pillow lava
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- features of spreading centres
- In spreading centre
…centres include metal-rich sediments and pillow lavas, which are concentrations of igneous rock that resemble large overstuffed pillows about 1 metre (about 3 feet) in cross section and one to several metres long. They commonly form small hills tens of metres high at the spreading centres. In addition, sediments at…
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- igneous rock bodies
- In igneous rock: Pillow structures
These are aggregates of ovoid masses, resembling pillows or grain-filled sacks in size and shape, that occur in many basic volcanic rocks. The masses are separated or interconnected, and each has a thick vesicular crust or a thinner and more dense glassy rind.…
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- lava
- subglacial volcanic activity
- In volcano: Determinants of size and shape
…volcanoes have steep sides of pillow lavas—sacklike structures that form when flows of basaltic lava are extruded into the ocean, a deep lake, or a water-filled cavern within ice. These pillow structures are capped by several tens of metres of broken lava fragments from explosive shallow-water eruptions. The broken lava…
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structure of
- Earth’s mantle
- In Earth exploration: Conclusions about the deep Earth
…and cools rapidly is called pillow basalt, while the underlying material that cools more slowly forms gabbros and sheeted dikes. Sediments gradually accumulate on top of these, producing a comparatively simple pattern of sediment, basaltic basement, gabbroic layering, and underlying mantle structure. Much of the heat flow from the solid…
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- oceanic crust
- In oceanic crust
…are generally of two types: pillow lavas and sheet flows. Pillow lavas appear to be shaped exactly as the name implies—like large overstuffed pillows about 1 metre (3 feet) in cross section and 1 to several metres long. They commonly form small hills tens of metres high at the spreading…
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