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- terrigenous sediment
The world’s largest loess-covered areas lie between latitudes 55° and 24° N: in China on the banks of the Huang Ho; on the margins of the continental deserts of Inner Asia; in Central Asia in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, the foreland of the Tien Shan, and east of the Caspian Sea; and in Siberia along Lake Baikal and the Lena River and in vast regions in the southern parts of the catchment areas of the Ob and Yenisey rivers. In Europe there is an extensive, uninterrupted loess cover in the South Russian Plain, large spots and belts in the Danube Basin, along the Rhine, along the margin of the former inland ice cap in the German-Polish plain, and in the Paris Basin. In North America loess covers the plains of the Platte, Missouri, Mississippi, and Ohio rivers and the Columbia Plateau. In the Southern Hemisphere, between latitudes 30° and 40° S, the most significant loess regions include the “pampas loesses” of Uruguay and Argentina and parts of New Zealand.
Loess blankets may cover a variety of relief forms; they occur most often in plains; on river valley slopes, flats, and rises; on pediments in the forelands of mountains; and on alluvial fans. On mountain slopes and intermontane basins, loess occurs to a maximum elevation of 400–600 m in Europe, 1,000–2,000 m in Inner Asia, and up to 4,000 m in China.
The lithological classification of loess is based on physical and chemical properties, and the conditions of origin are partly or entirely neglected. In addition to true or typical loess, loessial and loesslike deposits also are quite frequent in occurrence. The proportions of silt and other fractions and constituents (clay, sand, lime), as well as colour, porosity, strength, and plasticity of loessial deposits, differ significantly from comparable properties of true loess. Loessial deposits include sandy loess, loessial sand, loess loam, clayey loess, and loess that is altered during soil-forming processes. Loesslike deposits, on the other hand, include sediments that resemble typical loess only in certain features (mineralogical composition, dominant dust fraction, colour, etc.). These deposits occur within or on the margins of loess regions and are most often mixed with other types of sediment. The group of loesslike deposits is not rigidly circumscribed; it usually is understood to include loess loam, loess mud, loess-containing rock debris, and stratified loess.
Genetic classifications of loess, in contrast to this lithological classification, are based on the origin of the silt and on the processes that have brought about its accumulation. This requires knowledge of the circumstances of loess formation, which involves many complications and, in all its ramifications, is termed the loess problem.
Environmental conditions in the areas of loess formation are revealed by pollen and the shell remains of snails, among other animals. The more frequent mammalian remains include mammoth, bison, musk ox, lemming, marmot, Siberian mouse, polar fox, cave bear, deer, elk, and reindeer. These lived in the Arctic tundra in cold, wooded steppes. Snail assemblages in loess indicate a cyclic alternation of species, reflecting both cold and humid climates and cold and dry climates; extremely dry conditions also may be indicated for restricted areas. The snails present in the loamy paleosols (ancient soils) that are intercalated between loess packets usually are indicative of a warmer climate. The cyclic alternation of forest and steppe snails shows that the climatic conditions during loess formation could not be exclusively cold and dry; such is the evidence of contained animal remains.
Pollen analysis reveals only the broad outlines of ancient plant ecology, but pollen assemblages indicate that cool grasslands, steppes, wooded steppes, and wooded tundras and tundras were among the preferred environments of loess deposition. These climatic zones lay south of the margins of the extensive Pleistocene ice sheets, significantly displaced from their normal (non-Ice Age) position, together with the zone of westerly winds.