The myofibril
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- Healthdirect - Bones, muscles and joints (Jan. 22, 2025)
Electron micrographs of thin sections of muscle fibres reveal groups of filaments oriented with their axes parallel to the length of the fibre. There are two sizes of filaments, thick and thin. Each array of filaments, called a myofibril, is shaped like a cylindrical column. Along the length of each myofibril alternate sets of thick and thin filaments overlap, or interdigitate, presenting alternate bands of dark regions (with thick filaments and overlapping thin ones) and light regions (with only thin filaments). Within a fibre all the myofibrils are in register, so that the regions of similar density lie next to each other, giving the fibre the characteristic striated appearance it shows in the phase-contrast or polarized light microscope. Each light region is divided in two by a dark band. The unit between two dark bands is known as a sarcomere.
Each myofibril is about one or two micrometres (1 micrometre = 10−6 metre) in diameter and extends the entire length of the muscle fibre. The number of myofibrils per fibre varies. At the end of the fibre, the myofibrils are attached to the plasma membrane by the intervention of specialized proteins.
Forty to 80 nanometres (nm) usually separate adjacent myofibrils in a fibre. This space contains two distinct systems of membranes involved in the activation of muscle contraction ( ). One system is a series of channels that open through the sarcolemma to the extra-fibre space. These channels are called the transverse tubules (T tubules) because they run across the fibre. The transverse tubular system is a network of interconnecting rings, each of which surrounds a myofibril. It provides an important communication pathway between the outside of the fibre and the myofibrils, some of which are located deep inside the fibre. The exact spatial relationship of the tubules to the filaments in the myofibril depends on the species of animal.
The other membrane system that surrounds each myofibril is the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a series of closed saclike membranes. Each segment of the sarcoplasmic reticulum forms a cufflike structure surrounding a myofibril. The portion in contact with the transverse tubule forms an enlarged sac called the terminal cisterna.
In most vertebrates each transverse tubule has two cisternae closely associated with it, forming a three-element complex called a triad. The number of triads per sarcomere depends on the species; for example, in frog muscle there is one per triad, and in mammalian muscle there are two. In fishes and crustaceans, only one cisterna is associated with each transverse tubule, thus forming a dyad. The sarcoplasmic reticulum controls the level of calcium ions in the sarcoplasm. The terminal cisternae apparently are the sites from which the calcium ions are released when the muscle is stimulated, and the longitudinal tubules are the sites at which calcium ions are effectively removed from the sarcoplasm. The removal of calcium ions (Ca2+) from the sarcoplasm is accomplished by a protein that catalyzes the breakdown of ATP, making the free energy of hydrolysis available for the energy-requiring process of Ca2+ transport.
The myofilament
As mentioned earlier, the myofibril is a columnlike array of filaments. In a longitudinal section through a group of myofibrils ( ), there is a light band of low density called the I band. In the centre of the I band there is a prominent dense line called the Z line, although in reality, considering the three-dimensional structure of the myofibril, it is more appropriate to speak of Z disks. The area between two Z lines, a sarcomere, can be considered to be the primary structural and functional unit directly responsible for muscle contraction. The myofibril can thus be thought of as a stack of sarcomeres. The A band, which contains thick filaments partly overlapped with thin filaments, appears dark.
Cross bridges
At high magnification, small bridgelike structures can be seen on the thick filaments extending toward the thin filaments in the overlap region. They are called cross bridges and are believed to be responsible for the movement and force developed during contraction (for the relation of cross bridges to the molecular architecture of thick filaments, see below). In the middle of the A band, where only thick filaments are present, is a region called the H zone; the H zone looks somewhat lighter than the overlap region of the A band. Also in the A band is a narrow, lightly stained region that contains bare thick filaments without cross bridges and is called the pseudo-H zone. In the centre of the A band is a narrow, darkly stained region called the M band, in which occur fine bridges between the thick filaments. These bridges differ from the cross bridges between the thick and thin filaments and are in fact composed of an entirely different protein.
If cross sections of the myofibril at different levels of the sarcomere are examined by electron microscope, the filaments can be seen end-on, and the three-dimensional nature of the lattice of filaments can be appreciated. The I band contains only thin filaments, with a diameter of 6 to 8 nm. In the A band, in the overlap region, the thin filaments appear with thick ones (diameter of 12 nm) in an extremely regular pattern or lattice. In vertebrates the thick filaments are arranged in a hexagonal lattice, and the thin ones are located at the centre of the equilateral triangles formed by the thick filaments. Sections through the H zone contain only thick filaments arranged in the same hexagonal pattern they form in the overlap region. In the M band the hexagonal array of thick filaments can be seen with M bridges running between them.
