Female systems
- Related Topics:
- pregnancy
- birth
- gestation
- labour
- brood pouch
Ovaries lie within the body cavity and are suspended by a dorsal mesentery (mesovarium), through which pass blood and lymph vessels and nerves. Primitive vertebrate ovaries occur in the hagfish, in which a mesentery-like fold of gonadal tissue stretches nearly the length of the body cavity. Unique in the hagfish is the fact that functional ovarian tissue occupies only the forward half of the gonadal mass, the rear part containing rudimentary testicular tissue. In most fishes except very primitive forms, the ovaries are similarly elongated. In tetrapods other than mammals, the ovaries are usually confined to the middle third or half of the body cavity, particularly during nonbreeding seasons. The ovaries of mammals undergo moderate caudal displacement, finally coming to lie between the kidney and the pelvis.
The appearance of an ovary depends on many factors—e.g., whether one egg or thousands are discharged (ovulated); whether the eggs are immature or ripe; whether mature eggs are small or large; or whether pigments occur in the egg cytoplasm, such as those responsible for yellow yolk. Other factors also affect the appearance of the ovary: the season of the year in seasonal breeders (the ovary enlarges during breeding seasons, diminishes in size between seasons); the age of the animal (whether juvenile, reproductively active, or senile, particularly in birds and mammals); and the fate of ovulated, or discharged, egg follicles, or sacs.
The ovaries are covered with a germinal epithelium that is continuous with the peritoneum lining the body cavity. The term germinal epithelium is inappropriate because in most adults it contains no germ cells, these having moved deeper into the ovary. In hagfishes and amphibians, cells that give rise to eggs are known to occur in the germinal epithelium, and it may be that the germinal epithelium in a few other vertebrates contains similar cells. The germinal epithelium undergoes cell division, however. This is particularly true of species in which enormous expansion of the ovary occurs each breeding season. Beneath the epithelium is a layer of connective tissue, the tunica albuginea, which is much thinner than that surrounding the testes.
A typical vertebrate ovary consists of cortex and medulla. The cortex, immediately internal to the tunica albuginea, contains future eggs and, at one time or another, eggs in ovarian follicles (i.e., developing eggs); it undergoes fluctuations in size and appearance that correlate with stages of the reproductive cycle. The cortex also contains remnants of ovulated follicles and, in mammals, clusters of interstitial cells that, in some species, are glandular. The cortical components are embedded in a supportive framework of connective, vascular, and neural tissue constituting the stroma. Internal to the cortex is the medulla, consisting of blood and lymph vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. The medulla, which contains no germinal elements, exhibits no significant cyclical activity, is usually inconspicuous, is continuous with the dorsal mesentery, and, in cyclostomes, is hardly distinguishable from the latter. The mammalian medulla, on the contrary, is almost completely surrounded by cortex and converges on the mesovarium (i.e., the part of the peritoneum that supports the ovary) at a narrow hilus, at which nerves and vessels enter the ovary. In the medulla of the mammalian ovary near the hilus are small masses of blind tubules or solid cords—the rete ovarii—which are homologous (i.e., of the same embryonic origin) with the rete testis in the male. The microscopic right ovary of birds usually consists only of medullary tissue.
Ovaries are characterized as saccular, hollow, lacunate (i.e., compartmented), or compact. The ovary of many teleosts, especially viviparous ones, contains a permanent cavity, which is formed during ovarian development when an invagination of the ovarian surface traps a portion of the coelom. The cavity is therefore unique in that it is lined by germinal epithelium. The lining develops numerous ovigerous folds that project into the lumen and greatly increase the surface area for proliferation of eggs. In most other teleosts, a temporary ovarian cavity develops after each ovulation, when the shrinking cortex withdraws from the outside ovarian wall along one side of the ovary. The resulting cavity is obliterated as eggs of the next generation enlarge. The permanent and temporary cavities of teleost ovaries and a similar cavity in garfish ovaries are continuous with the lumen of the oviduct, and eggs are shed into them. The ovaries of other fishes lack cavities and are characterized as compact. The amphibian ovary, which contains six or more central, hollow sacs that give it a lobed appearance, is characterized as saccular. The sacs are formed when the embryonic medullary and rete cords become hollow and coalesce. Maturing eggs bulge into the sacs but are not shed into them. The ovaries of reptiles, birds, and monotremes have cavities homologous to those in amphibians; the number of medullary spaces in the adults is considerably larger, however, so that the ovaries contain an extensive network of fluid-filled cavities (lacunae). Such ovaries are characterized as lacunate. The ovaries of mammals above monotremes are compact, having no medullary cavities.
