. The problem was formulated by the English mathematician William Burnside in 1902.
A finitely generated group is one in which a finite number of elements within the group suffice to produce through their combinations every element in the group. For example, all the positive integers (1, 2, 3…) can be generated using the first element, 1, by repeatedly adding it to itself. An element has finite order if its product with itself eventually produces the identity element for the group. An example is the distinct rotations and “flip overs” of a square that leave it oriented the same way in the plane (i.e., not tilted or twisted). The group then consists of eight distinct elements, all of which can be generated by various combinations of just two operations: a 90° rotation and a flip. The dihedral group, as it is called, therefore needs just two generators, and each generator has finite order; four 90° rotations or two flips return the square to its the original orientation. A periodic group is one in which each element has finite order. It was clear to Burnside that an infinite group (such as the positive integers) may have a finite number of generators and a finite group must have finite generators, but he wondered if every finitely generated periodic group must necessarily be finite. The answer turned out to be no, as shown in 1964 by the Russian mathematician Yevgeny Solomonovich Golod, who was able to construct an infinite period group using only a finite number of generators with finite order.
Burnside was unable to answer his original problem, so he asked a related question: Are all finitely generated groups of bounded exponent finite? Known as the bounded Burnside problem, the distinction has to do with the order, or exponent, for each element. For example, Golod’s group did not have a bounded exponent; that is, it did not have a single number n such that, for any element in the group, g ∊G, gn = 1 (where 1 indicates the identity element rather than necessarily the number 1). Russian mathematicians Sergei Adian and Petr Novikov in 1968 resolved the bounded Burnside problem by showing that the answer was no, for all odd n ≥ 4,381. Through the decades since Burnside pondered the problem, the lower bound has decreased, first by Adian in 1975 to all odd n ≥ 665 and finally in 1996 by the Russian mathematician I.G. Lysenok for all n ≥ 8,000.

Meanwhile, Burnside had pondered yet another variant, known as the restricted Burnside problem: For fixed positive integers m and n, are there are only finitely many groups generated by m elements of bounded exponent n? The Russian mathematician Efim Isaakovich Zelmanov was awarded a Fields Medal in 1994 for his affirmative answer to the restricted Burnside problem. Various other conditions considered by Burnside are still areas of active mathematical research.