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- zeolite
clinoptilolite, hydrated alkali aluminosilicate that is one of the most abundant minerals in the zeolite family. Its structure consists of an outer framework of silica and alumina tetrahedra, within which water molecules and exchangeable cations (e.g., calcium, potassium, sodium) migrate freely. Although clinoptilolite’s chemical formula varies with composition, a typical representation is given by (Na2,K2,Ca)3Al6Si30O72·24H2O.
Clinoptilolite’s structure closely resembles that of heulandite, another zeolite mineral, but contains a higher proportion of silica and alkalies. Clinoptilolite is somewhat soft and forms platy, nearly transparent crystals of monoclinic symmetry. It is typically colourless in thin sections, but colours (e.g., brown, pink, red) may occur owing to the presence of impurities such as iron oxide. The dehydrated mineral has the properties of a molecular sieve that selectively extracts nitrogen from a stream of air, leaving the effluent enriched in oxygen. As an ion exchanger, clinoptilolite has been used to remove cesium and strontium from radioactive wastes produced in reprocessing nuclear fuels and to remove ammonia from sewage streams. The mineral is also used as a filler and bulking agent in the manufacture of paper.
Clinoptilolite can be found in many zeolitic sedimentary rocks, in the compacted deposits of volcanic ash commonly called tuffs, as a by-product of the weathering of basalt, and in some shale deposits. Its sites of occurrence include Idaho, New Mexico, and Texas, U.S.; Zhejiang province, China; and P’ohang, S.Kor.