Richardson-Dushman equation

Also known as: Richardson’s law

Learn about this topic in these articles:

thermionic emission

  • electric force between two charges
    In electricity: Thermionic emission

    A formula known as Richardson’s law (first proposed by the English physicist Owen W. Richardson) is roughly valid for all metals. It is usually expressed in terms of the emission current density (J) as in amperes per square metre. The Boltzmann constant k has the value

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  • Elements of the simplest electron tube, the diode.
    In electron tube: Thermionic emission

    …popular models rest on the Richardson-Dushman equation, derived in the 1920s, and the Langmuir-Child equation, formulated shortly thereafter. The former states that the current per unit of area, J, is given by where k is Boltzman’s constant, A is a constant of the material and its

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  • Schematic of a basic thermionic converter.
    In thermionic power converter: Principles of thermionic emission

    …emitter is given by the Richardson–Dushman equation; i.e., where T is the absolute temperature in kelvins of the emitter, e is the electronic charge in coulombs, and k is Boltzmann’s gas constant in joules per kelvin. The parameter

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work of Richardson

  • Sir Owen Willans Richardson.
    In Sir Owen Willans Richardson

    …called Richardson’s law or the Richardson-Dushman equation, became an important aid in electron-tube research and technology. (See also thermionic emission.) In 1914 Richardson became professor of physics and, 10 years later, director of research at King’s College of the University of London, retiring in 1944. He was knighted in 1939.

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