- Related Topics:
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- solution
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- absorption
- turbidity
Molecular concentration is the number of molecules of a particular component per unit volume. Since the number of molecules in a litre or even a cubic centimetre is enormous, it has become common practice to use what are called molar, rather than molecular, quantities. A mole is the gram-molecular weight of a substance and, therefore, also Avogadro’s number of molecules (6.02 × 1023). Thus, the number of moles in a sample is the weight of the sample divided by the molecular weight of the substance; it is also the number of molecules in the sample divided by Avogadro’s number. Instead of using molecular concentration, it is more convenient to use molar concentration; instead of saying, for example, that the concentration is 12.04 × 1023 molecules per litre, it is simpler to say that it is two moles per litre. Concentration in moles per litre (i.e., molarity) is usually designated by the letter M.
In electrolyte solutions it is common to distinguish between the solvent (usually water) and the dissolved substance, or solute, which dissociates into ions. For these solutions it is useful to express composition in terms of molality, designated as m, a unit proportional to the number of undissociated solute molecules (or, alternatively, to the number of ions) per 1,000 grams of solvent. The number of molecules or ions in 1,000 grams of solvent usually is very large, so molality is defined as the number of moles per 1,000 grams of solvent.
Many compounds do not exist in molecular form, either as pure substances or in their solutions. The particles that make up sodium chloride (NaCl), for example, are sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl-), and, although equal numbers of these two ions are present in any sample of sodium chloride, no Na+ ion is associated with a particular Cl- ion to form a neutral molecule having the composition implied by the formula. Therefore, even though the compositions of such compounds are well defined, it would be erroneous to express concentrations of their solutions in terms of molecular weights. A useful concept in cases of this kind is that of the formula weight, defined as the sum of the weights of the atoms in the formula of the compound; thus, the formula weight of sodium chloride is the sum of the atomic weights of sodium and chlorine, 23 plus 35.5, or 58.5, and a solution containing 58.5 grams of sodium chloride per litre is said to have a concentration of one formal, or 1 F.
Mole fraction and mole percentage
It often is useful to express the composition of nonelectrolyte solutions in terms of mole fraction or mole percentage. In a binary mixture—i.e., a mixture of two components, 1 and 2—there are two mole fractions, x1 and x2, which satisfy the relation x1 + x2 = 1. The mole fraction x1 is the fraction of molecules of species 1 in the solution, and x2 is the fraction of molecules of species 2 in the solution. (Mole percentage is the mole fraction multiplied by 100.)
Volume fraction
The composition of a nonelectrolyte solution containing very large molecules, known as polymers, is most conveniently expressed by the volume fraction (Φ)—i.e., the volume of polymer used to prepare the solution divided by the sum of that volume of polymer and the volume of the solvent.
Equilibrium properties
A quantitative description of liquid-solution properties when the system is in equilibrium is provided by relating the vapour pressure of the solution to its composition. The vapour pressure of a liquid, pure or mixed, is the pressure exerted by those molecules that escape from the liquid to form a separate vapour phase above the liquid. If a quantity of liquid is placed in an evacuated, closed container the volume of which is slightly larger than that of the liquid, most of the container is filled with the liquid, but, immediately above the liquid surface, a vapour phase forms, consisting of molecules that have passed through the liquid surface from liquid to gas; the pressure exerted by that vapour phase is called the vapour (or saturation) pressure. For a pure liquid, this pressure depends only on the temperature, the best-known example being the normal boiling point, which is that temperature at which the vapour pressure is equal to the pressure of the atmosphere. The vapour pressure is one atmosphere at 100° C for water, at 78.5° C for ethyl alcohol, and at 125.7° C for octane. In a liquid solution, the component with the higher vapour pressure is called the light component, and that with the lower vapour pressure is called the heavy component.
In a liquid mixture, the vapour pressure depends not only on the temperature but also on the composition, and the key problem in understanding the properties of solutions lies in determining this composition dependence. The simplest approximation is to assume that, at constant temperature, the vapour pressure of a solution is a linear function of its composition (i.e., as one increases, so does the other in such proportion that, when the values are plotted, the resulting graph is a straight line). A mixture following this approximation is called an ideal solution.
In a pure liquid, the vapour generated by its escaping molecules necessarily has the same composition as that of the liquid. In a mixture, however, the composition of the vapour is not the same as that of the liquid; the vapour is richer in that component whose molecules have greater tendency to escape from the liquid phase. This tendency is measured by fugacity, a term derived from the Latin fugere (“to escape, to fly away”). The fugacity of a component in a mixture is (essentially) the pressure that the component exerts in the vapour phase when the vapour is in equilibrium with the liquid mixture. (A state of equilibrium is attained when all the properties remain constant in time and there is no net transfer of energy or matter between the vapour and the liquid.) If the vapour phase can be considered to be an ideal gas (i.e., the molecules in the gas phase are assumed to act independently and without any influence on each other), then the fugacity of a component, i, is equal to its partial pressure, which is defined as the product of the total vapour pressure, P, and the vapour-phase mole fraction, yi. Assuming ideal gas behaviour for the vapour phase, the fugacity (yiP) equals the product of the liquid-phase mole fraction, xi, the vapour pressure of pure liquid at the same temperature as that of the mixture, Pi°, and the activity coefficient, γi. The real concentration of a substance may not be an accurate measure of its effectiveness, because of physical and chemical interactions, in which case an effective concentration must be used, called the activity. The activity is given by the product of the mole fraction xi and the activity coefficient γi. The equation is: