Miller-Urey experiment
- Key People:
- Stanley Miller
- Related Topics:
- abiogenesis
- Oparin-Haldane theory
Miller-Urey experiment, experimental simulation conducted in 1953 that attempted to replicate the conditions of Earth’s early atmosphere and oceans to test whether organic molecules could be created abiogenically, that is, formed from chemical reactions occurring between inorganic molecules thought to be present at the time. The experiment—the results of which were published in the journal Science as “A Production of Amino Acids Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions”—documented the production of amino acids and other organic molecules, thereby demonstrating that chemical evolution (that is, the formation of complex chemicals from simple ones) is possible. The Miller-Urey experiment is used as evidence to support hypotheses about the origins of life.
The Miller-Urey experiment was conducted by American chemist Stanley Miller under the supervision of American scientist Harold C. Urey at the University of Chicago. The experiment was designed to test ideas introduced independently in the 1920s by Russian biochemist Aleksandr Oparin and British physiologist J.B.S. Haldane, both of whom suggested that organic molecules, such as amino acids and sugars, could be formed from abiogenic materials when acted on by an external energy source within the context of a reducing atmosphere, that is, one with low levels of free oxygen (see also oxidation-reduction reaction). At the time, it was thought that the atmosphere of early Earth between 4 billion and 3.5 billion years ago was primarily composed of ammonia and water vapour. Oparin and Haldane noted that from this “primordial soup” of materials the first organic molecules arose, which became the precursors to molecules of ever-increasing complexity that resulted in the development of living cells (see also abiogenesis).
Original protocol and results
To test Oparin and Haldane’s ideas, Miller and Urey designed a closed experiment in a laboratory. They constructed an enclosed glass apparatus with two large boiling flasks connected to each other with glass tubing, in which water could pool, gases could mix, and matter could change phases between liquid and gas. A large lower chamber was filled with water (a boiling flask that stood in for the oceans), and the water was boiled to produce water vapour, which ascended into the large upper chamber (a boiling flask that simulated Earth’s early atmosphere). Additional tubing allowed material to descend from the upper chamber through a condenser, where water vapour would condense into liquid and fall into a collection trap from which samples could be taken. This trap was set slightly below the lower chamber, but it was also connected to the lower chamber above the water line. The researchers removed the air from the apparatus, replacing it throughout with ammonia, hydrogen, and methane gases, and they let the various materials cycle through liquid and gas phases.

In an early run of the experiment, Miller discovered that the energy produced from boiling water was not enough to drive the chemical reactions necessary to approximate the conditions of early Earth, so in a second version of the experiment (the one whose results were published in 1953) he added electrodes to the upper chamber. After the water was boiled, the mix of gases circulated through the system past electrodes that discharged sparks (which simulated lightning), and a condenser converted some of the gas to liquid so that it could return to the lower chamber. This process ran continuously for one week. After this period, the contents of the apparatus had visibly changed colour. A red- and yellow-coloured solution had started to collect in the trap after running the experiment for a few days and became a broth of red and brown by the experiment’s end.
To determine the identity of the molecules that resulted from their procedure, Miller and Urey terminated the reaction, added chemicals that prevented the growth of microbes (which could be introduced to the closed system when samples were collected from the broth), extracted samples of the solution, and analyzed them using paper chromatography. They discovered several types of simple organic molecules in the samples, including amino acids, some of which were relevant as the building blocks of the proteins that are present in all living organisms. Miller was able to identify the amino acids glycine, alpha-alanine (α-alanine), and beta-alanine (β-alanine) confidently; however, he was less certain about the presence of aspartic acid and α-amino-n-butyric acid, whose signs in the analysis were weak.
Additional trials and discoveries
Miller modified the original experiment several times, and each modification captured possible variations in Earth conditions that might influence the system’s products. Some of Miller’s subsequent experiments used different energy sources, such as an electrical source that produced a silent discharge instead of a spark, and improved gas circulation through the addition of glass tubing. Other researchers also repeated the experiment during the 1950s using different energy sources, such as ultraviolet light, and used different atmospheric gases (such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and nitrogen) in various combinations, which also resulted in a mix of organic chemicals but only a handful of amino acids.
Miller and others would repeat the experiment several times in subsequent decades. He reran the experiment in the early 1970s using better analytical equipment, which revealed the presence of 33 different amino acids, including more than half of the 20 or so that appear in proteins present in living things. Researchers later criticized Miller for using what they considered to be the wrong gases in the experiment; carbon dioxide and nitrogen, not ammonia and methane, were shown later to be the primary gases in Earth’s early atmosphere, with ammonia and methane occurring only in minor amounts. Miller’s 1983 trial replaced methane and ammonia with carbon dioxide and nitrogen; however, fewer amino acids were produced than in the original published experiment. This result was attributed later to a buildup of nitrites in the system, which made the mixture more acidic and caused the amino acids to break down before they could be identified.
American chemist Jeffrey Bada of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography reran the experiment in 2007. In addition to simulating an atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide and nitrogen, he added iron and carbonates to the system (two materials that would have been present in large amounts on ancient Earth)—which neutralized both the nitrites and the acids in the system, thereby allowing the amino acids to persist. A group of Spanish and Italian researchers suggested in 2021 that materials in the glass apparatus itself may have also catalyzed the chemical reactions taking place within it; the various chemicals in the experiment were shown to have reacted with the interior surface of the glass to release silicates (which, in turn, reacted with other chemicals) while also leaving behind small imperfections and cracks on the interior surface that may have served as chambers for other chemical reactions.
Starting in the early 2000s, researchers examined archived vials containing samples of material collected from Miller’s experiments during the 1950s. Aided by modern analytical equipment, they discovered far more than the five amino acids Miller reported in his papers; Miller’s experiments conducted in 1953 and 1958 were each shown to have yielded more than 20 amino acids.
The experiment showed that amino acids, which are important components of proteins (which are critical to life on Earth), could have arisen from inorganic compounds during Earth’s prebiotic phase. It also demonstrated that the speculation that life could have originated through chemical reactions among nonliving materials is possible and that this hypothesis could be tested scientifically. The Miller-Urey experiment sparked research on how simple organic molecules might polymerize into more complex molecules, a process that may have produced the first living cells. Scientists have also considered the possibility that meteors brought the first organic molecules, formed in space, to Earth, and they continue to modify the Miller-Urey protocol to test new ideas about chemical reactions in primitive Earth conditions.