- Key People:
- James H. Wilkinson
- William Kahan
Numerical algorithms are at least as old as the Egyptian Rhind papyrus (c. 1650 bc), which describes a root-finding method for solving a simple equation. Ancient Greek mathematicians made many further advancements in numerical methods. In particular, Eudoxus of Cnidus (c. 400–350 bc) created and Archimedes (c. 285–212/211 bc) perfected the method of exhaustion for calculating lengths, areas, and volumes of geometric figures. When used as a method to find approximations, it is in much the spirit of modern numerical integration; and it was an important precursor to the development of calculus by Isaac Newton (1642–1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646–1716).
Calculus, in particular, led to accurate mathematical models for physical reality, first in the physical sciences and eventually in the other sciences, engineering, medicine, and business. These mathematical models are usually too complicated to be solved explicitly, and the effort to obtain approximate, but highly useful, solutions gave a major impetus to numerical analysis. Another important aspect of the development of numerical methods was the creation of logarithms about 1614 by the Scottish mathematician John Napier and others. Logarithms replaced tedious multiplication and division (often involving many digits of accuracy) with simple addition and subtraction after converting the original values to their corresponding logarithms through special tables. (Mechanization of this process spurred the English inventor Charles Babbage (1791–1871) to build the first computer—see History of computers: The first computer.)
Newton created a number of numerical methods for solving a variety of problems, and his name is still attached to many generalizations of his original ideas. Of particular note is his work on finding roots (solutions) for general functions and finding a polynomial equation that best fits a set of data (“polynomial interpolation”). Following Newton, many of the mathematical giants of the 18th and 19th centuries made major contributions to numerical analysis. Foremost among these were the Swiss Leonhard Euler (1707–1783), the French Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736–1813), and the German Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855).
One of the most important and influential of the early mathematical models in science was that given by Newton to describe the effect of gravity. According to this model, the gravitational force exerted on a body of mass m by the Earth has magnitude F = Gmme/r2, where me is the mass of the Earth, r is the distance between the centres of the two bodies, and G is the universal gravitational constant. The force on m is directed toward the centre of gravity of the Earth. Newton’s model has led to many problems that require solution by approximate means, usually involving ordinary differential equations.
Following the development by Newton of his basic laws of physics, many mathematicians and physicists applied these laws to obtain mathematical models for solid and fluid mechanics. Civil and mechanical engineers still base their models on this work, and numerical analysis is one of their basic tools. In the 19th century, phenomena involving heat, electricity, and magnetism were successfully modeled; and in the 20th century, relativistic mechanics, quantum mechanics, and other theoretical constructs were created to extend and improve the applicability of earlier ideas. One of the most widespread numerical analysis techniques for working with such models involves approximating a complex, continuous surface, structure, or process by a finite number of simple elements. Known as the finite element method (FEM), this technique was developed by the American engineer Harold Martin and others to help the Boeing Company analyze stress forces on new jet wing designs in the 1950s. FEM is widely used in stress analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, and torsion analysis.
Theory of numerical analysis
The following is a rough categorization of the mathematical theory underlying numerical analysis, keeping in mind that there is often a great deal of overlap between the listed areas.
Numerical linear and nonlinear algebra
Many problems in applied mathematics involve solving systems of linear equations, with the linear system occurring naturally in some cases and as a part of the solution process in other cases. Linear systems are usually written using matrix-vector notation, Ax = b with A the matrix of coefficients for the system, x the column vector of the unknown variables x1,…, xn, and b a given column vector. Solving linear systems with up to 1,000 variables is now considered relatively straightforward in most cases. For small to moderately sized linear systems (say, n ≤ 1,000), the favoured numerical method is Gaussian elimination and its variants; this is simply a precisely stated algorithmic variant of the method of elimination of variables that is introduced in elementary algebra. For larger linear systems, there is a variety of approaches depending on the structure of the coefficient matrix A. Direct methods lead to a theoretically exact solution x in a finite number of steps, with Gaussian elimination the best-known example. In practice, there are errors in the computed value of x due to rounding errors in the computation, arising from the finite length of numbers in standard computer arithmetic. Iterative methods are approximate methods that create a sequence of approximating solutions of increasing accuracy.
Nonlinear problems are often treated numerically by reducing them to a sequence of linear problems. As a simple but important example, consider the problem of solving a nonlinear equation f(x) = 0. Approximate the graph of y = f(x) by the tangent line at a point x(0) near the desired root (use of parentheses is a common notational convention to distinguish successive iterations from exponentiation), and use the root of the tangent line to approximate the root of the original nonlinear function f(x). This leads to Newton’s iterative method for finding successively better approximations to the desired root: x(k +1) = x(k) − f(x(k))/f′(x(k)), k = 0, 1, 2, …, where f′(x) indicates the first derivative of the original function.
This generalizes to handling systems of nonlinear equations. Let f(x) = 0 denote a system of n nonlinear equations in n unknowns x = (x1,…, xn). Newton’s method for solving this system is given by x(k + 1) = x(k) + δ(k) f′(x(k))δ(k) = −f(x(k)), k = 0, 1, 2,…
In this, f′(x) is a generalization of the derivative known as the Jacobian matrix of f(x), and the second equation is a linear system of order n. There are numerous other approaches to solving nonlinear systems, most based on using some type of approximation involving linear functions.
An important related class of problems occurs under the heading of optimization. Given a real-valued function f(x) with x a vector of unknowns, a value of x that minimizes f(x) is sought. In some cases x is allowed to vary freely, and in other cases there are constraints on x. Such problems occur frequently in business applications.