An ovarian follicle consists of an oocyte, or immature egg, surrounded by an epithelium, the cells of which are referred to variously as follicular, nurse, or granulosa cells. In cyclostomes, teleosts, and amphibians, the epithelium is one layer thick. In the hagfish and those vertebrates in which the oocyte receives heavy deposits of yolk (elasmobranchs, reptiles, birds, and monotremes), the epithelium appears to be two cells thick, apparently the result of layering of nuclei in a simple columnar epithelium (i.e., epithelium consisting of relatively “tall” cells). Above monotremes the follicular epithelium appears to be many cells thick; in at least one species, however, this is considered an artifact, and all granulosa cells are said to extend between the outer boundary of the epithelium and the oocyte.
The follicular epithelium originates as a few flattened cells derived from the germinal epithelium. Primary follicles are usually situated just under the tunica albuginea; secondary follicles lie deeper in the cortex. The primitive role of the follicular cells appears to be the secretion of the yolk-forming material onto or into the oocyte. Evidence from mammals indicates that the follicular cells may also have a role in converting substances produced elsewhere into female hormones, or estrogens. In some hibernating bats the granulosa cells are filled with glycogen, or animal starch, which may be a source of energy. Mammalian follicles above monotremes are unique in that they develop a fluid-filled cavity (antrum) within the granulosa layer. During antrum formation cell division of the granulosa cells increases, and fluid-filled spaces develop among the cells. The spaces coalesce to form the antrum. Under the influence of pituitary gonadotropic hormones, many antral follicles thereafter continue to grow, forming large so-called Graafian follicles—less than 400 microns, or 0.4 millimetre (0.16 inch), in diameter in large mammals, 150–200 microns, or 0.15–0.2 millimetre (0.006–0.008 inch), in small ones. Graafian follicles contain mature eggs and appear as large blisters on the ovary. At this stage the ovum, suspended within the fluid of the antrum (liquor folliculi) by a slender stalk of granulosa cells, is surrounded by a cluster of these cells, the cumulus oophorus, or discus proligerus. The remaining follicular cells form a thin wall surrounding the antrum. Antra are lacking in a few insectivores (Hemicentetes, Euriculus) because the granulosa cells swell and multiply to form corpora lutea, masses of yellow tissue. In the bat Myotis the antrum is likewise compressed and disappears just before discharge of the egg, or ovulation.
In all vertebrates, oocytes that have begun to grow and mature may, at any time until just before ovulation, cease development and undergo atresia, or degeneration. This is a normal process that reduces the number of eggs ovulated. In small laboratory rodents, atresia takes place in 50 percent of the Graafian follicles in each ovary one or two days before ovulation, thus reducing the number of ovulatable eggs by 50 percent. A similar reduction takes place in hagfish prior to ovulation. Atretic follicles eventually become lost in the stroma of the cortex of the ovary. In mammals especially, follicles lacking oocytes and antra, called anovular follicles, as well as polyovular follicles (i.e., containing more than one oocyte), occasionally occur.
The ovarian follicle of vertebrates, commencing with hagfish, is surrounded by a theca, or sheath, composed of two concentric layers of stromal cells. The outer layer (theca externa) is chiefly connective tissue but may contain smooth muscle fibres. The inner layer (theca interna) has more blood vessels and, in vertebrates that produce heavily yolked eggs, the largest vessels carry venous blood. In these species the cell membranes of the oocyte and granulosa cells have many microvilli (i.e., fingerlike projections), which probably facilitate transport of substances important in yolk formation from the blood vessels to the egg. Mature follicles in the marsupial Dasyatus are said to lack theca, and in some bats only one thecal layer has been described.
During the growth phase, eggs in species with massive amounts of yolk may increase in size 106 (1,000,000) or more times as a result of vitellogenesis (deposit of yolk). In goldfish, on the other hand, when vitellogenesis commences, the egg has a diameter of 150 microns (0.15 millimetre [0.006 inch]); that of the mature egg is only 500 microns (0.5 millimetre [0.02 inch]). Mammalian eggs contain little yolk and vary little in size. Oogonia (i.e., cells that form oocytes) of the golden hamster average 15 microns (0.015 millimetre [0.0006 inch]) in diameter, and eggs in Graafian follicles average 70 microns (0.07 millimetre [0.003 inch]). The mature eggs of horses and humans are approximately the same size—somewhat less than 150 microns. In seasonally breeding oviparous fishes and amphibians, all eggs are usually in the same stage of development, and the ovary grows to a mature state quite rapidly as a result of growth of the eggs, which frequently number more than 1,000,000. Such ovaries distend the body wall when mature; following spawning, the ovaries shrink rapidly to inconspicuous bodies consisting mainly of oogonia, immature oocytes, and a few stromal cells. In reptiles and birds, ovarian weight also is high in proportion to body weight during egg-laying seasons. The weight of the ovary of the starling, for example, may increase from eight milligrams in early winter to 1,400 milligrams immediately before ovulation. The mature eggs of reptiles and birds are unique in that they are suspended from the ovary by a short stalk (pedicle). The stalk contains a cortex with additional oocytes in various stages of development and extensions of vessels and nerves. Full growth of the follicle in reptiles and birds requires only a few days or weeks (nine days in the domestic hen). In mammals, the ratio of ovarian weight to body weight varies insignificantly throughout the reproductive life of the female, and follicles in many stages of development are constantly present.
