Major forms of collective behaviour

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Responses to disaster

A disaster-stricken community affords a prototypical situation for collective behaviour. The lives of persons are disrupted indiscriminately by a tornado, flood, or earthquake, and coping with the resulting destruction and disorder is beyond the capacity of conventional institutions. Of perhaps greatest importance, the assumption of a reasonably stable and predictable reality is undermined.

Common misconceptions

A number of common assumptions about behaviour under stress have been dispelled by research on responses to disaster. First, panic is rare. The quite specific conditions under which panic occurs is described below, but stoic, unbelieving, or even resigned reactions are more common than panic. Second, scapegoating is not the rule. Some investigations have suggested an almost unnatural avoidance of singling out villains and placing blame. Within the disaster community the establishment of solidarity is a concern that dampens scapegoating, at least until the immediate emergency is past. Third, there is much less looting and vandalism than is popularly supposed. Even among persons who converge from outside the community there is more petty pilfering for souvenirs than serious crime. Fourth, initially an altruistic selflessness is more prevalent than self-pity and self-serving activity. Frequently noted are dramatic instances of persons who have suffered injury or property damage themselves devoting their time to helping others in no greater need. Fifth, the disruption of established organizations and customary behaviour does not lead primarily to innovation and the exercise of freedom from old restraints. Instead, people more frequently cling to the familiar and seek reinstatement of the old.

The disaster cycle

Collective behaviour in disaster follows a characteristic cycle, from first warning to community rehabilitation.

Warning period

Although individuals read widely different meanings into disaster warnings, the striking feature of this initial stage is the slowness to believe and the reluctance to act upon warnings. People often remain in their houses in spite of imminent flooding and remain on familiar low ground in the face of tidal wave warnings. The surface calm that each person seeks to maintain in the presence of others can lead to collective self-deception and the inhibition of tendencies toward flight.

Impact and stocktaking period

In disasters such as floods and some hurricanes there is a distinctly long period of impact, which can be separated from a subsequent period of stocktaking or immobility. In earthquakes and explosions, on the other hand, the impact is so brief that the periods can hardly be separated. The combined period of impact and stocktaking is marked initially by a fragmentation of human relations, as each individual is separated from others and from his customary moorings; it is then marked by a resurgence of interpersonal warmth that transcends customary social barriers within the disaster community.

Rescue period

Just as initial fragmentation is followed by unnatural solidarity, stunned immobility gives way to a frenzy of activity in the rescue stage. Although activity is often inefficient, the task of rescuing persons who are trapped and of getting the injured to first-aid facilities is usually accomplished fairly expeditiously, often before outside help arrives. This is the period in which altruism becomes the norm, and old rivalries and conflicts are suspended. Many business concerns adopt an uneconomic generosity, and some individuals disregard their personal welfare. The imperious demand to “do something” at once creates an urgent demand for leadership. People turn first to established community leaders, and, when they are equal to the demands, such figures as police and fire officials, school principals, and mass-media personages are quickly accepted as leaders. Frequently these public figures are as bewildered and distracted as everyone else in the community and are soon abandoned in the restless search for leadership. The leaders then are found among persons who have the specific skills and tools required for the rescue efforts of the moment. Often these are people who do not normally exercise community leadership.

Rebuilding or “brickbat” period

The buoyed-up state of the disaster community can last only a short time. Tasks that call for intense effort within a brief time span are completed, and the slow and discouraging work of rebuilding confronts the community. Because the old community cleavages begin to reappear, and because tensions created and repressed during the rescue phase are now released, this period has been called the brickbat stage. The most notable characteristic of this period is the tendency to reinstitute the old community—to rebuild homes on old foundations, to reinstate old forms of organization. In spite of criticism against the ineptitude of established authorities, and in spite of evidence that building locations and methods are vulnerable to the elements, it requires strong leadership to guide the community toward innovation that makes use of what can be learned from the disaster experience.

