head and neck cancer
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head and neck cancer, any of a group of malignant diseases that originate variously in the oral cavity (including the lips and the mouth), the nasal cavity, the paranasal sinuses, the larynx (voicebox), the pharynx (throat), or the salivary glands. Incidence rates for head and neck cancer vary worldwide, with the highest rates occurring in parts of Asia, where chewing tobacco is common practice. In areas of the Middle East and northern Africa, the disease is more commonly associated with infection with Epstein-Barr virus. Other risk factors for head and neck cancer include alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, infection with certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV), and exposure to ultraviolet light and certain chemicals.
Most cancers of the head and neck manifest as head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs). HNSCCs are malignant tumours that develop in the epithelial tissue, which lines the exterior and interior body cavities as well as the lumen (internal space) of organs and blood vessels. The tumours have the potential to metastasize (spread) throughout the head and neck region and to nearby organs if not detected in time.
Individuals with head and neck cancer may present with any of a variety of symptoms, such as a persistent pain in the throat, a sensation of pain or difficulty when swallowing, jaw pain, a change in voice, persistent pain in the ear, a sore in the head and neck region that does not heal, bleeding in the mouth or the throat, double vision, or unexplained weight loss. Diagnosis is based on specific signs and symptoms and the results of blood tests, tests for the presence of HPV or EBV, and imaging studies (e.g., computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging). Suspected cancerous lesions or tumours may be biopsied and sent to a pathologist for histological examination and a microscopic inspection for the presence of cancerous cells.

Treatment for head and neck cancer is tailored to the specific needs and general health of individual patients, as well as to the size, location, and stage of tumour progression. Therapy and management of head and neck cancer may include surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.