Many angiosperms (flowering plants) lure insects through the use of bright colors that indicate the presence of nectar. Some orchids mimic other flowering plants without offering any nectar, relying on those plants that do provide nectar to reward the nectar seekers.
A group of orchids, often known by such descriptive names as fly orchid, bee orchid, and spider orchid, carries the deception further, actually mimicking the insects themselves. The best-known orchids of this type are members of the genus Ophrys. The labellum (lip) of the Ophrys flower is a specialized median petal that acts as a dummy female of a species of bee or wasp (depending on the species of Ophrys), the resemblance being so close that males visit the flower in an attempt to copulate with the dummy female. In the course of precopulatory and copulatory movements, the visiting insect acquires the pollen sacs (pollinia) of the orchid and subsequently transmits them to other blossoms. A similar situation occurs in an Australian orchid, Cryptostylis leptochila, which bears a sufficient resemblance to the female of the ichneumon wasp Lissopimpla semipunctata to induce copulation by the male wasp.
An important feature in the mimicry of female insects by orchids is flower size. Flowers that are too small do not provide adequate stimulus for the copulatory attempts necessary to plant the pollinia on the insect. Conversely, if the flower is too large for the insect, the insect’s head does not reach the stigma of the flower (the female receptor site for pollen), and the pollinia are not deposited on the insect.
The color of the orchid’s labellum is also important in attracting and properly orienting the male insect. The males are more attracted to dark than to light colors and to a contrasting dark spot on a light background. A velvety surface is a more effective attractant than a shiny one. The center of the labellum of Ophrys insectifera bears a dark red spot, almost black, whereas the lateral lobes of the labellum are a somewhat lighter purple-red. Female wasps of the genus Gorytes, males of which are highly attentive to this orchid, are black dorsally with dark purple wings. Where the folded wings overlap over the female’s body, there is a glistening area closely resembling the shiny central spot on the flower. The overall effect is further enhanced by movements of the flower in the wind.
Odor plays a particularly strong role in attracting male insects to the mimicking orchids. Some female bees (Hymenoptera) secrete odoriferous substances (pheromones) that initiate search behavior in the males and guide them to the stationary females. Such attractant chemicals are usually limited in effectiveness to the producing species and perhaps a few close relatives. Ophrys flowers give off odors similar to, if not identical with, those produced by females of their associated insects. In a few cases the odor of the flower is a more potent attractant for the male than that of the appropriate female.
Carrion flowers, stinkhorn mushrooms, and mosses
A group of flowers are able to attract dung beetles (certain of the Scarabaeidae) and carrion flies (Calliphoridae) by mimicking the odors of dung or rotting flesh used by these insects as guides to sites for egg deposition. In some carrion flowers (e.g., Stapelia) the deception is so complete that blowflies actually lay their eggs in the flowers. The cuckoopint (Arum maculatum), which has a metabolic level unequaled among plants, spreads its odor over a wide area by an elevation of temperature that increases the vaporization rate of the volatile odor substance. An elaborate mechanism in the cuckoopint ensures that a pollen-laden visitor remains long enough to deposit the pollen. The sheath of the floral structure, upon which the insect lands, is made slippery by oil droplets with the result that the insect slides down into a cup equipped with a ring of spines to prevent escape. In trying to climb out, the insect deposits pollen on the tiny female flowers, from which the insect receives nectar. During the night, the male flowers mature and cover the resting insect with pollen. Then the spines shrink, and the insect is released. The production of the attractant odor occurs at midday, when many carrion-seeking insects are active, on the day before the male flowers mature; the timing of the cuckoopint’s odor production is controlled by a substance produced by the male flowers six to 18 hours before maturity.
A similar situation is found in stinkhorn mushrooms of the genus Phallus, found in woodlands and meadows of the Northern Hemisphere. The cap of the young stinkhorn is covered with a thick, greenish-black, shiny layer of gelatinous spore slime (gleba), which is eaten by blowflies and other insects attracted by the carrion-like odor. The spores pass through the digestive tracts of the insects and are voided with the feces, thus ensuring dispersal.
Some mosses (e.g., some members of the genus Splanchnum) have flowerlike structures that are designed to attract flies to aid in spore dispersal. Insects are attracted by the mimic of a nectar-bearing true flower and by a carrion-like odor.
Defensive egg dummies
Several species of passion-flower (Passiflora) and cruciferous plants (Streptanthus) decrease their attractiveness to ovipositing female butterflies (thus reducing predation from butterfly larvae) by producing pigmented callosities that mimic the eggs of those insects. Prior to ovipositing, females visually assess the egg load on individual host plants, avoiding parts that are already “occupied.” Removal of the egg mimics significantly increases the probability of an oviposition relative to similar, intact plants.
Mimicry within species
The three essential participants in mimicry—model, mimic, and receiver—need not always be members of different species. In mimicry of the host by a parasite, for instance, the host species provides both model and receiver. In another type of mimicry the mimic and receiver are members of the same species. An example of this type of mimicry is found in the small South American characoid fish Corynopoma riisei, in which the gill cover of the male is elongated into a thin, whitish stalk that terminates in a small, blackish plate. During courtship, the male raises the stalk and waves it jerkily in view of the female, who mistakes the tip of the stalk for an edible object, such as a tiny crustacean. As the female nears the male to grasp this supposed prey, mating takes place.
Another remarkable form of mimicry within the same species occurs in the African mouth-breeding cichlid fish of the genus Haplochromis. The female takes the eggs into her mouth immediately after they are laid, even before the male can fertilize them. The male, however, carries conspicuous yellow or orange spots near the base of the anal fin, which closely resemble the eggs of the particular species. Although the female is inhibited from eating while carrying eggs, she is strongly motivated to pick up loose eggs in her mouth. The male displays the fin spots to the female while releasing sperm; the female, as she attempts to pick up the false eggs, takes in sperm that fertilize the eggs in her mouth. In this case the model (real eggs), mimic (false eggs), and receiver (adult female) are all of the same species.