atmospheric circulation
atmospheric circulation, any atmospheric flow used to refer to the general circulation of the Earth and regional movements of air around areas of high and low pressure. On average, this circulation corresponds to large-scale wind systems arranged in several east–west belts that encircle the Earth. In the subtropical high-pressure belts near latitudes 30° N and 30° S (the horse latitudes), air descends and causes the trade winds to blow westward and equatorward at the Earth’s surface. These merge and rise in the intertropical convergence zone near the Equator and blow eastward and poleward at altitudes of 2 to 17 km (1 to 11 miles). Part of the flow descends in the subtropical high-pressure belts, and the remainder merges at high altitudes with the midlatitude westerly winds farther poleward.
The descending air in the subtropical high-pressure belts diverges near the surface; the air that does not flow equatorward tends to flow eastward and poleward as the midlatitude westerlies. The westerly flow is most evident between 5 and 12 km (3 and 7 miles) or so above the Earth’s surface and contains the jet streams. Jet streams are relatively narrow corridors of particularly strong winds, which correspond to the location of the polar front and other areas of strong temperature contrast. Polar-front jet streams are permanent fixtures in both hemispheres, while subtropical jet streams occur only during the winter periods in each hemisphere. Poleward of 60° N and 60° S, the winds generally blow westward and equatorward as the polar easterlies. In the northern polar regions, where water and land are interspersed, the polar easterlies give way in summer to variable winds.
The zonal wind belts are more uniform and constant in the Southern Hemisphere because there is little land to disturb the circulation. In the Northern Hemisphere, a number of large, semipermanent high- and low-pressure centres exist over the continents and oceans during various parts of the year; their winds prevent the zonal wind belts from extending as uniformly around the world.