Cambrian Series 2 Epoch
Also known as: Middle Cambrian Epoch
Learn about this topic in these articles:
division of Cambrian Period
- In Cambrian Period: Paleogeography
…to the middle of the Cambrian in northern Greenland where, within a few tens of kilometres, normal Laurentian shelf-margin trilobite (distinctive three-lobed marine arthropods) communities grade into deepwater faunas like those in the shallow-shelf deposits of Baltica. Similarly, trilobite species in later Cambrian deepwater faunas found in the western United…
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fossil formations of Burgess Shale
- In Burgess Shale
…of soft-bodied biota of the Middle Cambrian Epoch (520 to 512 million years ago). Collected from a fossil bed in the Burgess Pass of the Canadian Rockies, the Burgess Shale is one of the best preserved and most important fossil formations in the world. Since it was discovered in 1909,…
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