Collective obsessions

The various kinds of collective obsession—fads, hysterias, and the like—have three main features in common. (1) The most conspicuous sign is a remarkable increase in the frequency and intensity with which people engage in a specific kind of behaviour or assert a belief. There was an “epidemic” of flying-saucer sightings; children in every residential neighbourhood in the United States played on skateboards; there was a sudden rush to buy Florida land. (2) The behaviour—or the abandon with which it is indulged—is ridiculous, irrational, or evil in the eyes of persons who are not themselves caught up in the obsession. In the case of recreational fads, such as skateboarding, nonfaddists are amazed at the tendency to drop all other activities in order to concentrate on the fad; the hundreds of incidents in which swastikas were daubed on synagogues during a few weeks in 1959 and 1960 in the United States, West Germany, and other countries shocked the sensibilities of a world that remembered the Nazi persecution of the Jews. (3) After it has reached a peak, the behaviour drops off abruptly and is followed by a counterobsession. To engage in the fad behaviour after the fad is over is to be subjected to ridicule; after the speculative land boom declines, there is a mad rush to sell property at whatever price it will bring. The following discussion covers five types of collective obsession: fads, hysterical contagion, deviant epidemic, fashion, and crazes.


It is tempting to explain fads on the basis of a single motive such as prestige. Prestige is gained by being among the first and most adept at a skill that everyone else covets. That the skill fails as a source of prestige when it is no longer scarce is an important explanation for the abrupt end of a fad. But motives are complex and varied. The exhilaration of joining a band of devotees in an intense preoccupation and the joy of mastering the novel are not to be discounted.

An examination of fads in such enterprises as scientific research and recreation sheds light on the fundamental dynamics of all kinds of fads. First, the scientific fad begins with a new idea or a rediscovered idea—though not just any new idea will set off a fad. The new idea must be a “key invention,” one that opens up the possibility for a wide range of minor innovations. Discovery of a potent new drug, for example, is followed by a rush to test the drug in all kinds of situations. Similarly, recreation and style faddists do not merely copy a pattern; they try out a variety of novel uses and variations on the basic pattern. The Hula-Hoop was an ideal fad because each child could develop his own particular variation in spinning the hoop.

Second, the termination of fads is largely explained by the exhaustion of innovative possibilities. The drug has been tested in all of the apparently relevant settings; children have run out of new ways to twirl the Hula-Hoop.

Third, the faddish preoccupation means holding in abeyance many routine activities as well as awareness of drawbacks to the fads. So long as the fad is in full force, a sharp ingroup-outgroup sense insulates faddists against these concerns. But once the faddists run out of new variations they begin to be aware of the extent of their neglect of other activities and to consider possible dangers in the fad.

Hysterical contagion

Occasionally waves of fear find expression in a rash of false perceptions and symptoms of physical illness. Girls in an English school fainted in great numbers; women in Mattoon, Ill., reported being anesthetized and assaulted by a mysterious prowler. The best documented case is that of a clothing factory that had to be closed down and fumigated because of reports of toxic insect bites—reports that could not subsequently be substantiated. The U.S. sociologist Alan C. Kerckhoff and the U.S. psychologist Kurt W. Back found that the crisis came after a period during which the women employees had performed unusual amounts of overtime work. The women who became ill from the mysterious insect bites had generally worked more overtime than others and had serious family responsibilities that they could not fulfill because of job demands. Afraid to refuse overtime work lest their job prospects be damaged, yet increasingly upset over neglect of family responsibilities, they found themselves in a conflict from which they could not extricate themselves. Illness from an insect bite provided an excuse to leave work for a day or two. The epidemic continued for about 11 days. It began immediately after a large shipment of foreign cloth had arrived, rendering plausible the assumption that some strange new insect had been introduced to the plant. The first women “bitten” were social isolates, lacking normal social defenses and controls. A rapid spread then took place among women who belonged to intimate cliques, in accord with the theory that social diffusion occurs most readily along well-established lines of social interaction. In the final stage the illness spread to others, irrespective of friendship ties or isolation.

