Theories of personality development
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Freudian and other psychodynamic theories view neurotic symptoms as arising from intrapsychic conflict—i.e., the existence of conflicting motives, drives, impulses, and feelings held within various components of the mind. Central to psychoanalytic theory is the postulated existence of the unconscious, which is that part of the mind whose processes and functions are inaccessible to the individual’s conscious awareness or scrutiny. One of the functions of the unconscious is thought to be that of a repository for traumatic memories, feelings, ideas, wishes, and drives that are threatening, abhorrent, anxiety-provoking, or socially or ethically unacceptable to the individual. These mental contents may at some time be pushed out of conscious awareness but remain actively held in the unconscious. This process is a defense mechanism for protecting the individual from the anxiety or other psychic pain associated with those contents and is known as repression. The repressed mental contents held in the unconscious retain much of the psychic energy or power that was originally attached to them, however, and they can continue to influence significantly the mental life of the individual even though (or because) a person is no longer aware of them.
The natural tendency for repressed drives or feelings, according to this theory, is to reach conscious awareness so that the individual can seek the gratification, fulfillment, or resolution of them. But this threatened release of forbidden impulses or memories provokes anxiety and is seen as threatening, and a variety of defense mechanisms may then come into play to provide relief from the state of psychic conflict. Through reaction formation, projection, regression, sublimation, rationalization, and other defense mechanisms, some component of the unwelcome mental contents can emerge into consciousness in a disguised or attenuated form, thus providing partial relief to the individual. Later, perhaps in adult life, some event or situation in the person’s life triggers the abnormal discharge of the pent-up emotional energy in the form of neurotic symptoms in a manner mediated by defense mechanisms. Such symptoms can form the basis of neurotic disorders such as conversion and somatoform disorders (see below somatoform disorders), anxiety disorders, obsessional disorders, and depressive disorders. Since the symptoms represent a compromise within the mind between letting the repressed mental contents out and continuing to deny all conscious knowledge of them, the particular character and aspects of an individual’s symptoms and neurotic concerns bear an inner meaning that symbolically represents the underlying intrapsychic conflict. Psychoanalysis and other dynamic therapies help a person achieve a controlled and therapeutic recovery that is based on a conscious awareness of repressed mental conflicts along with an understanding of their influence on past history and present difficulties. These steps are associated with the relief of symptoms and improved mental functioning.
Freudian theory views childhood as the primary breeding ground of neurotic conflicts. This is because children are relatively helpless and are dependent on their parents for love, care, security, and support and because their psychosexual, aggressive, and other impulses are not yet integrated into a stable personality framework. The theory posits that children lack the resources to cope with emotional traumas, deprivations, and frustrations; if these develop into unresolved intrapsychic conflicts that the young person holds in abeyance through repression, there is an increased likelihood that insecurity, unease, or guilt will subtly influence the developing personality, thereby affecting the person’s interests, attitudes, and ability to cope with later stresses.
Non-Freudian psychodynamics
Psychoanalytic theory’s emphasis on the unconscious mind and its influence on human behavior resulted in a proliferation of other, related theories of causation incorporating—but not limited to—basic psychoanalytic precepts. Most subsequent psychotherapies have stressed in their theories of causation aspects of earlier, maladaptive psychological development that had been missed or underemphasized by orthodox psychoanalysis, or they have incorporated insights taken from learning theory. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, for instance, concentrated on the individual’s need for spiritual development and concluded that neurotic symptoms could arise from a lack of self-fulfillment in this regard. Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler emphasized the importance of feelings of inferiority and the unsatisfactory attempts to compensate for it as important causes of neurosis. Neo-Freudian authorities such as Harry Stack Sullivan, Karen Horney, and Erich Fromm modified Freudian theory by emphasizing social relationships and cultural and environmental factors as being important in the formation of mental disorders.
More-modern psychodynamic theories have moved away from the idea of explaining and treating neurosis on the basis of a defect in a single psychological system and have instead adopted a more complex notion of multiple causes, including emotional, psychosexual, social, cultural, and existential ones. A notable trend was the incorporation of approaches derived from theories of learning. Such psychotherapies emphasized the acquired faulty mental processes and maladaptive behavioral responses that act to sustain neurotic symptoms, thereby directing interest toward the patient’s extant circumstances and learned responses to those conditions as a causative factor in mental illness. These approaches marked a convergence of psychoanalytic theory and behavioral theory, especially with regard to each theory’s view of disease causation.