amorphous solid
- Key People:
- Sir Nevill F. Mott
- John H. Van Vleck
- Bertram Eugene Warren
- Related Topics:
- plastic
- glass
- solid solution
- vitreous state
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amorphous solid, any noncrystalline solid in which the atoms and molecules are not organized in a definite lattice pattern. Such solids include glass, plastic, and gel.
Solids and liquids are both forms of condensed matter; both are composed of atoms in close proximity to each other. But their properties are, of course, enormously different. While a solid material has both a well-defined volume and a well-defined shape, a liquid has a well-defined volume but a shape that depends on the shape of the container. Stated differently, a solid exhibits resistance to shear stress while a liquid does not. Externally applied forces can twist or bend or distort a solid’s shape, but (provided the forces have not exceeded the solid’s elastic limit) it “springs back” to its original shape when the forces are removed. A liquid flows under the action of an external force; it does not hold its shape. These macroscopic characteristics constitute the essential distinctions: a liquid flows, lacks a definite shape (though its volume is definite), and cannot withstand a shear stress; a solid does not flow, has a definite shape, and exhibits elastic stiffness against shear stress.
On an atomic level, these macroscopic distinctions arise from a basic difference in the nature of the atomic motion. atom stays close to one point in space, although the atom is not stationary but instead oscillates rapidly about this fixed point (the higher the temperature, the faster it oscillates). The fixed point can be viewed as a time-averaged centre of gravity of the rapidly jiggling atom. The spatial arrangement of these fixed points constitutes the solid’s durable atomic-scale structure. In contrast, a liquid possesses no enduring arrangement of atoms. Atoms in a liquid are mobile and continually wander throughout the material.
contains schematic representations of atomic movements in a liquid and a solid. Atoms in a solid are not mobile. EachDistinction between crystalline and amorphous solids
There are two main classes of solids: crystalline and amorphous. What distinguishes them from one another is the nature of their atomic-scale structure. The essential differences are displayed in . The salient features of the atomic arrangements in amorphous solids (also called glasses), as opposed to crystals, are illustrated in the figure for two-dimensional structures; the key points carry over to the actual three-dimensional structures of real materials. Also included in the figure, as a reference point, is a sketch of the atomic arrangement in a gas. For the sketches representing crystal (A) and glass (B) structures, the solid dots denote the fixed points about which the atoms oscillate; for the gas (C), the dots denote a snapshot of one configuration of instantaneous atomic positions.
Atomic positions in a crystal exhibit a property called long-range order or translational periodicity; positions repeat in space in a regular array, as in . In an amorphous solid, translational periodicity is absent. As indicated in , there is no long-range order. The atoms are not randomly distributed in space, however, as they are in the gas in . In the glass example illustrated in the figure, each atom has three nearest-neighbour atoms at the same distance (called the chemical bond length) from it, just as in the corresponding crystal. All solids, both crystalline and amorphous, exhibit short-range (atomic-scale) order. (Thus, the term amorphous, literally “without form or structure,” is actually a misnomer in the context of the standard expression amorphous solid.) The well-defined short-range order is a consequence of the chemical bonding between atoms, which is responsible for holding the solid together.
In addition to the terms amorphous solid and glass, other terms in use include noncrystalline solid and vitreous solid. Amorphous solid and noncrystalline solid are more general terms, while glass and vitreous solid have historically been reserved for an amorphous solid prepared by rapid cooling (quenching) of a melt—as in scenario 2 of .
phase into the liquid phase and then into the solid phase. Temperature is plotted horizontally, while the volume occupied by the material is plotted vertically. The temperature Tb is the boiling point, Tf is the freezing (or melting) point, and Tg is the glass transition temperature. In scenario 1 the liquid freezes at Tf into a crystalline solid, with an abrupt discontinuity in volume. When cooling occurs slowly, this is usually what happens. At sufficiently high cooling rates, however, most materials display a different behaviour and follow route 2 to the solid state. Tf is bypassed, and the liquid state persists until the lower temperature Tg is reached and the second solidification scenario is realized. In a narrow temperature range near Tg, the glass transition occurs: the liquid freezes into an amorphous solid with no abrupt discontinuity in volume.
, which should be read from right to left, indicates the two types of scenarios that can occur when cooling causes a given number of atoms to condense from the gasThe glass transition temperature Tg is not as sharply defined as Tf; Tg shifts downward slightly when the cooling rate is reduced. The reason for this phenomenon is the steep temperature dependence of the molecular response time, which is crudely indicated by the order-of-magnitude values shown along the top scale of mobility ( , right) disappears and the atomic configuration becomes frozen into a set of fixed positions to which the atoms are tied ( , left, and ).
. When the temperature is lowered below Tg, the response time for molecular rearrangement becomes much larger than experimentally accessible times, so that liquidlikeSome textbooks erroneously describe glasses as undercooled viscous liquids, but this is actually incorrect. Along the section of route 2 labeled liquid in , it is the portion lying between Tf and Tg that is correctly associated with the description of the material as an undercooled liquid (undercooled meaning that its temperature is below Tf). But below Tg, in the glass phase, it is a bona fide solid (exhibiting such properties as elastic stiffness against shear). The low slopes of the crystal and glass line segments of in comparison with the high slope of the liquid section reflect the fact that the coefficient of thermal expansion of a solid is small in comparison with that of the liquid.