Eulerian cycle
Also known as: Eulerian path
Learn about this topic in these articles:
major reference
- In combinatorics: Eulerian cycles and the Königsberg bridge problem
An Eulerian cycle of a multigraph G is a closed chain in which each edge appears exactly once. Euler showed that a multigraph possesses an Eulerian cycle if and only if it is connected (apart from isolated points) and the number of vertices of odd degree…
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application to Königsberg bridge problem
- In number game: Graphs and networks
…associated with curves now called Eulerian paths—i.e., figures that can be drawn without retracing edges or lifting the pencil from the paper. The city of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) embraces the banks and an island of the forked Pregel (Pregolya) River; seven bridges span the different branches (see Figure 15A). The…
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