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- Mustansiriyah University - Fundamental particles of an atom (PDF) (Feb. 07, 2025)
Whereas Avogadro’s theory of diatomic molecules was ignored for 50 years, the kinetic theory of gases was rejected for more than a century. The kinetic theory relates the independent motion of molecules to the mechanical and thermal properties of gases—namely, their pressure, volume, temperature, viscosity, and heat conductivity. Three men—Daniel Bernoulli in 1738, John Herapath in 1820, and John James Waterston in 1845—independently developed the theory. The kinetic theory of gases, like the theory of diatomic molecules, was a simple physical idea that chemists ignored in favour of an elaborate explanation of the properties of gases.
Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician and scientist, worked out the first quantitative mathematical treatment of the kinetic theory in 1738 by picturing gases as consisting of an enormous number of particles in very fast, chaotic motion. He derived Boyle’s law by assuming that gas pressure is caused by the direct impact of particles on the walls of their container. He understood the difference between heat and temperature, realizing that heat makes gas particles move faster and that temperature merely measures the propensity of heat to flow from one body to another. In spite of its accuracy, Bernoulli’s theory remained virtually unknown during the 18th century and early 19th century for several reasons. First, chemistry was more popular than physics among scientists of the day, and Bernoulli’s theory involved mathematics. Second, Newton’s reputation ensured the success of his more-comprehensible theory that gas atoms repel one another. Finally, Joseph Black, another noted British scientist, developed the caloric theory of heat, which proposed that heat was an invisible substance permeating matter. At the time, the fact that heat could be transmitted by light seemed a persuasive argument that heat and motion had nothing to do with each other.
Herapath, an English amateur physicist ignored by his contemporaries, published his version of the kinetic theory in 1821. He also derived an empirical relation akin to Boyle’s law but did not understand correctly the role of heat and temperature in determining the pressure of a gas.
Waterston’s efforts met with a similar fate. Waterston was a Scottish civil engineer and amateur physicist who could not even get his work published by the scientific community, which had become increasingly professional throughout the 19th century. Nevertheless, Waterston made the first statement of the law of equipartition of energy, according to which all kinds of particles have equal amounts of thermal energy. He derived practically all the consequences of the fact that pressure exerted by a gas is related to the number of molecules per cubic centimetre, their mass, and their mean squared velocity. He derived the basic equation of kinetic theory, which reads P = NMV2. Here P is the pressure of a volume of gas, N is the number of molecules per unit volume, M is the mass of the molecule, and V2 is the average velocity squared of the molecules. Recognizing that the kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to MV2 and that the heat energy of a gas is proportional to the temperature, Waterston expressed the law as PV/T = a constant.
During the late 1850s, a decade after Waterston had formulated his law, the scientific community was finally ready to accept a kinetic theory of gases. The studies of heat undertaken by English physicist James Prescott Joule during the 1840s had shown that heat is a form of energy. This work, together with the law of the conservation of energy that he helped to establish, had persuaded scientists to discard the caloric theory by the mid-1850s. The caloric theory had required that a substance contain a definite amount of caloric (i.e., a hypothetical weightless fluid) to be turned into heat; however, experiments showed that any amount of heat can be generated in a substance by putting enough energy into it. Thus, there was no point to hypothesizing such a special fluid as caloric.
At first, after the collapse of the caloric theory, physicists had nothing with which to replace it. Joule, however, discovered Herapath’s kinetic theory and used it in 1851 to calculate the velocity of hydrogen molecules. Then German physicist Rudolf Clausius developed the kinetic theory mathematically in 1857, and the scientific world took note. Clausius and two other physicists, James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (who developed the kinetic theory of gases in the 1860s), introduced sophisticated mathematics into physics for the first time since Newton. In his 1860 paper “Illustrations of the Dynamical Theory of Gases,” Maxwell used probability theory to produce his famous distribution function for the velocities of gas molecules. Employing Newtonian laws of mechanics, he also provided a mathematical basis for Avogadro’s theory. Maxwell, Clausius, and Boltzmann assumed that gas particles were in constant motion, that they were tiny compared with their space, and that their interactions were very brief. They then related the motion of the particles to pressure, volume, and temperature. Interestingly, none of the three committed himself on the nature of the particles.
Studies of the properties of atoms
Size of atoms
The first modern estimates of the size of atoms and the numbers of atoms in a given volume were made by German chemist Joseph Loschmidt in 1865. Loschmidt used the results of kinetic theory and some rough estimates to do his calculation. The size of the atoms and the distance between them in the gaseous state are related both to the contraction of gas upon liquefaction and to the mean free path traveled by molecules in a gas. The mean free path, in turn, can be found from the thermal conductivity and diffusion rates in the gas. Loschmidt calculated the size of the atom and the spacing between atoms by finding a solution common to these relationships. His result for Avogadro’s number is remarkably close to the present accepted value of about 6.022 × 1023. The precise definition of Avogadro’s number is the number of atoms in 12 grams of the carbon isotope C-12. Loschmidt’s result for the diameter of an atom was approximately 10−8 cm.
