Dormancy in cold-blooded vertebrates
- Related Topics:
- hibernation
- diapause
- torpor
- brumation
- estivation
Two kinds of dormancy can be distinguished in vertebrates on the basis of body temperature. Most vertebrates are poikilothermous, or cold-blooded, because the body temperature follows that of the environment and is not kept constant by internal (homoiostatic) mechanisms. The second group, the homoiotherms, maintain a constant body temperature regardless of the ambient temperature; these warm-blooded animals include birds and mammals.
Fishes and amphibians
The metabolism of poikilothermous animals is most influenced by the environmental variables of temperature, nutrition, and photoperiod. Photoperiod, the daily length of light exposure, has a marked metabolic effect in both fishes and amphibians; fishes, however, remain active throughout the year, although the activity may be limited by temperature, as in those fish that rest on the bottom or in mud during cold periods. Brief superficial freezing and supercooling (without freezing) to temperatures below the freezing point of body fluids are experienced by resistant species, but it has not been established that fishes that have been frozen solid can become active when thawed. In the Arctic, no fishes are found in lakes that freeze solid in the winter. Because most fishes do maintain some kind of activity year round, they cannot be said to become dormant in the sense in which the word is used in this article.
In addition to light and temperature, another environmental stress imposed upon fish is drought. Lungfishes, as represented by the African lungfish (Protopterus), burrow deeply into the mud when their water supply is diminished. They surround themselves with a cocoon of slime and remain inactive. Their gills are nonfunctional during this period of dormancy, and they use a lunglike air bladder for respiratory purposes. They rely on fat reserves as an energy source, and in order to conserve water, they excrete urea rather than ammonia. This is because ammonia as an excretory product is highly toxic; animals that excrete ammonia require large quantities of water to dilute it below toxic levels. Urea is a semi-solid substance of low solubility, and requires little or no water for its excretion. (Desert animals and many insects excrete urea.)
During periods of drought or cold, amphibians seek protective niches in which to remain dormant until the return of favourable environmental conditions. Overwintering of frogs and salamanders frequently involves their aggregation in large numbers in a moist terrestrial niche, such as a rotting log, the mud on banks or bottoms of marshes and ponds, or in springs. The more terrestrially oriented amphibians, such as toads, may pass the winter in solitary burrows on land. During dry seasons, frogs may be dormant in a mud cocoon.
Effects of temperature
Because reptiles depend on external sources of heat to keep warm, they survive during periods of low temperature by seeking a place where the temperature will not fall below freezing, except temporarily. The commonest niche for reptilian dormancy is almost always found underground at a depth dependent on the thermal conductivity of the soil relative to the minimum temperature reached. This factor alone can control the distribution of reptiles. None can survive in the Arctic or Antarctic in places in which the subsoil is permanently frozen; and relatively few can exist in areas near these regions, even if suitable sites for dormancy were available, because the short summers would prevent the completion of life cycles. Although the distribution of snakes at high latitudes or altitudes is limited, the adder has been found at 3,300 metres (10,000 feet) in the Swiss Alps and as far north as the Arctic Circle. The Himalayan pit viper has been found at an altitude of 5,000 metres (16,000 feet).
Winter dormancy in reptiles, which is also called brumation, is akin to hibernation in mammals. Instead of experiencing long, sustained periods of inactivity, brumating reptiles stir occasionally to drink water; however, they may go without food for several months. Dormancy in reptiles may display a circadian rhythm, a seasonal one, or both; it is a state of torpor directly induced by low temperature. When the adder, for example, experiences temperatures of about 8–10 °C (46–50 °F), it begins to search out suitable niches in which to rest. Its dormancy ends on the first sunny days after the maximum temperature has reached 7.5 °C (45.5 °F). Because these conditions vary, the adder’s period of dormancy extends from 275 days in northern Europe to 105 days in southern Europe and is about two weeks in the United Kingdom, where the Gulf Stream provides warmth.
Reptiles also normally become dormant during the hottest parts of summer, but the physiology of summer dormancy is quite different from that of winter. As already mentioned, winter dormancy is a state of torpor, induced by a low temperature, that becomes more pronounced as the temperature falls. There is, however, a wide range between the animal’s normal, active (coenothermic) temperature and the lowest temperature at which it can exist. At high temperatures, on the other hand, there is a much narrower range between the coenothermic temperature and temperatures that cause death. In other words, reptiles can tolerate colder temperatures much better than they can tolerate higher ones. For this reason, during hot weather they must seek refuge underground or in cool, shady places, where they remain physiologically active but must forego all normal activity because of the restricted nature of the cooler niche. Desert reptiles, in particular, exhibit such temperature responses daily.
During its dormancy, the amount of water needed by a reptile is less than at other times and is normally supplied by water produced from the metabolism of the animal’s own stored food reserves, particularly fat. In areas in which alternating wet and dry seasons occur, reptiles maintain a longer period of dormancy during the dry season. This behaviour may be related more to the lack of available water than to temperature, because in such areas the onset of the seasonal monsoons elicits a period of increased reptile activity.
Because there is only a limited number of suitable sites available for dormancy, several snakes, usually of the same species, may be found in each niche. As many as 100 or more snakes have been taken from one winter den. Occasionally, lizards and toads may also be found in the same den, but stories of snakes that share denning sites with small birds and mammals have been difficult to substantiate. It is much more usual to find that the entry of snakes into the burrow of a prairie dog or some other warm-blooded animal is followed by the evacuation of the original occupant.
Effects of latitude
Changes in latitude not only alter the lengths of the dormant and active periods of reptiles but also affect their circadian rhythms because of the changes in the proportions of night to day. Many species of snakes, including the adder, are normally active in the early evening. In the northerly latitudes (e.g., northern Europe, such as Scandinavia and Finland), where the length of the active season is reduced by as much as two-thirds, these snakes are active throughout the day and are able to take advantage of every warm hour in order to complete the necessary portions of their life cycle. Even this increased activity during the shorter summer season, however, does not compensate for the latitude. Growth and development slow to such a point that sexual maturity is delayed, and the reproductive period requires two years rather than one; young are produced only every other year instead of every year, as at lower latitudes.