Deviant epidemics

Obsessive behaviour also is observed within deviant groups in society. After Edward G. Robinson starred in the motion picture Little Caesar (1932), a rash of undersized juvenile delinquents aped his manner. In 1959 and 1960 there was a rash of incidents in which synagogues were desecrated, usually by painting Nazi swastikas on them, and anti-Semitic slogans were painted in public places. In the United States the epidemic began the day after Christmas and continued for nine weeks, encompassing 600 reported incidents. Incidents reached a peak in the third week, with the cycle in small communities lagging a little behind the large cities. In the early and late weeks Jewish synagogues, houses, and other specifically Jewish properties were the main targets. During the middle three weeks anti-Semitic symbols were often placed elsewhere, leading investigators to infer that during the peak of the epidemic many participants were drawn in who were less preoccupied with anti-Semitism than were those who initiated the incidents. Only a minority of the perpetrators were identified and arrested, but these were principally adolescent boys who worked together in small unorganized and heterogeneous groups. Some were strongly anti-Semitic in their attitudes, while others were no more hostile toward Jews than they were toward many other groups or aspects of society.

In this kind of episode socially disapproved feelings are given vent following an initial incident. Beginning with persons who have been holding back a specific feeling for some time, the epidemic builds up until persons with other types of suppressed feelings join in. As the epidemic recedes, these secondary participants drop out first.


Fashion is much like fads and other collective obsessions, except that it is institutionalized and regularized, becoming continuous rather than sporadic, and partially predictable. Whereas fads often emerge from the lower echelons of society, and thus constitute a potential challenge to the class structure of society, fashion generally flows from the higher levels to the lower levels, providing a continuous verification of class differences. Continuous change is essential if the higher classes are to maintain their distinctiveness after copies of their clothing styles appear at lower levels. Fashions tend to change cyclically within limits set by the stabler culture.


Another term frequently used to characterize collective obsessions is craze. The term is not analytically separate from “fad” and “fashion,” but it does carry somewhat different connotations. Frequently it refers to a collective focus on important figures in the entertainment or sports world—Rudolph Valentino, Frank Sinatra, James Dean, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, and Pelé to name a few. Fans idolize these personalities, relish and mimic real or imaginary details of their lives, and often form clubs or societies to share their fascination. In many instances crazes suffer the same fate as fads—they die abruptly. In some cases, however, figures such as Sinatra and the Beatles outlast the craze and endure as public figures.

The term craze also has a special connotation in the financial world. There crazes develop when the value of land, stock, or other merchandise is driven well above its intrinsic value by speculation, creating a boom. Such crazes are mainly modern phenomenon, since they require that there be surplus wealth and a flexible and storable medium of exchange. They represent the escalation of a buoyant confidence in the economic future that goes far beyond realistic limits. Financial crazes normally occur after a period of economic expansion and are associated with what seems to be the sudden emergence of a new area of opportunity. The postwar opening up of Spanish New World colonies to British trade was the occasion for the famous 18th-century South Sea Bubble. Combined with craze optimism is the fear of lost opportunity—that is, that the supply of land (or whatever) is not inexhaustible and that only those who buy early will benefit from the initial low prices. The famous crazes have generally received the stamp of authenticity from respected figures who themselves invested and endorsed the enterprise. No less a person than the king of England lost money when the South Sea Bubble burst. Speculative crazes in modern times evolve particularly out of stock exchange activities, although government controls have somewhat curtailed their volatility.


A thin line separates crowd activities from collective obsessions. The crowd is, first, more concentrated in time and space. Thus a race riot, a lynching, or an orgy is limited to a few days or hours and occurs chiefly within an area ranging from a city square or a stadium to a section of a metropolitan area. Second, a concern of the majority of the crowd (many participants do not always share the concern) is a collaborative goal rather than parallel individual goals. The “june bug obsession” cited earlier, in which dozens of women went home from work because of imaginary insect bites, could have turned into a crowd action if the women had banded together to demand a change in working conditions or to conduct a ceremony to exorcise the evil. Third, because the goal is collaborative, there is more division of labour and cooperative activity in a crowd than in collective obsessions. Finally, a major concern of a crowd is with some improvement or social change expected as a result of its activity. Labour rioters expect management to be more compliant after the riot; participants in a massive religious revival expect life in the community to be somehow better as a result.