Sliding of filaments
The discovery that during contraction the filaments do not shorten but that the two sets—thick and thin—merely move relative to each other is crucial for our current understanding of muscle physiology. During contraction the thin filaments move deeper into the A band, and the overlap of the thick and thin filaments increases. If a longitudinal section of the sarcomere is considered, the thin filaments on the left side of the A band would move to the right into the A band, and the filaments on the right of the A band would move to the left into the A band. Directionality of the motion partly results from the structural polarity of both the thick filaments, since in the two halves of the filament the myosin molecules are oriented in opposite directions, and the actin filaments, in which the actin molecules are oriented with respect to the Z bands.
Proteins of the myofilaments
To understand the finer structural details of the myofilaments and the mechanism by which sliding, and ultimately muscle contraction, occurs, one must understand the molecular components of the filaments and of the structures associated with them. The myofilaments are composed of several different proteins, constituting about 50 percent of the total protein in muscle. The other 50 percent consists of the proteins in the Z line and M band, the enzymes in the sarcoplasm and mitochondria, collagen, and the proteins in membrane structures. Of the myofilament proteins, myosin and actin are known to play a direct part in the contractile event. Troponin and tropomyosin, which are located in the thin filaments together with calcium ions, regulate contraction by controlling the interaction of myosin and actin.
The main constituent of the thick filaments is myosin. Each thick filament is composed of about 250 molecules of myosin. Myosin has two important roles: a structural one, as the building block for the thick filaments, and a functional one, as the catalyst of the breakdown of ATP during contraction and in its interaction with actin as part of the force generator of muscle. The individual myosin molecule contains two major protein chains and four small ones, the entire molecule being about 160 nm in length and asymmetrically shaped. The rodlike tail region, about 120 nm long, consists of two chains of protein, each wound into what is known as an α-helix, together forming a coiled-coil structure. At the other end of the molecule, the two protein chains form two globular headlike regions that have the ability to combine with the protein actin and carry the enzymatic sites for ATP hydrolysis.
Thick filament assembly
In the middle portion of the thick filament, the molecules are assembled in a tail-to-tail fashion. Along the rest of the filament, they are arranged head to tail. The tail parts of the molecules form the core of the filament; the head portions project out from the filament. The cross bridges are actually the globular head regions of myosin molecules extending outward from the filament, and the smooth pseudo-H zone is the region of tail-to-tail aggregation, in which there are only tails and no heads.
The precise three-dimensional arrangement of the cross bridges projecting from the thick filament cannot be seen easily in electron micrographs but can be determined from X-ray diffraction study of living muscle. The three bridges project 120 degrees from the opposite sides of the filament every 14.3 nm along the length of the filament. Each successive set of bridges is located in a position rotated 40 degrees farther around the filament. The pattern of nine bridges (three sets of three bridges) repeats itself every 42.9 nm along the thick filament. Some variation may exist from species to species and muscle to muscle.
Thin filament proteins
The thin filaments contain three different proteins—actin, tropomyosin, and troponin. The latter is actually a complex of three proteins.
Actin, which constitutes about 25 percent of the protein of myofilaments, is the major component of the thin filaments in muscle. An individual molecule of actin is a single protein chain coiled to form a roughly egg-shaped unit. Actin in this form, called globular actin or G-actin, has one calcium or magnesium ion and one molecule of ATP bound to it. Under the proper conditions, G-actin is transformed into the fibrous form, or F-actin, that exists in the thin filament in muscle. When the G-to-F transformation takes place, the ATP bound to G-actin breaks down, releasing inorganic phosphate (Pi) and leaving an adenosine diphosphate (ADP) molecule bound to each actin unit. Actin molecules repeat every 2.75 nm along the thin filament. They give rise to a helical structure that can be viewed as a double or single helix. The apparent half-pitch is about 40 nm long. Actin is believed to be directly involved in the process of contraction because the cross bridges can become attached to it.
Tropomyosin is a rod-shaped molecule about 40 nm long. Two strands of tropomyosin molecules run diametrically opposed along the actin filaments. Tropomyosin has a structure similar to that of the myosin tail, being a coiled unit of two protein chains. Each tropomyosin molecule is in contact with seven actin units.
Troponin is a complex of three different protein subunits. One troponin complex is bound to every tropomyosin molecule. A troponin molecule is located approximately every 40 nm along the filament. Troponin and tropomyosin are both involved in the regulation of the contraction and relaxation of muscles. One of the subunits (TnC) is the receptor for Ca2+ released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum on activation of the muscle. It is thought that calcium binding then causes further structural changes in the interaction of actin, tropomyosin, and another troponin subunit (TnI) that lead to contraction by activating the actin-myosin interaction.