Attributes of the MMPI
- Key People:
- June Etta Downey
- Henry Murray
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- On the Web:
- CiteseerX - Methods of personality assessment (PDF) (Feb. 15, 2025)
The MMPI as originally published consists of nine clinical scales (or sets of items), each scale having been found in practice to discriminate a particular clinical group, such as people suffering from schizophrenia, depression, or paranoia (see mental disorder). Each of these scales (or others produced later) was developed by determining patterns of response to the inventory that were observed to be distinctive of groups of individuals who had been psychiatrically classified by other means (e.g., by long-term observation). The responses of apparently normal subjects were compared with those of hospital patients with a particular psychiatric diagnosis—for example, with symptoms of schizophrenia. Items to which the greatest percentage of “normals” gave answers that differed from those more typically given by patients came to constitute each clinical scale.
In addition to the nine clinical scales and many specially developed scales, there are four so-called control scales on the inventory. One of these is simply the number of items placed by the subject in the “cannot say” category. The L (or lie) scale was devised to measure the tendency of the test taker to attribute socially desirable attributes to himself. In response to “I get angry sometimes” he should tend to mark false; extreme L scorers in the other direction appear to be too good, too virtuous. Another so-called F scale was included to provide a reflection of the subjects’ carelessness and confusion in taking the inventory (e.g., “Everything tastes the same” tends to be answered true by careless or confused people). More subtle than either the L or F scales is what is called the K scale. Its construction was based on the observation that some persons tend to exaggerate their symptoms because of excessive openness and frankness and may obtain high scores on the clinical scales; others may exhibit unusually low scores because of defensiveness. On the K-scale item “I think nearly anyone would tell a lie to keep out of trouble,” the defensive person is apt to answer false, giving the same response to “I certainly feel useless at times.” The K scale was designed to reduce these biasing factors; by weighting clinical-scale scores with K scores, the distorting effect of test-taking defensiveness may be reduced.
In general, it has been found that the greater the number and magnitude of one’s unusually high scores on the MMPI, the more likely it is that one is in need of psychiatric attention. Most professionals who use the device refuse to make assumptions about the factualness of the subject’s answers and about his personal interpretations of the meanings of the items. Their approach does not depend heavily on theoretical predilections and hypotheses. For this reason the inventory has proved particularly popular with those who have strong doubts about the eventual validity that many theoretical formulations will show in connection with personality measurement after they have been tested through painstaking research. The MMPI also appeals to those who demand firm experimental evidence that any personality assessment method can make valid discriminations among individuals.
In recent years there has been growing interest in actuarial personality description—that is, in personality description based on traits shared in common by groups of people. Actuarial description studies yield rules by which persons may be classified according to their personal attributes as revealed by their behaviour (on tests, for example). Computer programs are now available for diagnosing such disorders as hysteria, schizophrenia, and paranoia on the basis of typical group profiles of MMPI responses. Computerized methods for integrating large amounts of personal data are not limited to this inventory and are applicable to other inventories, personality tests (e.g., inkblots), and life-history information. Computerized classification of MMPI profiles, however, has been explored most intensively.
Comparison of the MMPI and CPI
The MMPI has been considered in some detail here because of its wide usage and because it illustrates a number of important problems confronting those who attempt to assess personality characteristics. Many other omnibus personality inventories are also used in applied settings and in research. The California Psychological Inventory (CPI), for example, is keyed for several personality variables that include sociability, self-control, flexibility, and tolerance. Unlike the MMPI, it was developed specifically for use with “normal” groups of people. Whereas the judgments of experts (usually psychiatric workers) were used in categorizing subjects given the MMPI during the early item-writing phase of its development, nominations by peers (such as respondents or friends) of the subjects were relied upon in work with the CPI. Its technical development has been evaluated by test authorities to be of high order, in part because its developers profited from lessons learned in the construction and use of the MMPI. It also provides measures of response sets and has been subjected to considerable research study.
From time to time, most personality inventories are revised for a variety of reasons, including the need to take account of cultural and social changes and to improve them. For example, a revision of the CPI was published in 1987. In the revision, the inventory itself was modified to improve clarity, update content, and delete items that might be objectionable to some respondents. Because the item pool remained largely unchanged, data from the original samples were used in computing norms and in evaluating reliability and validity for new scales and new composite scores. The descriptions of high and low scorers on each scale have been refined and sharpened, and correlations of scale scores with other personality tests have been reported.
Other self-report techniques
Beyond personality inventories, there are other self-report approaches to personality measurement available for research and applied purposes. Mention was made earlier of the use of rating scales. The rating-scale technique permits quantification of an individual’s reactions to himself, to others, and, in fact, to any object or concept in terms of a standard set of semantic (word) polarities such as “hot-cold” or “good-bad.” It is a general method for assessing the meanings of these semantic concepts to individuals.
Another method of self-report called the Q-sort is devised for problems similar to those for which rating scales are used. In a Q-sort a person is given a set of sentences, phrases, or words (usually presented individually on cards) and is asked to use them to describe himself (as he thinks he is or as he would like to be) or someone else. This description is carried out by having the subject sort the items on the cards in terms of their degree of relevance so that they can be distributed along what amounts to a rating scale. Examples of descriptive items that might be included in a Q-sort are “worries a lot,” “works hard,” and “is cheerful.”
Typical paper-and-pencil instruments such as personality inventories involve verbal stimuli (words) intended to call forth designated types of responses from the individual. There are clearly stated ground rules under which he makes his responses. Paper-and-pencil devices are relatively easy and economical to administer and can be scored accurately and reliably by relatively inexperienced clerical workers. They are generally regarded by professional personality evaluators as especially valuable assessment tools in screening large numbers of people, as in military or industrial personnel selection. Assessment specialists do not assume that self-reports are accurate indicators of personality traits. They are accepted, rather, as samples of behaviour for which validity in predicting one’s everyday activities or traits must be established empirically (i.e., by direct observation or experiment). Paper-and-pencil techniques have moved from their early stage of assumed (face) validity to more advanced notions in which improvements in conceptualization and methodology are clearly recognized as basic to the determination of empirical validity.