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- amines
- In amine: Occurrence and sources of amines
…principally as products of the putrefaction of protein material, but they are also present in living tissue (e.g., histamine, a cyclic aliphatic amine). The methylamines occur in small amounts in some plants. Many polyfunctional amines (i.e., those having other functional groups in the molecule) occur as alkaloids in plants—for example,…
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work of
- Lister
- In Joseph Lister: Work in antisepsis
… by experiments on fermentation and putrefaction. Lister’s education and his familiarity with the microscope, the process of fermentation, and the natural phenomena of inflammation and coagulation of the blood impelled him to accept Pasteur’s theory as the full revelation of a half-suspected truth. At the start he believed the germs…
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- Pasteur
- In Louis Pasteur: Pasteur effect
…that the phenomena occurring during putrefaction were due to specific germs that function under anaerobic conditions.
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