- Also called:
- redox reaction
Stoichiometric basis
Describing the redox processes as above conveys no information about the mechanism by which change takes place. A complete description of the net chemical change for a process is known as the stoichiometry of the reaction, which provides the characteristic combining proportions of elements and compounds. Reactions are classified as redox and nonredox on the basis of stoichiometry; oxygen-atom, hydrogen-atom, and electron transfer are stoichiometric categories.
Oxidation-state change
Comprehensive definitions of oxidation and reduction have been made possible by modern molecular structure theory. Every atom consists of a positive nucleus, surrounded by negative electrons, which determine the bonding characteristics of each element. In forming chemical bonds, atoms donate, acquire, or share electrons. This makes it possible to assign every atom an oxidation number, which specifies the number of its electrons that can be involved in forming bonds with other atoms. From the particular atoms in a molecule and their known bonding capacities, the bonding pattern within a molecule is determined, and each atom is regarded as being in a specific oxidation state, expressed by an oxidation number.
Redox processes are defined as reactions accompanied by oxidation-state changes: an increase in an atom’s oxidation number corresponds to an oxidation; a decrease, to a reduction. In this generalized theory, three examples of ways in which oxidation-state changes can occur are by oxygen-atom (gain, oxidation; loss, reduction), hydrogen-atom (loss, oxidation; gain, reduction), and electron (loss, oxidation; gain, reduction) transfer. The oxidation-state change definition is usually compatible with the above rules for applying the oxygen-atom-transfer and hydrogen-atom-transfer criteria and always compatible with the electron-transfer criterion when it is applicable. The oxidation state of any atom is indicated by a roman numeral following the name or symbol for the element. Thus, iron(III), or Fe(III), means iron in an oxidation state of +3. The uncombined Fe(III) ion is simply Fe3+.