Methods of combinatorial geometry
- Also called:
- combinatorial mathematics
- Key People:
- Paul Erdős
- Andrei Okounkov
- On the Web:
- Carnegie Mellon University - Department of Mathematical Sciences - Combinatorics (PDF) (Feb. 19, 2025)
Many other branches of combinatorial geometry are as important and interesting as those mentioned above, but rather than list them here it is more instructive to provide a few typical examples of frequently used methods of reasoning. Because the emphasis is on illustrating the methods rather than on obtaining the most general results, the examples will deal with problems in two and three dimensions.
Exhausting the possibilities
Using the data available concerning the problem under investigation, it is often possible to obtain a list of all potential, a priori possible, solutions. The final step then consists in eliminating the possibilities that are not actual solutions or that duplicate previously found solutions. An example is the proof that there are only five regular convex polyhedra (the Platonic solids) and the determination of what these five are.
From the definition of regularity it is easy to deduce that all the faces of a Platonic solid must be congruent regular k-gons for a suitable k, and that all the vertices must belong to the same number j of k-gons. Because the sum of the face angles at a vertex of a convex polyhedron is less than 2π, and because each angle of the k-gon is (k − 2)π/k, it follows that j(k − 2)π/k < 2π, or (j − 2)(k − 2) < 4. Therefore, the only possibilities for the pair (j, k) are (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 3), and (5, 3). It may be verified that each of these pairs actually corresponds to a Platonic solid, namely, to the tetrahedron, the cube, the dodecahedron, the octahedron, and the icosahedron, respectively. Very similar arguments may be used in the determination of Archimedean solids and in other instances.
The most serious drawback of the method is that in many instances the number of potential (and perhaps actual) solutions is so large as to render the method unfeasible. Therefore, sometimes the exact determination of these numbers by the method just discussed is out of the question, certainly if attempted by hand and probably even with the aid of a computer.
Use of extremal properties
In many cases the existence of a figure or an arrangement with certain desired properties may be established by considering a more general problem (or a completely different problem) and by showing that a solution of the general problem that is extremal in some sense provides also a solution to the original problem. Frequently there seems to be very little connection between the initial question and the extremal problem. As an illustration the following theorem will be proved: If K is a two-dimensional compact convex set with a centre of symmetry, there exists a parallelogram P containing K, such that the midpoints of the sides of P belong to K. The proof proceeds as follows: Of all the parallelograms that contain K, the one with least possible area is labeled P0. The existence of such a P0 is a consequence of the compactness of K and may be established by standard arguments. It is also easily seen that the centres of K and P0 coincide. The interesting aspect of the situation is that P0 may be taken as the P required for the theorem. In fact ( ), if the midpoints A′ and A of a pair of sides of P0 do not belong to K, it is possible to strictly separate them from K by parallel lines L′ and L that, together with the other pair of sides of P0, determine a new parallelogram containing K but with area smaller than that of P0. The above theorem and its proof generalize immediately to higher dimensions and lead to results that are important in functional analysis.
Sometimes this type of argument is used in reverse to establish the existence of certain objects by disproving the possibility of existence of some extremal figures. As an example the following solution of the problem of Sylvester discussed above can be mentioned. By a standard argument of projective geometry (duality), it is evident that Sylvester’s problem is equivalent to the question: If through the point of intersection of any two of n coplanar lines, no two of which are parallel, there passes a third, are the n lines necessarily concurrent? To show that they must be concurrent, contradiction can be derived from the assumption that they are not concurrent. If L is one of the lines, then not all the intersection points lie on L. Among the intersection points not on L, there must be one nearest to L, which can be called A. Through A pass at least three lines, which meet L in points B, C, D, so that C is between B and D. Through C passes a line L* different from L and from the line through A. Since L* enters the triangle ABD, it intersects either the segment AB or the segment AD, yielding an intersection point nearer to L than the supposedly nearest intersection point A, thus providing the contradiction.
The difficulties in applying this method are caused in part by the absence of any systematic procedure for devising an extremal problem that leads to the solution of the original question.
Use of transformations between different spaces and applications of Helly’s theorem
The methods of proof in combinatorial geometry may be illustrated in one example—the proof of a theorem concerning parallel segments. Let the segment Ii have endpoints (xi, yi) and (xi, y ′i), where yi y′i and i = 1, 2, · · ·, n. The case that two of the segments are on one line is easily disposed of; so it may be assumed that x1, x2, · · ·, xn are all different. With each straight line y = ax + b in the (x, y)-plane can be associated a point (a, b) in another plane, the (a, b)-plane. Now, for i = 1, 2, · · ·, n, the set consisting of all those points (a, b) for which the corresponding line y = ax + b in the (x, y) plane meets the segment Ii can be denoted by Ki. This condition means that yi axi + b y ′i so that each set Ki is convex. The existence of a line intersecting three of the segments Ii means that the corresponding sets Ki have a common point. Then Helly’s theorem for the (a, b)-plane implies the existence of a point (a*, b*) common to all sets Ki. This in turn means that the line y = a*x + b* meets all the segments Ii, I2, · · ·, In, and the proof of theorem D is complete.
In addition to the methods illustrated above, many other techniques of proof are used in combinatorial geometry, ranging from simple mathematical induction to sophisticated decidability theorems of formal logic. The variety of methods available and the likelihood that there are many more not yet invented continue to stimulate research in this rapidly developing branch of mathematics.
Branko Grünbaum