The crucial step in developing crowd behaviour is the formation of a common mood directed toward a recognized object of attention. In a typical riot situation a routine police arrest or a fistfight between individuals from opposing groups focuses attention. Milling and rumour then establish a mood of indignation and hostility toward an identified enemy or enemies. In a collective religious experience there is usually an amazing event that rivets attention. Through elementary collective behaviour the mood is defined as religious awe and gratitude toward the supernatural and its agents.

As the mood and object become established, either an “active” crowd or an “expressive” crowd is formed. The active crowd is usually aggressive, such as a violent mob, though occasionally it acts to propel members into heroic accomplishments. The expressive crowd has also been called the dancing crowd because its manifestations are dancing, singing, and other forms of emotional expression.

Active crowds

The active crowd identifies an object or group of objects outside itself and proceeds to act directly upon it or them. It will brook no delay or interference, no discussion of the desirability of acting, and no dissent from its course of action. Because of the high pitch of crowd interaction, subtle and indirect courses of action cannot win crowd support, though members are highly suggestible to all proposals and examples for action in keeping with the mood and the object. The stage of transformation from shared mood to shared action constitutes the beginning of the true crowd or mob.

The crucial feature of this stage is overcoming the barriers to such behaviour as the destruction of property or violence toward persons—actions against which most people have strongly ingrained inhibitions. At least four aspects of the way crowd members feel about the situation make this possible. First, there is a sense of an exceptional situation in which a special moral code applies. The crowd merely carries further the justification for a special code of ethics incorporated in the slogan “You have to fight fire with fire!” Second, there is a sense of power in the crowd, with its apparent determination and uniform will, that overcomes the individual’s doubts concerning his own ability to carry out a momentous task successfully. Third, there is a sense of impunity, of safety from personal injury and punishment so long as the individual is on the side of the crowd. And finally, there is a sense of inevitability—that the crowd aim will be accomplished regardless of the doubts and opposition of individuals.

Once the crowd breaks through the barrier of conventional restraints there is typically a “Roman holiday” period during which all restraint appears to be dropped. To the outsider, people seem to have gone mad. Rage is entirely uninhibited. But at the same time an atmosphere of intense enjoyment and release is evident. There is laughing and cheering as the violence and destruction become part of a tremendous carnival.

Under cover of the Roman holiday, people pursue many different interests. Looting for personal gain is infrequent in the early stages of rioting. The leading agents in bringing the mob into being are too preoccupied with their indignation for this. But once the general attack is under way, looting for gain, vandalism for fun, and attacks on specific objects to pay off old grudges become prevalent. In Russian and Polish pogroms of the 19th and early 20th centuries, peasants came with their carts to loot Jewish property after they heard that the pogrom was under way. Lynchings in the southern United States in the early part of the 20th century were frequently followed by general forays on Black neighbourhoods.

The active crowd normally ends with a tapering-off period, which is sometimes preceded by a stage of siege. In riots of limited scale in which no massive police or military forces are used, the peak day is followed by a few more days of successively smaller numbers of widely scattered encounters. Often the last incidents are in areas not previously hit by rioting. There seems to be some internal mechanism limiting the duration of crowd behaviour, though whether it is fatigue, catharsis, or reassertion of ingrained standards of behaviour is uncertain. In serious riots, however, the police and other armed forces are brought into action long before the riot declines on its own. When police power is applied with only enough force to ensure a standoff between rioters and authorities, there is a period—usually ranging from one to three or four days—of siege. The mood of buoyancy gives way to a mood of dogged persistence. Rioters are more cautious and deliberate in what they do. The desire to have the riot over grows among the participants and in the community, but there is reluctance to give up the fight until concessions have been won.

