nervous system disease
nervous system disease, any of the diseases or disorders that affect the functioning of the human nervous system. Everything that humans sense, consider, and effect and all the unlearned reflexes of the body depend on the functioning of the nervous system. The skeleton and muscles support and transport the body, and the digestive system, heart, and lungs provide nutrients; but the nervous system contains the epitome of the human—the mind—and commands all perception, thought, and action. Disturbance or malfunction of the functions of the nervous system causes changes felt throughout the body. Although many brain diseases cause disorders of thought or mood, this article discusses only diseases of the nervous system that have organic causes. For a discussion of psychological disorders, see mental disorders.
The first part of this article describes the neurological examination—the medical history, the physical examination of the patient, and the diagnostic tests and procedures that can be employed to provide a physician with information about a possible neurological disorder. Next the principles used in localizing a disease within the nervous system are explained. The third part of this article provides an overview of pathological processes. Finally, an account is presented of the diseases of the nervous system, using a general classification based upon the primary or major site of the disease.
The neurological examination
Medical history
An old saying in medicine, “Listen to the patient; he is telling you the diagnosis,” is especially true in neurology. A patient’s description of symptoms is a valuable tool that allows the physician to learn about the nature and location of a possible neurological disease. While taking a patient’s medical history, the neurologist notes the patient’s level of awareness, memory loss, posture and gait, demeanour and expression, speech, and, to some extent, personality. The neurologist also notes symptoms such as pain, headache, loss of sensation, weakness, incoordination, wasting of certain muscle groups, and abnormal movements.
Altered consciousness
The ability to notice and react to one’s environment is not an on-off phenomenon but a continuum. From full alertness a person can descend through drowsiness to stupor, a condition in which awareness is greatly reduced and the best motor response to stimulation is a groan or other vocal (but not verbal) reaction. Deeper levels of unconsciousness pass through light coma, in which strong stimulation produces only a clumsy motor response, to deep coma, in which there is only a reflex movement or no response at all. Such depression of consciousness occurs when there is impairment of the functions of the brainstem or of the cerebral cortex. Brainstem disorders can cause coma if the brainstem is compressed by other parts of the brain swollen because of disease or if it is afflicted by local disease such as encephalitis, stroke, or concussion. Diseases of the cerebral cortex causing coma include poisoning by sedative drugs, lack of glucose or oxygen in the blood, brain hemorrhage, and certain rare infiltrative disorders in which descent through the levels of consciousness occurs over weeks or months. Brief periods of unconsciousness, of which the patient may not be aware, occur in many forms of epilepsy, narcolepsy, repeated attacks of low blood sugar, and reduction in the blood supply to the brain—particularly the brainstem.
When pressure inside the cranium is increased, pain-sensitive structures in and around the brain are distorted and cause pain in an ill-localized area but often identifiably in the front or back of the head called a traction headache. Traction headaches may be caused by brain swelling, infection, bleeding, tumour, stress, or obstructed flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Also, pain may be felt in the head region although the disorder causing the pain is situated elsewhere; an example is the facial pain sometimes felt with lack of blood to the heart. Local disease of such cranial structures as the jaw joints, the paranasal sinuses and teeth, the middle ear, and the skull bones themselves may also generate pain.

Tension headaches are caused by prolonged excessive contraction of the muscles that run front-to-back over the skull; these headaches are often caused by stress. A persistent pressing or pulling pain, often with a throbbing component, is usually described. Migraine headaches may occur simultaneously with tension headaches and are characterized by throbbing pain with scalp tenderness, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to noise and light.
Cognitive changes
Poor concentration resulting from preoccupation, fatigue, or depression is the most common cause of memory loss, but widespread brain disease, vitamin deficiency, epilepsy, and dementia (loss of intellectual power) are also causes. When the period of memory loss is well defined, prominent causes are trauma to the head, seizures, poisoning (e.g., alcohol), and brief episodes of inadequate blood supply to the brain. Impaired comprehension, reasoning, logical thinking, and ability to plan ahead may also be symptoms of a neurological disorder.
Language and speech deficits
Patients with aphasia may know exactly what they want to say, but they are unable to express their thoughts in spoken (and often written) words. They may also be unable to comprehend the meaning of spoken or written language, so that normal speech sounds like a foreign tongue. Strokes are the most common cause of aphasia, but any focal brain disease may be responsible.
Similar problems of language and speech comprehension are apraxia and agnosia. Apraxia is the inability to perform useful or skilled actions; apraxic patients may be able to name an object such as a comb or key, but they may not know how to use it. Agnosia is the failure to comprehend the significance of a nonlanguage stimulus; an agnosic patient may be unable to recognize the origin of a sound from a musical instrument.
Dysarthria, or difficulty in articulation, usually is caused by an abnormality in the nerves and muscles in and around the mouth or in their connections. Problems in the production of speech sounds, called dysphonia, often indicate a problem affecting the larynx or the nerves and muscles of that structure. Since the cranial nerves supplying these areas originate in the brainstem, neurological disease of this region may also be a cause.