- Related Topics:
- alkali feldspar
- amazonstone
- microcline–microperthite
microcline, a common feldspar mineral, one form of potassium aluminosilicate (KAlSi3O8) that occurs in igneous rock. Green specimens are called amazonstone, which is sometimes used as a gem. Microcline forms multiple-twinned crystals and two sets of fine, tapering lamellae at right angles to each other; this tartan twinning distinguishes it from other feldspars. Microcline is found at Baveno, Italy; Kragerø, Nor.; Madagascar; and, as amazonstone, in the Urals, Russia, and Florissant, Colo., U.S. For detailed physical properties, see feldspar (table).
Microcline is the form of potassium feldspar that is stable at the lowest temperatures. Its structure differs from that of orthoclase because of a different distribution of silicon and aluminum atoms in its aluminosilicate crystal framework. Microcline exhibits a variation in symmetry. Individual specimens range from those that are triclinic (three unequal axes inclined obliquely to one another) to those that are barely distinguishable from monoclinic (three unequal axes, only one of which is inclined obliquely).
Microcline forms a series of mixtures with the plagioclase albite, the sodium atoms of which replace the potassium atoms in the microcline structure. The intermediate members of the series are called microcline–microperthites and exhibit exsolution (separation) of the sodium and potassium phases into minute intergrowths of distinct crystals of the pure compounds. It has been suggested that this chemical variation might also influence the symmetry.