A crowd develops only when a necessary sequence of events occurs and when conditions conducive to crowd development are present. There are at least six such conditions of importance. The first is a deep frustration that is shared by an important segment of the population and that has been festering for a considerable period of time. The frustration is especially poignant when widening intergroup contacts make the frustrated segment more vitally aware of its disadvantages, when its members have been encouraged by education or a public policy statement to aspire to relatively unattainable objectives, and when a period of steadily improving conditions is suddenly interrupted. Second is the presence of deep intergroup cleavages in society. A crowd must have not only a grievance but also an oppressor whom it can blame for its condition. Third is some contradiction in the value system of society, so that there is support both for the social arrangements that the group finds frustrating and for its demands for change. Fourth is a failure of communication, so that grievances can no longer be presented to the appropriate authorities with confidence that they will be given some consideration. Fifth is some failure in the system of control. Mobs often catch police unprepared. In many instances the police, by virtue of their class or ethnic identity, are in sympathy with mobs and unwilling to enforce order. Sixth are experiences leading people to hope that conditions will be improved as a result of violent or disruptive action. Many riots have the support of a well-developed ideology, or they follow occasions when demonstrations and other less extreme tactics have won gains. Among the reasons that mob actions do not soon recur in a given location are that the forces of order are usually strengthened, the hope of great gain is dampened, and channels of communication are often improved after a mob action.

Expressive crowds

Not all crowds act. In some crowds the participants are largely preoccupied with themselves or with one another, and with participation in a common experience. Beginning as early as the 7th century in Europe, and continuing throughout the Middle Ages, there were reported epidemics in which groups of people were caught up in a frenzy of dancing that continued until they dropped. Later a collective frenzy of dancing, singing, and shouting became a regular feature of frontier revivals in 19th-century America. Crowds that exceeded conventional limits of revelry have been common in many historical eras. In San Francisco in 1945, license for public violation of sexual mores characterized the day of celebration at the end of the war with Japan.

Expressive crowds may be secular or religious. What distinguishes them is that the production of a shared subjective experience is the crowd’s measure of its accomplishment, rather than any action upon objects outside the crowd. One interpretation is that the same determinants of social unrest and frustration may give rise to both the expressive crowd and the active crowd, but the expressive crowd fails to identify an object toward which to act; hence members must release accumulated tension through motions and gestures expressing emotion. According to this view an expressive crowd can fairly quickly metamorphose into an active crowd if an object becomes apparent to them. Another interpretation sees the expressive crowd as equally equipped with an object, but with an object that must be acted upon symbolically rather than directly. Thus, one crowd engages in a wild dance to exorcise evil spirits, whereas another seeks to destroy buildings associated with the “establishment” that it blames for many ills.

The expressive crowd may serve best those types of frustrations requiring revitalization of the individual and group rather than direct modification of external circumstances. Expressive crowds may be especially frequent in periods of frustration and boredom over the predictability and routinization of life, from lack of a sense of meaning and importance in the daily round of life, and from a sense of interpersonal isolation in spite of the physical closeness of others.


The word panic is often applied to a strictly individual, maladaptive reaction of flight, immobility, or disorganization stemming from intense fear. For example, a student “panics” during an examination and is unable to call upon his knowledge in answering questions, or a disaster victim in a situation of mild danger panics and flees into much greater danger. Individual panic frequently occurs as a unique individual response without triggering a similar reaction in others.

Panic as collective behaviour, however, is shared behaviour. When an entire military unit breaks into disorderly flight, a group pattern of orderly behaviour is replaced by a group pattern of panic.

There are a number of distinguishing features to collective panic, four of which are noted here. First, several persons in social contact with one another simultaneously exhibit intense fear and either flee (or demonstrate disorganization leading toward flight) or remain immobile. Second, each individual’s fear and his evaluation of the danger are augmented by the signals he receives from others. Third, flight is indicated as the only conceivable course of action by the signals each is receiving from others. Fourth, the usual rules according to which individuals adjust their behaviour so as not to work at cross-purposes are nullified. In the more dramatic instances of collective panic, people trample one another in vain efforts to reach safety.