Vertebrate eggs are almost universally shed into the coelom or into a subdivision thereof, from which they enter the female reproductive tract. Even in those teleosts in which the eggs are shed into an ovarian cavity, the latter is often of coelomic origin. In many mammals a membranous sac of peritoneum, the ovarian bursa, traps part of the coelom in a chamber along with the ovary. The bursal cavity (periovarian space) may be broadly open to the main coelom, completely closed off from the coelom, or in communication with the coelom by a narrow, slitlike passage. The bursa, moderately developed in lower primates and catarrhines (Old World monkeys), is poorly developed in man. In horses, one edge of the ovary contains a long groove (ovulation fossa) into which all eggs are shed; the groove is found in a cleftlike ovarian bursa. The ovarian bursa increases the probability that all ovulated eggs will enter the oviduct.
The process of ovulation has been described for all vertebrate classes. Elasmobranchs, reptiles, and birds have massively yolked eggs. As ovulation approaches, the fimbria (i.e., frills, or fringes) of the membranous and muscular funnel surrounding the entrance to the oviduct wave in a gentle, undulating motion. An egg that is nearly free of the ovary is grasped and partially encompassed by the fimbria; when the egg is freed, the fimbria draw the egg into the funnel. At this time, the egg has little shape and is partly squirted and partly flows into the oviduct; never completely free in the coelom, its chances of not entering the oviduct are small. In the case of moderately or poorly yolked eggs cilia help to sweep the eggs into the ostium, or opening, of the oviduct. During ovulation in Japanese rice fish, Oryzias latipes, a tiny papilla, or fingerlike process, develops on the surface of a bulging mature follicle in the centre (stigma) of the follicle. The follicle becomes thin at the stigma, an aperture appears, and the egg rolls out. In rabbits this process differs only in detail. During the final 20 minutes before ovulation in rabbits, some of the tiny blood vessels surrounding the stigma rupture, and a small pool of blood forms under the apex of the cone-shaped papilla. The follicular wall shortly gives way at the apex, and follicular fluid oozes from the opening, followed soon after by the egg. The ovulated mammalian egg typically is surrounded by a layer of columnar follicular cells, the corona radiata; but it is naked in some insectivores and some marsupials. Following ovulation in all vertebrates, the ovary may become smaller, become modified for maintenance of pregnancy, or proceed to form additional eggs.
The process of ovulation in vertebrates has been documented, but the immediate causes remain to be clarified. It is almost certain that an ovulatory hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland (i.e., the so-called master endocrine gland) of all vertebrates. It is highly probable that breakdown of very small fibres that bind the follicular cells together may occur at the stigma, weakening the follicular wall at that location. Hormones from the ovary and other sources may play a role, as may neurohormones, which are hormones released at nerve endings. Rhythmic contractions of the entire ovary occur at ovulation in many vertebrates and have been described in rabbits. The role of mechanical pressure within the follicle, however, is not understood. Ovulation in most mammals (spontaneous ovulators) occurs cyclically as a result of the spontaneous release of the ovulatory hormone. In a few mammals (reflex ovulators) the stimulus of copulation is essential for release of the ovulatory hormone.
Striking postovulatory changes take place in the follicles of mammals and, to lesser degrees, of lower vertebrates. Blood vessels from the theca interna invade the ovulated follicles; the granulosa cells divide, enlarge, accumulate fats, and obliterate any remnants of the collapsed antra. Thereafter, they are known as lutein cells. Theca interna cells undergo changes identical to those of the granulosa cells. The result in mammals is the formation of solid masses called corpora lutea, recognizable as prominent reddish-yellow bulges on the ovary. Corpora lutea produce the hormone progesterone, which is essential for the maintenance of pregnancy. The conversion of postovulatory follicles into structures more or less resembling mammalian corpora lutea has been demonstrated in numerous viviparous reptiles, amphibians, and elasmobranchs; in certain other fishes, including cyclostomes; and in some oviparous amphibians and reptiles. In birds, the postovulatory follicle shrinks, and identifiable corpora lutea do not develop, although some granulosa cells accumulate lipids of unknown significance.