The spread of new learning
- Key People:
- Avicenna
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- medicine
- On the Web:
- The Lancet - Medical historians and the history of medicine (Feb. 08, 2025)
Among the teachers of medicine in the medieval universities there were many who clung to the past, but there were not a few who determined to explore new lines of thought. The new learning of the Renaissance, born in Italy, grew and expanded slowly. Two great 13th-century scholars who influenced medicine were Roger Bacon, an active observer and tireless experimenter, and Albertus Magnus, a distinguished philosopher and scientific writer.
About this time Mondino dei Liucci taught at Bologna. Prohibitions against human dissection were slowly lifting, and Mondino performed his own dissections rather than following the customary procedure of entrusting the task to a menial. Although he perpetuated the errors of Galen, his Anothomia, published in 1316, was the first practical manual of anatomy. Foremost among the surgeons of the day was Guy de Chauliac, a physician to three popes at Avignon. His Chirurgia magna (“Great Surgery”), based on observation and experience, had a profound influence upon the progress of surgery.
The Renaissance in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries was much more than just a reviving of interest in Greek and Roman culture; it was rather a change of outlook, an eagerness for discovery, a desire to escape from the limitations of tradition and to explore new fields of thought and action. In medicine, it was perhaps natural that anatomy and physiology, the knowledge of the human body and its workings, should be the first aspects of medical learning to receive attention from those who realized the need for reform.
It was in 1543 that Andreas Vesalius, a young Belgian professor of anatomy at the University of Padua, published De humani corporis fabrica (“On the Structure of the Human Body”). Based on his own dissections, this seminal work corrected many of Galen’s errors. By his scientific observations and methods, Vesalius showed that Galen could no longer be regarded as the final authority. His work at Padua was continued by Gabriel Fallopius and, later, by Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquapendente; it was his work on the valves in the veins, De venarum ostiolis (1603), that suggested to his pupil William Harvey his revolutionary theory of the circulation of the blood, one of the great medical discoveries.
Surgery profited from the new outlook in anatomy, and the great reformer Ambroise Paré dominated the field in the 16th century. Paré was surgeon to four kings of France, and he has deservedly been called the father of modern surgery. In his autobiography, written after he had retired from 30 years of service as an army surgeon, Paré described how he had abolished the painful practice of cauterization to stop bleeding and used ligatures and dressings instead. His favourite expression, “I dressed him; God healed him,” is characteristic of this humane and careful doctor.
In Britain during this period, surgery, which was performed by barber-surgeons, was becoming regulated and organized under royal charters. Companies were thus formed that eventually became the royal colleges of surgeons in Scotland and England. Physicians and surgeons united in a joint organization in Glasgow, and a college of physicians was founded in London.
The 16th-century medical scene was enlivened by the enigmatic physician and alchemist who called himself Paracelsus. Born in Switzerland, he traveled extensively throughout Europe, gaining medical skills and practicing and teaching as he went. In the tradition of Hippocrates, Paracelsus stressed the power of nature to heal, but, unlike Hippocrates, he believed also in the power of supernatural forces, and he violently attacked the medical treatments of his day. Eager for reform, he allowed his intolerance to outweigh his discretion, as when he prefaced his lectures at Basel by publicly burning the works of Avicenna and Galen. The authorities and medical men were understandably outraged. Widely famous in his time, Paracelsus remains a controversial figure to this day. Despite his turbulent career, however, he did attempt to bring a more rational approach to diagnosis and treatment, and he introduced the use of chemical drugs in place of herbal remedies.
A contemporary of Paracelsus, Girolamo Fracastoro of Italy was a scholar cast from a very different mold. His account of the disease syphilis, entitled Syphilis sive morbus Gallicus (1530; “Syphilis or the French Disease”), was written in verse. Although Fracastoro called syphilis the French disease, others called it the Neapolitan disease, for it was said to have been brought to Naples from America by the sailors of Christopher Columbus. Its origin is still questioned, however. Fracastoro was interested in epidemic infection, and he offered the first scientific explanation of disease transmission. In his great work, De contagione et contagiosis morbis (1546), he theorized that the seeds of certain diseases are imperceptible particles transmitted by air or by contact.
The Enlightenment
In the 17th century the natural sciences moved forward on a broad front. There were attempts to grapple with the nature of science, as expressed in the works of thinkers like Francis Bacon, René Descartes, and Sir Isaac Newton. New knowledge of chemistry superseded the theory that all things are made up of earth, air, fire, and water, and the old Aristotelian ideas began to be discarded. The supreme 17th-century achievement in medicine was Harvey’s explanation of the circulation of blood.
