Also known as: lithosiderite
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stony iron meteorites
- In stony iron meteorite
…of stony iron, known as pallasites (formerly called lithosiderites), the nickel-iron is a coherent mass enclosing separated stony parts. The material that makes up pallasites probably formed, after melting and differentiation of their parent asteroids, at the interface between the nickel-iron metal core and the surrounding silicate mantle. The other…
Read More - In meteorite: Stony iron meteorites
They fall into two groups: pallasites and mesosiderites. Pallasites are composed of a network of nickel-iron metal in which are set crystals of the silicate mineral olivine. Olivine crystals are typically about 0.5 cm (0.2 inch) across. The centres of large areas of metal exhibit the Widmanstätten structure. Pallasites formed…
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