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In the life cycle of a sexually reproducing fungus, a haploid phase alternates with a diploid phase. The haploid phase ends with nuclear fusion, and the diploid phase begins with the formation of the zygote (the diploid cell resulting from fusion of two haploid sex cells). Meiosis (reduction division) restores the haploid number of chromosomes and initiates the haploid phase, which produces the gametes. In the majority of fungi, all structures are haploid except the zygote. Nuclear fusion takes place at the time of zygote formation, and meiosis follows immediately. Only in Allomyces and a few related genera and in some yeasts is alternation of a haploid thallus with a diploid thallus definitely known.
In the higher fungi a third condition is interspersed between the haploid and diploid phases of the life cycle. In these fungi, plasmogamy (fusion of the cellular contents of two hyphae but not of the two haploid nuclei) results in dikaryotic hyphae in which each cell contains two haploid nuclei, one from each parent. Eventually, the nuclear pair fuses to form the diploid nucleus and thus the zygote. In the Basidiomycota, binucleate cells divide successively and give rise to a binucleate mycelium, which is the main assimilative phase of the life cycle. It is the binucleate mycelium that eventually forms the basidia—the stalked fruiting bodies in which nuclear fusion and meiosis take place prior to the formation of the basidiospores.
Fungi usually reproduce both sexually and asexually. The asexual cycle produces mitospores, and the sexual cycle produces meiospores. Even though both types of spores are produced by the same mycelium, they are very different in form and easily distinguished (see above Sporophores and spores). The asexual phase usually precedes the sexual phase in the life cycle and may be repeated frequently before the sexual phase appears.
Some fungi differ from others in their lack of one or the other of the reproductive stages. For example, some fungi reproduce only sexually (except for fragmentation, which is common in most fungi), whereas others reproduce only asexually. A number of fungi exhibit the phenomenon of parasexuality, in which processes comparable to plasmogamy, karyogamy, and meiosis take place. However, these processes do not occur at a specified time or at specified points in the life cycle of the organism. As a result, parasexuality is characterized by the prevalence of heterokaryosis in a mycelium—i.e., the presence, side by side, of nuclei of different genetic composition.