Annelids and mollusks
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Annelids have a well-developed body cavity (coelom), a part of the lining of which gives rise to gonads. In some annelids, gonads occur in several successive body segments. This is true, for example, in polychaetes, most of which are dioecious. Testes and ovaries usually develop, though not invariably, in many body segments; and the sperm and eggs, often in enormous numbers, are stored in the coelom. Fertilization is external. In oligochaetes (all of which are monoecious) on the other hand, the gonads develop in a few specific segments. Sperm are stored in a seminal vesicle and eggs in an egg sac, rather than in the coelom. A portion of the peritoneum, the membrane lining the coelom, becomes a saclike seminal receptacle that stores sperm received from the mate. The earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, is an example of a specialized annelid reproductive system. Female organs consist of a pair of ovaries in segment 13; a pair of oviducts that open via a ciliated funnel (i.e., with hairlike structures) into segment 13 but open to the exterior in segment 14; an egg sac near each funnel; and a pair of seminal receptacles in segment 9 and another in segment 10. Male organs consist of two pairs of minute testes in segments 10 and 11, each associated with a ciliated sperm funnel leading to a tiny duct, the vas efferens. The two ducts on each side lead to a vas deferens that opens in segment 15. Testes and funnels are contained within two of three pairs of large seminal vesicles that occupy six body segments. Leeches (Hirudinea), also monoecious, have one pair of ovaries and a segmentally arranged series of testes with duct systems basically similar to those of earthworms.
Although mollusks have a close evolutionary kinship to annelids, they have reduced or lost many structures characteristic of segmented worms. The coelom persists only as three regional cavities: gonadal, nephridial (kidney), and pericardial (heart). In ancestral forms these were interconnected so that gametes from the gonad passed through the pericardial cavity, the nephridial cavity, then to the outside through a nephridial pore. The various groups of mollusks have tended to modify this arrangement, with the result that gonads have their own pore; among amphineurans, for example, the sexes are usually separate, and there is one gonad with an associated pore. Gastropods show considerable variability, but generally one gonad (ovary, testis, or ovotestis—a structure combining the functional gonads of both sexes) is located in the visceral hump and connected to the outside by a remnant of the right kidney. In hermaphroditic forms, one duct carries sperm as well as eggs. The gonadal ducts of gastropod females often secrete a protective capsule around the fertilized eggs; in males, the terminal portion of the duct is sometimes contained in a copulatory organ. Pelecypods may be either monoecious or dioecious, but the gonads are usually paired. In mussels and oysters, the gonads open through the nephridial pore, but in clams the reproductive system opens independently. The cephalopods are all dioecious. The single testis or ovary releases its products into the pericardial cavity and this, in turn, leads to a gonopore, the external opening. The oviduct of the squid is terminally modified to form a shell gland. The male system is more complex—the gonoduct leads into a seminal vesicle where a complicated torpedo-shaped sperm case (spermatophore) is secreted and contains the sperm. Spermatophores are then stored in a special structure (Needham’s sac) until copulation occurs.
A remarkable characteristic of some mollusks is the ability to alter their sex. Some species are clearly dioecious; however, among the monoecious species there is considerable variability in their hermaphroditic condition. In some species, male and female gonads, although in the same individual, are independent functionally and structurally. In others, an ovotestis produces both sperm and eggs. Oysters display a third condition; young oysters have a tendency toward maleness, but, if water temperature or food availability is altered, some individuals develop into females. Later, a reversal to the male condition may occur. The sexual makeup of an entire oyster population also has a seasonal aspect; in harmony with the group, an individual may undergo several alterations in the course of a year. A similar phenomenon, called consecutive sexuality, occurs in limpets. These gastropods stack themselves in piles, with the younger animals on top. The animals on top are males with well-developed testes and copulatory organs; those in the middle are hermaphroditic; those on the bottom are females, having lost the testes and copulatory organ (penis) by degeneration. A decrease in the number of females in a stack induces males to assume female characteristics, but the transition is retarded when an excess of females is present. The degree of maleness or femaleness is probably controlled in part by environmental and internal factors.