There are numerous instances of tissue changes with age. The atrophy of tissues of moderate degree is usual. The shrinkage of the thymus is especially striking and important in view of its role in immunological defense. The diminution of cellular tissue and replacement by fatty or connective tissue is prominent in bone marrow and skin. In the kidney, entire secretory structures (nephrons) are lost. The secretory cells of the pancreas, thyroid, and similar organs decrease in numbers.
In addition, connective tissues change, becoming increasingly stiff. This makes the organs, blood vessels, and airways more rigid. Cell membranes also change, and many tissues become less efficient in exchanging carbon dioxide and other wastes for oxygen and nutrients. Some tissues may become nodular or more rigid.
An important age change is the accumulation of pigments and inert—possibly deleterious—materials within and between cells. The pigment lipofuscin accumulates within cells of the heart, brain, eye, and other tissues. In humans it is not detectable at a young age, but particularly in the heart it increases to make up a small percentage of the cell volume by old age. Amyloid, an insoluble protein-carbohydrate complex, increases in tissues as a result of aging. It is presumably a product of autoimmune reactions, immune reactions misdirected against the organism itself. In an extreme case of a rare autoimmune disease, amyloidosis, particular organs are virtually choked with amyloid substance.
Trace metals also accumulate in various tissues with age, and, although the amounts are very small, certain metals can poison enzyme systems and stimulate mutations, which may lead to cancer.
Aging at the molecular and cellular levels
Aging of genetic information systems
The physical basis of aging is either the cumulative loss and disorganization of important large molecules (e.g., proteins and nucleic acids) of the body or the accumulation of abnormal products in cells or tissues. A major effort in aging research has been focused on two objectives: to characterize the molecular disruptions of aging and to determine if one particular kind is primarily responsible for the observed rate and course of senescence; and to identify the chemical or physical reactions responsible for the age-related degradation of large molecules that have either informational or structural roles.
The working molecules of the body, such as enzymes and contractile proteins, which have short turnover times, are not thought to be sites of primary aging damage. Rather, the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules of the chromosomes appear to be potential sites of primary damage, because damage to DNA corrupts the genetic message on which the development and function of the organism depend. Damage at a single point in the DNA molecule can be followed by the synthesis of an incorrect protein molecule, which may result in the malfunction or death of the host cell or even of the entire organism. Attention therefore has been given to the somatic mutation hypothesis, which asserts that aging is the result of an accumulation of mutations in the DNA of somatic (body) cells. Aneuploidy, the occurrence of cells with more or less than the correct (euploid) complement of chromosomes, is especially common. The frequency of aneuploid cells in human females increases from 3 percent at age 10 to 13 percent at age 70. Each DNA molecule consists of two complementary strands coiled around each other in a double helix configuration. Evidence indicates that breaks of the individual strands occur with a higher frequency than was once suspected and that virtually all such breaks are repaired by an enzymatic mechanism that destroys the damaged region and then resynthesizes the excised portion, using the corresponding segment of the complementary strand as a model. The mutation rate for a species is therefore governed more by the competence of its repair mechanism than by the rate at which breaks occur. This may help to explain why the mutation rates of different species are roughly proportional to their generation times and justifies research to determine whether the enzymatic mechanisms involved are accessible to control.
There are, however, serious objections to the somatic mutation theory. The wasp Habrobracon is an insect that reproduces parthenogenetically (i.e., without the need of sperm to fertilize the egg). It is possible to obtain individuals with either a diploid, or paired, set of chromosomes, as in most higher organisms, or a haploid, single, set. Any gene mutation in a haploid cell at an essential position would result in loss of a vital process and impairment or death of the cell. In a diploid cell a serious mutation is often compensated for by the complementary gene and the cell can carry on its vital functions. Experiments have shown that haploid wasps live about as long as diploids, implying either that mutations are not a quantitatively important factor in aging or that parthenogenetic species have compensated for the vulnerability of their haploids by developing an increased effectiveness of DNA repair.
Chromosomes can be separated into DNA and protein molecules, but with increasing difficulty in older cells. The isolated DNA of old animals, however, does not differ from that of the young. Although most of the DNA in a given cell at a given time is repressed (i.e., blocked from functioning), it is more repressed in old animals.
Aging of the immune system
Another important molecular information system of the body is the immune system, part of which, the thymus-dependent subsystem, is specialized for defense against invading microorganisms and for detecting and removing body cells that have changed in such ways that they are no longer recognized by the body as part of its own substance, leading to the autoimmune reactions mentioned above. The immune system has been implicated in the body’s defenses against cancer. Cancerous growths (neoplasms) are thought to arise from single cells that undergo a drastic transformation as a result of either a genetic mutation or the activation of a latent (hidden) virus that may have been transmitted genetically from parent to offspring. The control of cancer susceptibility by genetically governed defense mechanisms has been indicated by the breeding of high and low cancer susceptibility in mice. There is a growing body of evidence that the thymus-dependent immune system is instrumental in repressing the development of cancer.
One piece of evidence is that the immunosuppressive procedures of organ transplantation are often followed by a greatly increased incidence of neoplasms. The thymus-dependent system can itself, however, give rise to age-related autoimmune disease, in which the immune system perceives normal body tissue as foreign and attacks it with antibodies. The initial step in these diseases is considered to be a somatic mutation in a single cell of the immune system. Such considerations are the basis of several immune theories of aging, which seek to explain the phenomena of senescence in terms of mutations in the immune system.
Aging of neural and endocrine systems
Aging of the brain entails both degeneration and neuroplasticity. Neurons atrophy and die, and blood flow to the brain decreases. The latter can result in reduced oxygen delivery to tissues, including the eyes and brain. The ability of the eye to dark-adapt (i.e., increase its sensitivity at low light levels) decreases with age, but part of that decrease can be restored by breathing pure oxygen. Various mental processes in elderly people are also found to be improved by breathing oxygen. The establishment of a memory trace (connections in the brain that are associated with memory) involves the synthesis of protein. Any slowed induction of protein synthesis, as from lower oxygen intake, with age could be a factor in the deficits of learning and memory in the elderly. At the same time that neurons are degenerating, however, the aging brain also forms new synapses (connections between neurons), which helps to compensate for the neuronal loss.
A general characteristic of aging of the endocrine system is that the cells that once responded vigorously to hormones become less responsive. A normal chemical in cells, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP), is thought to be a transmitter of hormonal information across cell membranes. It may be possible to identify the specific sites in the membrane or the cell interior at which communication breaks down.
Because the pituitary gland connects the nervous and endocrine systems, its aging affects both systems. In the pituitary, aging attenuates the response of the gland to growth hormone-releasing hormone. This in turn causes a decrease in the release of growth hormone, which subsequently affects the overall rate and efficiency of metabolic processes.