Seed size and predation
- Key People:
- W. Atlee Burpee
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Seeds form the main source of food for many birds, rodents, ants, and beetles. Harvester ants of the genus Veromessor, for example, exact a toll of about 15,000,000 seeds per acre (37,050,000 seeds per hectare) per year from the Sonoran Desert of the southwestern United States. In view of the enormous size range of the predators, which include minute weevil and bruchid-beetle larvae that attack the seeds internally, evolutionary “manipulation” of seed size by a plant species cannot in itself be effective in completely avoiding seed attack. With predation inescapable, however, it must be advantageous for a plant species to invest the total reproductive effort in a large number of very small units (seeds) rather than in a few big ones. The mean seed weight of those 13 species of Central American woody legumes vulnerable to bruchid attack is 0.26 gram (0.009 ounce). In contrast, the mean seed weight of the 23 species invulnerable by virtue of toxic seed constituents is 3 grams (0.1 ounce).
Seed size and germination
Ecologically, seed size is also important in the breaking of dormancy. Being small, a seed can only “sample” that part of the environment immediately adjacent to it, which is not necessarily representative of the generally prevailing conditions. For successful seedling establishment, there is clearly a risk in “venturing out” in adverse conditions. The development in seeds of mechanisms acting as “integrating rain gauges” should be considered in that light (see below).
The shape of dispersal units
Apart from the importance of shape as a factor in determining the mode of dispersal (e.g., wind dispersal of winged seeds, animal dispersal of spiny fruits), shape also counts when the seed or diaspore is seen as a landing device. The flatness of the enormous tropical Mora seeds prevents rolling and effectively restricts germination to the spot where they land. In contrast, Eusideroxylon zwageri does not grow on steep slopes, because its heavy fruits roll downhill. The grains of the grass Panicum turgidum, which have a flat and a round side, germinate much better when the flat rather than the convex side lies in contact with wet soil. In very small seeds, the importance of shape can be judged only by taking into account soil clod size and microtopography of the soils onto which they are dropped. The rounded seeds of cabbage species, for example, tend to roll into crevices, whereas the reticulate ones of lamb’s quarters (Chenopodium album) often stay in the positions in which they first fall. Several seeds have appendages (awns, bristles) that promote germination by aiding in orientation and self-burial. In one study, for example, during a six-month period, awned grains of Danthonia penicillata gave rise to 12 times as many established seedlings as de-awned ones.
Polymorphism of seeds and fruits
Some plant species produce two or more sharply defined types of seeds that differ in appearance, colour, shape, size, internal structure, or dormancy. In common spurry (Spergula arvensis), for example, the seed coat (part of the mother plant) may be either smooth or papillate (covered with tiny nipple-like projections). Here the phenomenon is genetically controlled by a single factor, so all the seeds of a given plant are either papillate or smooth. More common is somatic polymorphism, the production by individual plants of different seed types, or “morphs.” Somatic polymorphism occurs regularly in saltbush (Atriplex) and goosefoot (Chenopodium), in which a single plant may produce both large brown seeds capable of immediate germination and small black ones with some innate dormancy. Somatic polymorphism may be controlled by the position of the two (or more) seed types within one inflorescence (flower cluster) or fruit, as in cocklebur, or it may result from environmental effects, as in Halogeton, in which imposition of long or short days leads to production of brown or black seeds, respectively. Since the different morphs in seed (and fruit) polymorphism usually have different dispersal mechanisms and dormancies, so germination is spread out both in space and in time, the phenomenon can be seen as an insurance against catastrophe.
Agents of dispersal
While some seeds are dispersed independently of the fruits they matured in, others are dispersed together with the fruit, as is common in many edible fruits, nuts, and cereals. Such a dispersal unit is referred to as a diaspore. The dispersing agents for seeds and diaspores are indicated in such terms as anemochory, hydrochory, and zoochory, which mean dispersal by wind, water, and animals, respectively. Within the zoochorous group, further differentiation according to the carriers can be made: saurochory, dispersal by reptiles; ornithochory, by birds; myrmecochory, by ants. Or the manner in which the seeds or diaspores are carried can be emphasized, distinguishing endozoochory, seeds or diaspores carried within an animal; epizoochory, seeds or diaspores accidentally carried on the outside; and synzoochory, seeds or diaspores intentionally carried, mostly in the mouth, as in birds and ants.