Much later, in 1908, French physicist Jean Perrin used Brownian motion to determine Avogadro’s number. Brownian motion, first observed in 1827 by Scottish botanist Robert Brown, is the continuous movement of tiny particles suspended in water. Their movement is caused by the thermal motion of water molecules bumping into the particles. Perrin’s argument for determining Avogadro’s number makes an analogy between particles in the liquid and molecules in the atmosphere. The thinning of air at high altitudes depends on the balance between the gravitational force pulling the molecules down and their thermal motion forcing them up. The relationship between the weight of the particles and the height of the atmosphere would be the same for Brownian particles suspended in water. Perrin counted particles of gum mastic at different heights in his water sample and inferred the mass of atoms from the rate of decrease. He then divided the result into the molar weight of atoms to determine Avogadro’s number. After Perrin, few scientists could disbelieve the existence of atoms.
Electric properties of atoms
While atomic theory was set back by the failure of scientists to accept simple physical ideas like the diatomic molecule and the kinetic theory of gases, it was also delayed by the preoccupation of physicists with mechanics for almost 200 years, from Newton to the 20th century. Nevertheless, several 19th-century investigators, working in the relatively ignored fields of electricity, magnetism, and optics, provided important clues about the interior of the atom. The studies in electrodynamics made by English physicist Michael Faraday and those of Maxwell indicated for the first time that something existed apart from palpable matter, and data obtained by Gustav Robert Kirchhoff of Germany about elemental spectral lines raised questions that would be answered only in the 20th century by quantum mechanics.
Until Faraday’s electrolysis experiments, scientists had no conception of the nature of the forces binding atoms together in a molecule. Faraday concluded that electrical forces existed inside the molecule after he had produced an electric current and a chemical reaction in a solution with the electrodes of a voltaic cell. No matter what solution or electrode material he used, a fixed quantity of current sent through an electrolyte always caused a specific amount of material to form on an electrode of the electrolytic cell. Faraday concluded that each ion of a given chemical compound has exactly the same charge. Later he discovered that the ionic charges are integral multiples of a single unit of charge, never fractions.
On the practical level, Faraday did for charge what Dalton had done for the chemical combination of atomic masses. That is to say, Faraday demonstrated that it takes a definite amount of charge to convert an ion of an element into an atom of the element and that the amount of charge depends on the element used. The unit of charge that releases one gram-equivalent weight of a simple ion is called the faraday in his honour. For example, one faraday of charge passing through water releases one gram of hydrogen and eight grams of oxygen. In this manner, Faraday gave scientists a rather precise value for the ratios of the masses of atoms to the electric charges of ions. The ratio of the mass of the hydrogen atom to the charge of the electron was found to be 1.035 × 10−8 kilogram per coulomb. Faraday did not know the size of his electrolytic unit of charge in units such as coulombs any more than Dalton knew the magnitude of his unit of atomic weight in grams. Nevertheless, scientists could determine the ratio of these units easily.
More significantly, Faraday’s work was the first to imply the electrical nature of matter and the existence of subatomic particles and a fundamental unit of charge. Faraday wrote:
The atoms of matter are in some way endowed or associated with electrical powers, to which they owe their most striking qualities, and amongst them their mutual chemical affinity.
Faraday did not, however, conclude that atoms cause electricity.
Light and spectral lines
In 1865 Maxwell unified the laws of electricity and magnetism in his publication “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field.” In this paper he concluded that light is an electromagnetic wave. His theory was confirmed by German physicist Heinrich Hertz, who produced radio waves with sparks in 1887. With light understood as an electromagnetic wave, Maxwell’s theory could be applied to the emission of light from atoms. The theory failed, however, to describe spectral lines and the fact that atoms do not lose all their energy when they radiate light. The problem was not with Maxwell’s theory of light itself but rather with its description of the oscillating electron currents generating light. Only quantum mechanics could explain this behaviour (see below The laws of quantum mechanics).
By far the richest clues about the structure of the atom came from spectral line series. Mounting a particularly fine prism on a telescope, German physicist and optician Joseph von Fraunhofer had discovered between 1814 and 1824 hundreds of dark lines in the spectrum of the Sun. He labeled the most prominent of these lines with the letters A through G. Together they are now called Fraunhofer lines. A generation later Kirchhoff heated different elements to incandescence in order to study the different coloured vapours emitted. Observing the vapours through a spectroscope, he discovered that each element has a unique and characteristic pattern of spectral lines. Each element produces the same set of identifying lines, even when it is combined chemically with other elements. In 1859 Kirchhoff and German chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen discovered two new elements—cesium and rubidium—by first observing their spectral lines.
Johann Jakob Balmer, a Swiss secondary-school teacher with a penchant for numerology, studied hydrogen’s spectral lines and found a constant relationship between the wavelengths of the element’s four visible lines. In 1885 he published a generalized mathematical formula for all the lines of hydrogen. Swedish physicist Johannes Rydberg extended Balmer’s work in 1890 and found a general rule applicable to many elements. Soon more series were discovered elsewhere in the spectrum of hydrogen and in the spectra of other elements as well. Stated in terms of the frequency of the light rather than its wavelength, the formula may be expressed:
Here ν is the frequency of the light, n and m are integers, and R is the Rydberg constant. In the Balmer lines m is equal to 2 and n takes on the values 3, 4, 5, and 6.