acyl halide
chemical compound
Also known as: carboxylic acid chloride, chloride acid
Learn about this topic in these articles:
major reference
- In carboxylic acid: Acyl halides
The functional group of an acyl halide (acid halide) is an acyl group (RCO―) bonded to a halogen atom. They are named by changing the suffix -ic acid in the name of the parent carboxylic acid to -yl halide. Because…
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acid halides
- In acid halide
The carboxylic acid chlorides, called acyl halides, are generally more reactive than the sulfonic acid chlorides, called sulfonyl chlorides.
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organohalogen compounds
- In organohalogen compound
vinylic, aryl, and acyl halides. In alkyl halides all four bonds to the carbon that bears the halogen are single bonds; in vinylic halides the carbon that bears the halogen is doubly bonded to another carbon; in aryl halides the halogen-bearing carbon is part of an aromatic ring;…
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