Development of the battery
The invention of the battery in 1800 made possible for the first time major advances in the theories of electric current and electrochemistry. Both science and technology developed rapidly as a direct result, leading some to call the 19th century the age of electricity.
The development of the battery was the accidental result of biological experiments conducted by Luigi Galvani. Galvani, a professor of anatomy at the Bologna Academy of Science, was interested in electricity in fish and other animals. One day he noticed that electric sparks from an electrostatic machine caused muscular contractions in a dissected frog that lay nearby. At first Galvani assumed that the phenomenon was the result of atmospheric electricity because similar effects could be observed during lightning storms. Later he discovered that whenever a piece of metal connected the muscle and nerve of the frog, the muscle contracted. Although Galvani realized that some metals appeared to be more effective than others in producing this effect, he concluded incorrectly that the metal was transporting a fluid, which he identified with animal electricity, from the nerve to the muscle. Galvani’s observations, published in 1791, aroused considerable controversy and speculation.
Alessandro Volta, a physicist at the nearby University of Pavia, had been studying how electricity stimulates the senses of touch, taste, and sight. When Volta put a metal coin on top of his tongue and another coin of a different metal under his tongue and connected their surfaces with a wire, the coins tasted salty. Like Galvani, Volta assumed that he was working with animal electricity until 1796 when he discovered that he could also produce a current when he substituted a piece of cardboard soaked in brine for his tongue. Volta correctly conjectured that the effect was caused by the contact between metal and a moist body. Around 1800 he constructed what is now known as a voltaic pile consisting of layers of silver, moist cardboard, and zinc, repeated in that order, beginning and ending with a different metal. When he joined the silver and the zinc with a wire, electricity flowed continuously through the wire. Volta confirmed that the effects of his pile were equivalent in every way to those of static electricity. Within 20 years, galvanism, as electricity produced by a chemical reaction was then called, became unequivocally linked to static electricity. More important, Volta’s invention provided the first source of continuous electric current. This rudimentary form of battery produced a smaller voltage than the Leyden jar, but it was easier to use because it could supply a steady current and did not have to be recharged.
The controversy between Galvani, who mistakenly thought that electricity originated in the animal’s nerve, and Volta, who realized that it came from the metal, had divided scientists into two camps. Galvani was supported by Alexander von Humboldt in Germany, while Volta was backed by Coulomb and other French physicists.
Within six weeks of Volta’s report, two English scientists, William Nicholson and Anthony Carlisle, used a chemical battery to discover electrolysis (the process in which an electric current produces a chemical reaction) and initiate the science of electrochemistry. In their experiment the two employed a voltaic pile to liberate hydrogen and oxygen from water. They attached each end of the pile to brass wires and placed the opposite ends of the wires into salt water. The salt made the water a conductor. Hydrogen gas accumulated at the end of one wire; the end of the other wire was oxidized. Nicholson and Carlisle discovered that the amount of hydrogen and oxygen set free by the current was proportional to the amount of current used. By 1809 the English chemist Humphry Davy had used a stronger battery to free for the first time several very active metals—sodium, potassium, calcium, strontium, barium, and magnesium—from their liquid compounds. Faraday, who was Davy’s assistant at the time, studied electrolysis quantitatively and showed that the amount of energy needed to separate a gram of a substance from its compound is closely related to the atomic weight of the substance. Electrolysis became a method of measuring electric current, and the quantity of charge that releases a gram atomic weight of a simple element is now called a faraday in his honour.
Once scientists were able to produce currents with a battery, they could study the flow of electricity quantitatively. Because of the battery, the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm was able experimentally in 1827 to quantify precisely a problem that Cavendish could only investigate qualitatively some 50 years earlier—namely, the ability of a material to conduct electricity. The result of this work—Ohm’s law—explains how the resistance to the flow of charge depends on the type of conductor and on its length and diameter. According to Ohm’s formulation, the current flow through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference, or voltage, and inversely proportional to the resistance—that is, i = V/R. Thus, doubling the length of an electric wire doubles its resistance, while doubling the cross-sectional area of the wire reduces the resistance by a half. Ohm’s law is probably the most widely used equation in electric design.
Experimental and theoretical studies of electromagnetic phenomena
One of the great turning points in the development of the physical sciences was Hans Christian Ørsted’s announcement in 1820 that electric currents produce magnetic effects. (Ørsted made his discovery while lecturing to a class of physics students. He placed by chance a wire carrying current near a compass needle and was surprised to see the needle swing at right angles to the wire.) Ørsted’s fortuitous discovery proved that electricity and magnetism are linked. His finding, together with Faraday’s subsequent discovery that a changing magnetic field produces an electric current in a nearby circuit, formed the basis of both James Clerk Maxwell’s unified theory of electromagnetism and most of modern electrotechnology.
Once Ørsted’s experiment had revealed that electric currents have magnetic effects, scientists realized that there must be magnetic forces between the currents. They began studying the forces immediately. A French physicist, François Arago, observed in 1820 that an electric current will orient unmagnetized iron filings in a circle around the wire. That same year, another French physicist, André-Marie Ampère, developed Ørsted’s observations in quantitative terms. Ampère showed that two parallel wires carrying electric currents attract and repel each other like magnets. If the currents flow in the same direction, the wires attract each other; if they flow in opposite directions, the wires repel each other. From this experiment, Ampère was able to express the right-hand rule for the direction of the force on a current in a magnetic field. He also established experimentally and quantitatively the laws of magnetic force between electric currents. He suggested that internal electric currents are responsible for permanent magnets and for highly magnetizable materials like iron. With Arago he demonstrated that steel needles become more strongly magnetic inside a coil carrying an electric current. Experiments on small coils showed that, at large distances, the forces between two such coils are similar to those between two small bar magnets and, moreover, that one coil can be replaced by a bar magnet of suitable size without changing the forces. The magnetic moment of this equivalent magnet was determined by the dimensions of the coil, its number of turns, and the current flowing around it.
William Sturgeon of England and Joseph Henry of the United States used Ørsted’s discovery to develop electromagnets during the 1820s. Sturgeon wrapped 18 turns of bare copper wire around a U-shaped iron bar. When he turned on the current, the bar became an electromagnet capable of lifting 20 times its weight. When the current was turned off, the bar was no longer magnetized. Henry repeated Sturgeon’s work in 1829, using insulated wire to prevent short-circuiting. Using hundreds of turns, Henry created an electromagnet that could lift more than one ton of iron.
Ørsted’s experiment showing that electricity could produce magnetic effects raised the opposite question as well: Could magnetism induce an electric current in another circuit? The French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel argued that since a steel bar inside a metallic helix can be magnetized by passing a current through the helix, the bar magnet in turn should create a current in an enveloping helix. In the following decade many ingenious experiments were devised, but the expectation that a steady current would be induced in a coil near the magnet resulted in experimenters either accidentally missing or not appreciating any transient electric effects caused by the magnet.