Physical infinities
- Key People:
- Georg Cantor
- Richard Dedekind
- Zeno of Elea
- Bernhard Bolzano
- Related Topics:
- mathematics
- infinite set
- On the Web:
- Brown University - Department of Mathematics - Proof and Sizes of Infinity (PDF) (Jan. 31, 2025)
The science of physical infinities is much less developed than the science of mathematical infinities. The main reason is simply that the status of physical infinities is quite undecided. In physics one might look for infinities in space, time, divisibility, or dimensionality.
Although some have speculated that three-dimensional space is infinite, cosmologists generally believe that the universe is curved in such a way as to make it finite but unbounded—akin to the surface of a sphere. Some theories of cosmology view the universe as being embedded in a higher-dimensional superspace, which could perhaps be infinite in extent.
In the light of the big-bang model of the origin of the universe, cosmologists generally believe that the universe has a finitely long past; whether it might have an endless future is an open question. Under the “infinite future” view, space may continue much as it is now, with the galaxies drifting farther and farther apart, the stars burning to dust, and the remaining particles possibly decaying into radiation. Alternatively, in the “finite future” view, a cosmic catastrophe at some definite time in the future may destroy the universe: space may collapse to a point, or perhaps a parallel sheet of space (a “brane”) will collide with our universe, annihilating everything. In any of the catastrophic finite future scenarios, speculation exists that the end of the universe may be followed by the birth of a new universe, in which case the future may in some sense be infinite after all.
If matter were to be infinitely divisible, then each object would in principle contain a potentially infinite collection of particles. But quantum mechanics rules out, or at least poses a formidable barrier to, notions of endless divisibility.
There is also a possibility that physical reality might enjoy an infinite number of dimensions; indeed, quantum mechanics is often formulated in terms of an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. But these dimensions are more useful fictions than solid realities.
Metaphysical infinities
Perhaps the most familiar context for discussing infinity is in metaphysics and theology. Cantor originated the distinction between the infinities of mathematics, physics, and metaphysics. Although Plato thought of the Absolute as finite, all theologians and metaphysicians from Plotinus (205–270 ce) on have supposed the Absolute to be infinite. What is meant by “the Absolute” depends, of course, upon the philosopher in question; it might be taken to mean God, an overarching universal mind, or simply the class of all possible thoughts.
The Bohemian mathematician Bernard Bolzano (1781–1848) formulated an argument for the infinitude of the class of all possible thoughts. If T is a thought, let T* stand for the notion “T is a thought.” T and T* are in turn distinct thoughts, so that, starting with any single thought T, one can obtain an endless sequence of possible thoughts: T, T*, T**, T***, and so on. Some view this as evidence that the Absolute is infinite.
The infinitude of the Absolute can in turn be used as evidence for the existence of infinite thoughts or of infinite mathematical forms. The reasoning here is based on the metaphysical notion that, as the greatest possible thing, the Absolute should in some sense be formally unknowable. That is, the Absolute should lie beyond any human attempt to describe it fully. This means that it should be impossible to formulate a simple property P and then to define the Absolute as the unique thing that enjoys property P.
This line of thought leads to what logicians call the reflection principle. According to the reflection principle, if P is any simply describable property enjoyed by the Absolute, then there must be something smaller than the Absolute that also has property P. The motivation for the reflection principle is that, if it were to fail for some property P, then the Absolute could be defined as the unique thing that has property P, thus violating the principle that the Absolute should transcend any human description of it.
Perhaps surprisingly, metaphysical-sounding notions such as the reflection principle are used by set theorists in their mathematical investigations of the levels of infinity. One can, for instance, use the reflection principle argument to argue for the existence of infinite sets: the Absolute universe of all sets is infinite; therefore, by reflection there must be an ordinary set that is also infinite.
There is a sense in which set theory can be thought of as a form of highly mathematical metaphysics. Conspicuously lacking, however, is any physical application for the transfinite numbers of set theory. Cantor himself conjectured that the universe might contain different types of matter, with the different types of matter decomposable into infinite sets of differing sizes. But nobody has ever found a way to incorporate this notion usefully into modern physics.
Rudy Rucker