Influence of the environment
As stated earlier in this article, gene expression occurs only after modification by the environment. A good example is the recessively inherited disease called galactosemia, in which the enzyme necessary for the metabolism of galactose—a component of milk sugar—is defective. The sole source of galactose in the infant’s diet is milk, which in this instance is toxic. The treatment of this most serious disease in the neonate is to remove all natural forms of milk from the diet (environmental manipulation) and to substitute a synthetic milk lacking galactose. The infant will then develop normally but will never be able to tolerate foods containing lactose. If milk was not a major part of the infant’s diet, however, the mutant gene would never be able to express itself, and galactosemia would be unknown.
Another way of saying this is that no trait can exist or become actual without an environmental contribution. Thus, the old question of which is more important, heredity or environment, is without meaning. Both nature (heredity) and nurture (environment) are always important for every human attribute.
But this is not to say that the separate contributions of heredity and environment are equivalent for each characteristic. Dark pigmentation of the iris of the eye, for example, is under hereditary control in that one or more genes specify the synthesis and deposition in the iris of the pigment (melanin). This is one characteristic that is relatively independent of such environmental factors as diet or climate; thus, individual differences in eye colour tend to be largely attributable to hereditary factors rather than to ordinary environmental change.
On the other hand, it is unwarranted to assume that other traits (such as height, weight, or intelligence) are as little affected by environment as is eye colour. It is very easy to gather information that tall parents tend, on the average, to have tall children (and that short parents tend to produce short children), properly indicating a hereditary contribution to height. Nevertheless, it is equally manifest that growth can be stunted in the environmental absence of adequate nutrition. The dilemma arises that only the combined, final result of this nature-nurture interaction can be directly observed. There is no accurate way (in the case of a single individual) to gauge the separate contributions of heredity and environment to such a characteristic as height. An inferential way out of this dilemma is provided by studies of twins.
Fraternal twins
Usually a fertile human female produces a single egg about once a month. Should fertilization occur (a zygote is formed), growth of the individual child normally proceeds after the fertilized egg has become implanted in the wall of the uterus (womb). In the unusual circumstance that two unfertilized eggs are simultaneously released by the ovaries, each egg may be fertilized by a different sperm cell at about the same time, become implanted, and grow, to result in the birth of twins.

Twins formed from separate eggs and different sperm cells can be of the same or of either sex. No matter what their sex, they are designated as fraternal twins. This terminology is used to emphasize that fraternal twins are genetically no more alike than are siblings (brothers or sisters) born years apart. Basically they differ from ordinary siblings only in having grown side by side in the womb and in having been born at approximately the same time.
Identical twins
In a major nonfraternal type of twinning, only one egg is fertilized, but during the cleavage of this single zygote into two cells, the resulting pair somehow become separated. Each of the two cells may implant in the uterus separately and grow into a complete, whole individual. In laboratory studies with the zygotes of many animal species, it has been found that in the two-cell stage (and later) a portion of the embryo, if separated under the microscope by the experimenter, may develop into a perfect, whole individual. Such splitting occurs spontaneously at the four-cell stage in some organisms (e.g., the armadillo) and has been accomplished experimentally with the embryos of salamanders, among others.
The net result of splitting at an early embryonic stage may be to produce so-called identical twins. Since such twins derive from the same fertilized egg, the hereditary material from which they originate is absolutely identical in every way, down to the last gene locus. While developmental and genetic differences between one “identical” twin and another still may arise through a number of processes (e.g., mutation), these twins are always found to be of the same sex. They are often breathtakingly similar in appearance, frequently down to very fine anatomic and biochemical details (although their fingerprints are differentiable).
Diagnosis of twin types
Since the initial event in the mother’s body (either splitting of a single egg or two separate fertilizations) is not observed directly, inferential means are employed for diagnosing a set of twins as fraternal or identical. The birth of fraternal twins is frequently characterized by the passage of two separate afterbirths. In many instances, identical twins are followed by only a single afterbirth, but exceptions to this phenomenon are so common that this is not a reliable method of diagnosis.
The most trustworthy method for inferring twin type is based on the determination of genetic similarity. By selecting those traits that display the least variation attributable to environmental influences (such as eye colour and blood types), it is feasible, if enough separate chromosome loci are considered, to make the diagnosis of twin type with high confidence. HLA antigens, which, as stated above, are very polymorphic, have become most useful in this regard.