child behaviour disorder
child behaviour disorder, any deviation in conduct that is aggressive or disruptive in nature, that persists for more than six months, and that is considered inappropriate for the child’s age. The vast majority of children display a range of behaviour problems, such as whining or disobeying. However, some children experience more severe behaviour problems, known as behavior disorders. There is not always consensus on when a problem becomes a disorder. It is often less the behaviour and more the appropriateness of the behaviour for a child of a certain age that makes a behaviour problem a behaviour disorder. The developmental level of the child is a prime consideration in assessing and treating child behaviour disorders. Adult models of psychopathology may not be relevant for childhood diagnoses; however, many adult problems stem from childhood disorders, and many childhood disorders have lifelong consequences.
Estimates suggest 10 to 20 percent of children have a behaviour, emotional, or learning disorder at any one time. These developmental disorders are most often diagnosed when the child is school aged. Children undergo rapid change physically, psychologically, and cognitively at this time, and their behaviour must be evaluated in a developmental context and compared with that of their peers. To determine whether their behaviour is a developmental variation or pathological depends on the child’s age, the frequency and intensity of the behaviour, and the overall environment. For example, hitting to resolve a dispute, temper tantrums, or bed-wetting are not unexpected at age two but are considered to be inappropriate at age 12.
Unlike adults who may seek professional help for themselves, children are usually referred for assessment by parents. Parents’ own emotional states and tolerance for disruptive behaviours influence whether they will refer. Further, the younger the child, the more information comes from the parent about the child, rather than directly from the child.

One of the most widely used tools to classify childhood disorders is the Child Behavior Checklist developed by American psychologist Thomas M. Achenbach. Two factors on this scale are involved in the majority of behaviour disorders. The first is externalizing behaviour, such as aggression and hyperactivity, and the second is internalizing behaviour, such as depression and anxiety. This approach is based on large-scale normative data, and the rating scales are available for parents, teachers, and youth.
Several broad classes of childhood disorders are recognized clinically. Examples include intellectual problems, such as developmental delays; developmental problems, such as autism; behaviour problems, such as conduct disorder; emotional problems, such as anxiety; and physical problems, such as bed-wetting. Child behaviour problems may exist on their own or with other problems.
One of the most common developmental disorders is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Because children with ADHD may be difficult to discipline, parenting may be affected. Anxiety disorders are also common, with separation anxiety unique to children. Disruptive behavioral disorders include aggression, conduct, and oppositional defiant disorder. Mood disorders, including depression, are less common in children but increase during adolescence. Other major categories include sleep, eating, and tic disorders.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy in some form is the most utilized and effective treatment approach for child behaviour problems. Many times it is the parent who is taught to employ the technique, and success depends to a large extent on the willingness of the parent to be actively involved. Drugs are used less frequently with children, because of unknown risk factors, with the notable exception of stimulant treatment for attention disorders—which is most effective when combined with behavioral interventions. Psychoanalytic therapies, including talk therapy, are less frequently used, with the exception of play therapy.
Behaviour disorders in children stem from many causes, including polygenic (involving more than one gene) and neurobiological factors, infant temperament, family relationships (including attachment issues and parenting), psychological issues in parent and child, and social factors including child abuse or sexual abuse. Treatment and intervention programs must recognize the diversity of causes and outcomes. Providing support to diagnosed and at-risk children may improve their lives as children and as adults, including reducing the number of adolescents who end up in the justice system.