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There are a number of diseases in humans and other animals in which light sensitivity is involved; for example, hydroa, which manifests itself in blisters on parts of the body exposed to sunlight. It has been suggested that this disease results from a light-sensitive porphyrin compound found in the blood.
Actually there are many organic substances and various materials of biologic origin that make cells sensitive to light. When eosin is added to a suspension of human red blood corpuscles exposed to light, the red corpuscles will break up in a process called hemolysis. Other typical photodynamic substances are rose bengal, hematoporphyrin, and phylloerythrin—all are dyes capable of fluorescence. Their toxicity manifests itself only in the presence of light and oxygen.
Some diseases in domestic animals result from ingestion of plants having photodynamic pigments. For example, St. Johnswort’s disease is caused by the plant Hypericum. Fagopyrism results from eating buckwheat. In geeldikopp (“yellow thick head”), the photodynamic agent is produced in the animal’s own intestinal tract from chlorophyll derived from plants. In humans the heritable condition of porphyria frequently is associated with light sensitivity, as are a number of somewhat ill-defined dermatologic conditions that result from exposure to sunlight. The recessively inherited rare disease xeroderma pigmentosum also is associated with light exposure; it usually results in death at an early age from tumours of the skin that develop on exposed areas. The cells of such individuals possess a serious genetic defect: they lack the ability to repair nucleic-acid lesions caused by ultraviolet light.
Certain drugs (e.g., sulfanilamide) sensitize some persons to sunlight. Many cases are known in which ingestion of or skin contact with a photodynamic substance was followed by increased light sensitivity.
Effects on development and biologic rhythms
In addition to its photosynthetic effect, light exerts an influence on growth and spatial orientation of plants. This phototropism is associated with yellow pigments and is particularly marked in blue light. The presence of illumination is a profound modifier of the cellular activities in plants as well. For example, while some species of blue-green algae carry out photosynthesis in the presence of light, they do not undergo cell division.
Diffuse sensitivity to light also exists in several phyla of animals. Many protozoans react to light. Chameleons, frogs, and octopuses change colour under the influence of light. Such changes are ascribed to special organs known as chromatophores, which are under the influence of the nervous system or endocrine system. The breeding habits and migration of some birds are set in motion by small consecutive changes in the daily cycle of light.
Light is an important controlling agent of recurrent daily physiological alterations (circadian rhythms) in many animals, including humans in all likelihood. Lighting cycles have been shown to be important in regulating several types of endocrine function: the daily variation in light intensity keeps the secretion of adrenal steroids in synchrony; the annual breeding cycles in many mammals and birds appear to be regulated by light. Ambient light somehow influences the secretions of a tiny gland, the pineal body, located near the cerebellum. The pineal body, under the action of enzymes, produces melanotonin, which in higher concentrations slows down the estrous cycle; low levels of melanotonin, caused by exposure of animals to light, accelerates estrus. It is believed that light stimulates the retina, and information is then transmitted by sympathetic nerves to the pineal body.
Effects on the eyes
The wavelength of light that produces sunburn also can cause inflammation of the cornea of the eye. This is what occurs in snow blindness or after exposure to strong ultraviolet light sources. Unusual sensitivities have been reported. Ultraviolet light, like infrared or penetrating radiations, can also cause cataract of the eye lens, a condition characterized by denatured protein in the fibrous cells forming the lens (see above Major types of radiation injury: Lens of the eye). The retina usually is not reached by ultraviolet light, but large doses of visible and infrared light can irreversibly bleach the visual pigments, as in sun blindness. Numerous pathological conditions of the eye are accompanied by abnormal light sensitivity and pain, a condition that is known as photophobia. The pain appears to be associated with reflex movements of the iris and reflex dilation of the blood vessels of the conjunctiva. Workers exposed to ultraviolet-light sources or to atomic flashes need to wear protective glasses.
Cornelius A. Tobias