Applications of quantum mechanics
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- wave mechanics
- On the Web:
- Institute of Physics - Quantum mechanics (Feb. 14, 2025)
As has been noted, quantum mechanics has been enormously successful in explaining microscopic phenomena in all branches of physics. The three phenomena described in this section are examples that demonstrate the quintessence of the theory.
Decay of the kaon
The kaon (also called the K0 meson), discovered in 1947, is produced in high-energy collisions between nuclei and other particles. It has zero electric charge, and its mass is about one-half the mass of the proton. It is unstable and, once formed, rapidly decays into either 2 or 3 pi-mesons. The average lifetime of the kaon is about 10−10 second.
In spite of the fact that the kaon is uncharged, quantum theory predicts the existence of an antiparticle with the same mass, decay products, and average lifetime; the antiparticle is denoted by 0. During the early 1950s, several physicists questioned the justification for postulating the existence of two particles with such similar properties. In 1955, however, Murray Gell-Mann and Abraham Pais made an interesting prediction about the decay of the kaon. Their reasoning provides an excellent illustration of the quantum mechanical axiom that the wave function Ψ can be a superposition of states; in this case, there are two states, the K0 and 0 mesons themselves.
A K0 meson may be represented formally by writing the wave function as Ψ = K0; similarly Ψ =
From these two equations it follows that
The reason for defining the two states K1 and K2 is that, according to quantum theory, when the K0 decays, it does not do so as an isolated particle; instead, it combines with its antiparticle to form the states K1 and K2. The state K1 (called the K-short [K0S]) decays into two pi-mesons with a very short lifetime (about 9 × 10−11 second), while K2 (called the K-long [K0L]) decays into three pi-mesons with a longer lifetime (about 5 × 10−8 second).
The physical consequences of these results may be demonstrated in the following experiment. K0 particles are produced in a nuclear reaction at the point A ( ). They move to the right in the figure and start to decay. At point A, the wave function is Ψ = K0, which, from equation (16), can be expressed as the sum of K1 and K2. As the particles move to the right, the K1 state begins to decay rapidly. If the particles reach point B in about 10−8 second, nearly all the K1 component has decayed, although hardly any of the K2 component has done so. Thus, at point B, the beam has changed from one of pure K0 to one of almost pure K2, which equation (15) shows is an equal mixture of K0 and 0. In other words, 0 particles appear in the beam simply because K1 and K2 decay at different rates. At point B, the beam enters a block of absorbing material. Both the K0 and 0 are absorbed by the nuclei in the block, but the 0 are absorbed more strongly. As a result, even though the beam is an equal mixture of K0 and 0 when it enters the absorber, it is almost pure K0 when it exits at point C. The beam thus begins and ends as K0.
Gell-Mann and Pais predicted all this, and experiments subsequently verified it. The experimental observations are that the decay products are primarily two pi-mesons with a short decay time near A, three pi-mesons with longer decay time near B, and two pi-mesons again near C. (This account exaggerates the changes in the K1 and K2 components between A and B and in the K0 and 0 components between B and C; the argument, however, is unchanged.) The phenomenon of generating the 0 and regenerating the K1 decay is purely quantum. It rests on the quantum axiom of the superposition of states and has no classical counterpart.