Intra-articular fibrocartilages
- Key People:
- Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, 1st Baronet
- Related Topics:
- knee
- elbow
- wrist
- sacroiliac
- knuckle
Intra-articular fibrocartilages are complete or incomplete plates of fibrocartilage that are attached to the joint capsule (the investing ligament) and that stretch across the joint cavity between a pair of conarticular surfaces. When complete they are called disks; when incomplete they are called menisci. Disks are found in the temporomandibular joint of the lower jaw, the sternoclavicular (breastbone and collarbone) joint, and the ulnocarpal (inner forearm bone and wrist) joint. A pair of menisci is found in each knee joint, one between each femoral condyle and its female tibial counterpart. A small meniscus is found in the upper part of the acromioclavicular joint at the top of the shoulder. These fibrocartilages are really parts of the fibrous layer of the diarthrosis in which they occur, and they effect a complete or partial division of the articular bursa into two parts, depending upon whether they are disks or menisci, respectively. When the division is complete, there are really two synovial joints—e.g., the sternodiskal and the discoclavicular.
A disk or meniscus is mostly fibrocartilage, the chondrification being slight and the fibrous element predominating, especially in the part nearest to the investing ligament. Both animal experiments and surgical experience have shown that a meniscus of the knee can regrow if removed. The function of these intra-articular plates is to assist the gliding movements of the bones at the joints that contain them.
The synovial layer
The inner layer of the articular joint capsule is called the synovial layer (stratum synoviale) because it is in contact with the synovial fluid. Unlike the fibrous layer, it is incomplete and does not extend over the articulating parts of the articular cartilages and the central parts of articular disks and menisci.
The layer, commonly called the synovial membrane, is itself divisible into two strata, the intima and the subintima. The intima is smooth and moist on its free (synovial) surface. It could be described as an elastic plastic in which cells are embedded. Its elasticity allows it to stretch when one of the articulating bones either spins or swings to the opposite side and to return to its original size when the movement of the bone is reversed.
The cells of a synovial membrane can be divided into two classes: synovial lining cells and protective cells. The synovial lining cells are responsible for the generation and maintenance of the matrix. Their form depends upon their location. They are flattened and rounded at or near the internal surface of the membrane, more elongated and spindle-shaped elsewhere. They appear to be quite mobile and able to make their way to the free surface of the membrane. Excepting the regions in which the synovial membrane passes from the investing ligament (fibrous capsule) to the synovial periostea, these cells are scattered and do not form a continuous surface layer as do, for example, the cells lining the inner surface of the gut or of a blood vessel. In this respect they resemble the cells of other connective tissues, such as bone and cartilage. Apart from the generation and maintenance of the matrix of the membrane, they also can ingest foreign material and thus have a phagocytic function. They seem to be the only cells capable of secreting hyaluronic acid, the characteristic component of synovial fluid.

The protective cells are scattered through the depths of the membrane. They are of two kinds: mast cells and phagocytes. The mast cells secrete heparin and play the same part in synovial membrane as they do elsewhere—for example, in the skin and the gums. The phagocytes ingest unwanted particles, even such large ones as those of injected India ink; they are, in short, scavengers here as elsewhere.
The subintima is the connective tissue base on which the intima lies; it may be fibrous, fatty, or areolar (loose). In it are found the blood vessels and nerves that have penetrated the fibrous layer. Both the blood vessels and the nerves form plexuses, to be described later. The areolar subintima forms folds (synovial fringes) or minute fingerlike projections (villi) that project into the synovial fluid. The villi become more abundant in middle and old age. The fatty parts of the subintima may be quite thin, but in all joints there are places where they project into the bursal cavity as fatty pads (plicae adiposae); these are wedge-shaped in section, like a meniscus, with the base of the wedge against the fibrous capsule. The fatty pads are large in the elbow, knee, and ankle joints.
The function of fatty pads depends upon the fact that fat is liquid in a living body and that, therefore, a mass of fat cells is easily deformable. When a joint is moved, the synovial fluid is thrown into motion because it is adhesive to the articular cartilages, the motion of the fluid being in the direction of motion of the moving part. The fatty pads project into those parts of the synovial space in which there would be a likelihood of an eddying (vortical) motion of the fluid if those parts were filled with fluid. In short, the pads contribute to the “internal streamlining” of the joint cavity. Their deformability enables them to do this effectively. Of equal importance is the fact that the fatty pads by their very presence keep the synovial fluid between the immediately neighbouring parts of the male and female surfaces sufficiently thin, with proper elasticity as well as viscosity, to lubricate the joint.
Fatty pads are well provided with elastic fibres that bring about recovery from the deformation caused by pressure across a moving joint and that prevent the pads from being squeezed between two conarticular surfaces at rest. Such squeezing can happen, however, as the result of an accident and is very painful because of the large number of pain nerve fibres in these pads.