The extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation
Upon the introduction of cells, particularly crushed or injured tissue, blood coagulation is activated and a fibrin clot is rapidly formed. The protein on the surface of cells that is responsible for the initiation of blood clotting is known as tissue factor, or tissue thromboplastin. Tissue factor is found in many of the cells of the body but is particularly abundant in those of the brain, lungs, and placenta. The pathway of blood coagulation activated by tissue factor, a protein extrinsic to blood, is known as the extrinsic pathway ( ).
Tissue factor serves as a cofactor with factor VII to facilitate the activation of factor X. Alternatively, factor VII can activate factor IX, which, in turn, can activate factor X. Once activated, factor X proceeds to activate prothrombin to thrombin in a reaction requiring factor V. The thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin. With the exception of factor VII, all components of the extrinsic pathway are also components of the intrinsic pathway.
The activity of the extrinsic pathway may be assessed in the laboratory using a simple test known as the prothrombin time. Tissue extract, or tissue thromboplastin, is extracted from animal tissues rich in tissue factor. Plasma, anticoagulated with citrate buffer, is allowed to clot with the simultaneous addition of phospholipid, calcium, and thromboplastin. The duration of time until clot formation, known as the prothrombin time, is usually between 10 and 12 seconds. In practice, the clotting time of a test plasma is compared to the clotting time of normal plasma. Delayed clotting, measured as a prolonged prothrombin time, may be due to a deficiency in the activity of one or more of the blood-clotting factors in the extrinsic pathway or to a chemical inhibitor of blood coagulation that interferes with the extrinsic pathway.
In summary, there are two independent mechanisms for initiating blood coagulation and for activating factor X: (1) negatively charged surfaces that initiate blood clotting through the intrinsic pathway (factors XII, XI, IX, and VIII), and (2) tissue factor on cells outside the blood that participates in the extrinsic pathway (factor VII). The common pathway (factor X, factor V, prothrombin, and fibrinogen) is shared by both systems. Although both pathways provide the opportunity to acquire meaningful information about clotting proteins using the partial thromboplastin time and the prothrombin time, it is most likely that the physiologically important pathway of blood coagulation is the extrinsic pathway initiated by tissue factor.
Biochemical basis of activation
The blood-clotting proteins circulate in the blood in their inactive, proenzyme form. The biochemical term for such proenzymes is zymogen. These zymogens are precursor enzymes that are converted to active enzymes by the cleavage of one or in some instances two peptide bonds. By splitting the protein into specific fragments, the zymogen is turned into an active enzyme that can itself split particular peptide bonds. This process, known generally as limited proteolysis, is equivalent to a molecular switch; by cutting a specific bond that connects two amino acids in the string of amino acids known as a polypeptide, an active enzyme is formed. Thus, the blood contains a system poised to become engaged instantaneously in the formation of blood clots if tissue is injured. Under normal conditions, however, blood clotting does not take place in the absence of tissue injury. The clotting proteins that function as zymogens in the blood include factor XII, factor XI, prekallikrein, factor IX, factor X, factor VII, and prothrombin.

Protein cofactors also play an important role in blood coagulation. Two protein cofactors, factor V and factor VIII, are large proteins that probably regulate blood coagulation. These proteins circulate in the blood as inactive cofactors. By the process of limited proteolysis, in which several cuts in the polypeptide chains of these cofactors are formed by the enzyme thrombin, factors V and VIII are converted to active cofactors. Factor V and factor VIII bind to membrane surfaces and form a focal point for the organization of certain protein complexes.
Inhibition of clotting
After the activation of the blood-clotting system, the active enzymes must be turned off and the clotting process contained locally to the area of tissue injury. The details of the regulation of blood coagulation remain obscure, but it is clear that a series of blood proteins play a specialized role in disengaging the activated blood-clotting system. Antithrombin III is a plasma protein that combines with thrombin as well as most of the other activated blood-clotting proteins (e.g., factors Xa and IXa) to form inert complexes. This action is greatly enhanced by the presence of heparin, a substance formed by mast cells of the connective tissue. The hereditary deficiency of antithrombin III is associated with an excessive tendency toward clot formation, and manifestations of this defect are recurrent thrombophlebitis and pulmonary embolism. Heparin cofactor II is another plasma protease inhibitor that specifically forms a complex with thrombin, thus inactivating this enzyme. Protein C, a vitamin K-dependent protein, is a zymogen that requires vitamin K for its activation by thrombin complexed to thrombomodulin, a protein on the endothelial cell membrane. Activated protein C is capable of inactivating the active cofactor forms of factors VIII and V. Its action is enhanced when bound to protein S, a vitamin K-dependent protein that is attached to cell membranes (platelet or possibly endothelial cells). A deficiency in the level of protein C or protein S is associated with an excessive tendency to form clots.
Another anticoagulant effect is the fibrinolytic (fibrin-splitting) action of plasmin, an enzyme that catalyzes the removal of old fibrin at injury sites and any which may be deposited in normal vessels. Plasmin is derived from plasminogen, an inert protein precursor that can be activated by tissue plasminogen activator. Streptokinase, urokinase, and tissue plasminogen activator are drugs that activate plasminogen and lead to the dissolution of clots.
Synthesis of blood-clotting proteins
Most of the blood coagulation proteins are synthesized in the liver. In addition, factor VIII is synthesized in a large number of other tissues. Six proteins involved in blood coagulation require vitamin K for their complete synthesis: factor IX, factor X, prothrombin, factor VII, protein C, and protein S. These proteins are synthesized in precursor form. In a region of the liver cell called the rough endoplasmic reticulum, specific glutamic acid residues in the protein are changed by an enzyme-mediated reaction to form a modified glutamic acid known as γ-carboxyglutamic acid. This enzyme reaction, known as γ-carboxylation, requires vitamin K as a cofactor. γ-Carboxyglutamic acid is a unique amino acid that binds to calcium. In the protein, γ-carboxyglutamic acids form the calcium-binding sites that characterize this form of calcium-binding protein, the vitamin K-dependent proteins. Calcium stabilizes certain structural forms of the vitamin K-dependent proteins, enabling these proteins to bind to cell membranes. In the absence of vitamin K or in the presence of vitamin K antagonists such as warfarin, γ-carboxylation is inhibited and proteins are synthesized that are deficient in γ-carboxyglutamic acid. These proteins have no biologic activity because they do not bind to calcium and do not interact with membrane surfaces.
Bruce Furie