Four types of causes for collective panic are generally recognized. First, collective panic usually occurs in the kind of situation that arouses fear in any individual. Hence the psychological causes for individual panic are also the fundamental causes for collective panic.

A second cause of panic is the special character of the situation in which people find themselves. Students of responses to disaster observe that collective panic occurs only when people perceive a danger that is both immediate and severe, when they know of only a very limited number of escape routes from the danger, and when they believe those routes are being closed off so that the time for escape is extremely limited. The requirement that all three conditions be present underlines the observation that intense fear in situations from which there is apparently no escape elicits no collective panic and little individual panic.

Psychologists have suggested that collective panic be viewed as part of a broad class of individualistic crowds. Individualistic crowds include such phenomena as the crush and breakdown of order that sometimes occur at a bargain sale, or the transformation of an orderly ticket-window queue into a shoving and pushing crowd. All the usual mechanisms of crowd behaviour are in operation, but, in contrast to the lynch mob or race riot, the situation encourages the intensified pursuit of individual rather than collective goals.

The situational explanation is not complete by itself, however, as indicated by such occasions as the sinking of the ocean liner Titanic with great loss of life but without panic. The ship was visibly sinking, and it was known that there were too few lifeboats for all the passengers, and yet men were frequently reluctant to board the lifeboats until all women and children on board had first been rescued. Hence the third set of causes is the interstimulation of elementary crowd behaviour, the milling, rumour, and social unrest, through which the group forms a collective view of the situation and of the appropriate behaviour. It is difficult to find any logical explanation for the difference in behaviour between the passengers on the Titanic and passengers who have panicked in other maritime disasters, except that a norm of gentility and heroism came to dominate the collective definition through these elementary processes.

Since the most dramatic feature of panic behaviour is every individual’s disregard for his fellows’ lives, many students believe that the fourth set of causes lies in the quality of every individual’s relations with his fellows. The U.S. sociologists Kurt Lang and Gladys E. Lang view panic as the end point in a process of demoralization in which behaviour becomes privatized and there is a general retreat from the pursuit of group goals.

Publics and masses

Crowd behaviour and such related forms as fads and panics are often contrasted with “publics,” in which more of an attitude of deliberation prevails. The most important distinction between crowds and publics is that people in the public recognize that there is a division of opinion about an issue and are prepared to interact with a recognition and tolerance of difference. Blumer defines the public as “a group of people who (a) are confronted by an issue, (b) are divided in their ideas as to how to meet the issue, and (c) engage in discussion over the issue.” Another important difference is that the product of interaction in the public is public opinion, rather than the collective action or experience of collective ecstasy that eventuates from active and expressive crowds.

Publics are common in societies where public officials and institutional leaders are thought to be responsive to indications of public opinion. When this condition does not prevail, collective behaviour does not usually crystallize beyond the elementary forms, stopping with the establishment of a rumour grapevine. When disillusionment over official response to public opinion reaches a high pitch, publics either do not form or turn quickly into crowds that take direct action.

The public and crowd should be distinguished from the “mass.” Members of a mass exhibit similar behaviour, simultaneously, but with a minimum of interaction. Masses include a wide range of groups. They include, for instance, people simultaneously reading the newspaper advertisement for a department store sale and simultaneously converging on the store with similar objects in mind; but masses also involve people converging in a disaster or a gold rush or a mass migration. In the public and the crowd, social interaction plays a large part in accounting for common definitions of an issue and similar views about how to deal with a problem. But in a mass a great many people react similarly to a common stimulus just because they have common attitudes and motivations. Election behaviour is often closer to the mass than to the public, when taboos on discussing controversial topics lead each person to make up his mind privately on the basis of what he gleans from the mass media of communication.