Harvey and the experimental method
Born in Folkestone, England, William Harvey studied at Cambridge and then spent several years at Padua, where he came under the influence of Fabricius. He established a successful medical practice in London and, by precise observation and scrupulous reasoning, developed his theory of circulation. In 1628 he published his classic book Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus (Concerning the Motion of the Heart and Blood), often called De Motu Cordis.
That the book aroused controversy is not surprising. There were still many who adhered to the teaching of Galen that the blood follows an ebb-and-flow movement in the blood vessels. Harvey’s work was the result of many careful experiments, but few of his critics took the trouble to repeat the experiments, simply arguing in favour of the older view. His second great book, Exercitationes de Generatione Animalium (“Experiments Concerning Animal Generation”), published in 1651, laid the foundation of modern embryology.
Harvey’s discovery of the circulation of the blood was a landmark of medical progress; the new experimental method by which the results were secured was as noteworthy as the work itself. Following the method described by the philosopher Francis Bacon, he drew the truth from experience and not from authority.
There was one gap in Harvey’s argument: he was obliged to assume the existence of the capillary vessels that conveyed the blood from the arteries to the veins. This link in the chain of evidence was supplied by Marcello Malpighi of Bologna (who was born in 1628, the year of publication of De Motu Cordis). With a primitive microscope, Malpighi saw a network of tiny blood vessels in the lung of a frog. Harvey also failed to show why the blood circulated. After Robert Boyle had shown that air is essential to animal life, it was Richard Lower who traced the interaction between air and the blood. Eventually, the importance of oxygen, which was confused for a time by some as phlogiston, was revealed, although it was not until the late 18th century that the great chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier discovered the essential nature of oxygen and clarified its relation to respiration.
Although the compound microscope had been invented slightly earlier, probably in Holland, its development, like that of the telescope, was the work of Galileo. He was the first to insist upon the value of measurement in science and in medicine, thus replacing theory and guesswork with accuracy. The great Dutch microscopist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek devoted his long life to microscopical studies and was probably the first to see and describe bacteria, reporting his results to the Royal Society of London. In England, Robert Hooke, who was Boyle’s assistant and curator to the Royal Society, published his Micrographia in 1665, which discussed and illustrated the microscopic structure of a variety of materials.
The futile search for an easy system
Several attempts were made in the 17th century to discover an easy system that would guide the practice of medicine. A substratum of superstition still remained. Richard Wiseman, surgeon to Charles II, affirmed his belief in the “royal touch” as a cure for king’s evil, or scrofula, while even the learned English physician Thomas Browne stated that witches really existed. There was, however, a general desire to discard the past and adopt new ideas.
The view of French philosopher René Descartes that the human body is a machine and that it functions mechanically had its repercussions in medical thought. One group adopting this explanation called themselves the iatrophysicists; another school, preferring to view life as a series of chemical processes, were called iatrochemists. Santorio Santorio, working at Padua, was an early exponent of the iatrophysical view and a pioneer investigator of metabolism. He was especially concerned with the measurement of what he called “insensible perspiration,” described in his book De Statica Medicina (1614; “On Medical Measurement”). Another Italian, who developed the idea still further, was Giovanni Alfonso Borelli, a professor of mathematics at Pisa, who gave his attention to the mechanics and statics of the body and to the physical laws that govern its movements.
The iatrochemical school was founded at Brussels by Jan Baptist van Helmont, whose writings are tinged with the mysticism of the alchemist. A more logical and intelligible view of iatrochemistry was advanced by Franciscus Sylvius, at Leiden, and in England a leading exponent of the same school was Thomas Willis, who is better known for his description of the brain in his Cerebri Anatome Nervorumque Descriptio et Usus (“Anatomy of the Brain and Descriptions and Functions of the Nerves”), published in 1664 and illustrated by Sir Christopher Wren.
It soon became apparent that no easy road to medical knowledge and practice was to be found along these channels and that the best method was the age-old system of straightforward clinical observation initiated by Hippocrates. The need for a return to these views was strongly urged by Thomas Sydenham, well named “the English Hippocrates.” Sydenham was not a voluminous writer and, indeed, had little patience with book learning in medicine; nevertheless, he gave excellent descriptions of the phenomena of disease. His greatest service, much needed at the time, was to divert physicians’ minds from speculation and lead them back to the bedside, where the true art of medicine could be studied.