Electric and magnetic forces have been known since antiquity, but they were regarded as separate phenomena for centuries. Magnetism was studied experimentally at least as early as the 13th century; the properties of the magnetic compass undoubtedly aroused interest in the phenomenon. Systematic investigations of electricity were delayed until the invention of practical devices for producing electric charge and currents. As soon as inexpensive, easy-to-use sources of electricity became available, scientists produced a wealth of experimental data and theoretical insights. As technology advanced, they studied, in turn, magnetism and electrostatics, electric currents and conduction, electrochemistry, magnetic and electric induction, the interrelationship between electricity and magnetism, and finally the fundamental nature of electric charge.
Early observations and applications
The ancient Greeks knew about the attractive force of both magnetite and rubbed amber. Magnetite, a magnetic oxide of iron mentioned in Greek texts as early as 800 bce, was mined in the province of Magnesia in Thessaly. Thales of Miletus, who lived nearby, may have been the first Greek to study magnetic forces. He apparently knew that magnetite attracts iron and that rubbing amber (a fossil tree resin that the Greeks called ēlektron) would make it attract such lightweight objects as feathers. According to Lucretius, the Roman author of the philosophical poem De rerum natura (“On the Nature of Things”) in the 1st century bce, the term magnet was derived from the province of Magnesia. Pliny the Elder, however, attributed it to the supposed discoverer of the mineral, the shepherd Magnes, “the nails of whose shoes and the tip of whose staff stuck fast in a magnetic field while he pastured his flocks.”
The oldest practical application of magnetism was the magnetic compass, but its origin remains unknown. Some historians believe it was used in China as far back as the 26th century bce; others contend that it was invented by the Italians or Arabs and introduced to the Chinese during the 13th century ce. The earliest extant European reference is by Alexander Neckam (died 1217) of England.
The first experiments with magnetism are attributed to Peter Peregrinus of Maricourt, a French Crusader and engineer. In his oft-cited Epistola de magnete (1269; “Letter on the Magnet”), Peregrinus described having placed a thin iron rectangle on different parts of a spherically shaped piece of magnetite (or lodestone) and marked the lines along which it set itself. The lines formed a set of meridians of longitude passing through two points at opposite ends of the stone, in much the same way as the lines of longitude on Earth’s surface intersect at the North and South poles. By analogy, Peregrinus called the points the poles of the magnet. He further noted that, when a magnet is cut into pieces, each piece still has two poles. He also observed that unlike poles attract each other and that a strong magnet can reverse the polarity of a weaker one.
Emergence of the modern sciences of electricity and magnetism
The founder of the modern sciences of electricity and magnetism was William Gilbert, physician to both Elizabeth I and James I of England. Gilbert spent 17 years experimenting with magnetism and, to a lesser extent, electricity. He assembled the results of his experiments and all of the available knowledge on magnetism in the treatise De Magnete, Magneticisque Corporibus, et de Magno Magnete Tellure (“On the Magnet, Magnetic Bodies, and the Great Magnet of the Earth”), published in 1600. As suggested by the title, Gilbert described Earth as a huge magnet. He introduced the term electric for the force between two objects charged by friction and showed that frictional electricity occurs in many common materials. He also noted one of the primary distinctions between magnetism and electricity: the force between magnetic objects tends to align the objects relative to each other and is affected only slightly by most intervening objects, while the force between electrified objects is primarily a force of attraction or repulsion between the objects and is grossly affected by intervening matter. Gilbert attributed the electrification of a body by friction to the removal of a fluid, or “humour,” which then left an “effluvium,” or atmosphere, around the body. The language is quaint, but, if the “humour” is renamed “charge” and the “effluvium” renamed “electric field,” Gilbert’s notions closely approach modern ideas.
Pioneering efforts
During the 17th and early 18th centuries, as better sources of charge were developed, the study of electric effects became increasingly popular. The first machine to generate an electric spark was built in 1663 by Otto von Guericke, a German physicist and engineer. Guericke’s electric generator consisted of a sulfur globe mounted on an iron shaft. The globe could be turned with one hand and rubbed with the other. Electrified by friction, the sphere alternately attracted and repulsed light objects from the floor.
Stephen Gray, a British chemist, is credited with discovering that electricity can flow (1729). He found that corks stuck in the ends of glass tubes become electrified when the tubes are rubbed. He also transmitted electricity approximately 150 metres through a hemp thread supported by silk cords and, in another demonstration, sent electricity even farther through metal wire. Gray concluded that electricity flowed everywhere.
From the mid-18th through the early 19th centuries, scientists believed that electricity was composed of fluid. In 1733 Charles François de Cisternay DuFay, a French chemist, announced that electricity consisted of two fluids: “vitreous” (from the Latin for “glass”), or positive, electricity; and “resinous,” or negative, electricity. When DuFay electrified a glass rod, it attracted nearby bits of cork. Yet, if the rod touched the pieces of cork, the cork fragments were repelled and also repelled one another. DuFay accounted for this phenomenon by explaining that, in general, matter was neutral because it contained equal quantities of both fluids; if, however, friction separated the fluids in a substance and left it imbalanced, the substance would attract or repel other matter.