conduction band
Learn about this topic in these articles:
principles of
- band theory
- In band theory
…is normally empty, called the conduction band. Just as electrons at one energy level in an individual atom may transfer to another empty energy level, so electrons in the solid may transfer from one energy level in a given band to another in the same band or in another band,…
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- In band theory
- colour
- In colour: Pure semiconductors
…exactly empty upper band, the conduction band. Because there are no electron energy levels in the gap between the two bands, the lowest energy light that can be absorbed corresponds to arrow A in the figure; this represents the excitation of an electron from the top of the valence band…
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- electrical conduction
- In electricity: Conductors, insulators, and semiconductors
…band is also the conduction band. In an insulator, electrons completely fill the valence band; and the gap between it and the next band, which is the conduction band, is large. The electrons cannot move under the influence of an electric field unless they are given enough energy to cross…
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- luminescence
- In luminescence: Mechanism of luminescence
…band, whereas they reach the conduction band after sufficient excitation. The energy difference between the valence band and the conduction band corresponds to photons in the ultraviolet or still shorter wavelength region. Additional energy levels are introduced by activator ions or centres bridging the energy gap between valence band and…
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- photoemission and energy states
- In photoelectric effect: Photoelectric principles
…allowed energy band—known as the conduction band, because any electron excited to this higher energy level is relatively free. For example, the “bandgap” for silicon is 1.12 eV (electron volts), and that of gallium arsenide is 1.42 eV. This is in the range of energy carried by photons of infrared…
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- In photoelectric effect: Photoelectric principles
- semiconductor devices
- In spectroscopy: X-ray detectors
…its valence band to the conduction band. The electrons in the conduction band and the holes in the valence band are collected and measured, with the amount of charge collected being proportional to the energy of the X-ray photon. Extremely pure germanium crystals have an energy resolution of 1 keV…
Read More - In radiation measurement: Semiconductor detectors
…energy lies in a higher conduction band. Since some energy must be expended in freeing an electron from its normal place in the covalent lattice of a crystal, there is a band gap that separates bound valence electrons from free conduction electrons. In pure crystals no electrons can have an…
Read More - In semiconductor device: Electronic properties
…next higher band is the conduction band, which is separated from the valence band by an energy gap. This energy gap, also called a bandgap, is a region that designates energies that the electrons in the semiconductor cannot possess. Most of the important semiconductors have bandgaps in the range 0.25…
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structure of
- glass
- In industrial glass: Electronic conduction
…levels known as valence and conduction bands. As the temperature is raised, some electrons from the valence band are able to jump across to the conduction band, thus contributing to what is known as the intrinsic conductivity of the atom. In extrinsic semiconductivity, on the other hand, electrons are provided…
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- solar cells
- In materials science: Photovoltaics
…valence band to the higher-energy conduction band. The electrons in the conduction band and the holes they have left behind in the valence band are both mobile and can be induced to move by a voltage. The electron motion, and the movement of holes in the opposite direction, constitute an…
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